Just Another Suicide Story

Chapter two

As Shayna knew already, i wasn't going to school. i faked sick so my parents would let me stay home. so i sent Shayna a heads-up IM so she wouldn't be to mad at me.

Kairi; i won't be at school for a while Shayna.
So can you bring me my home work?
What i didn't know was Shayna was on.

Shayna; you know you're going to have to get over him sooner or later..
but sure, i will bring you your homework.

Shayna signed out.

Shayna is definitely mad at me, but she understands. what she doesn't know is it's going to be later when i get over him. i mean, god ! me and Max were together for four years. i looked around my room, and noticed i still had pictures of him all over my room. i thought to myself, "What would Shayna say to do with the pictures?" the answer hit me sooner than i thought. i found a old brown paper bag, and opened it up. went around my room, and found all the pictures i had of us. i throw them on my bed one at a time, and after they were all found and laying on my bed. i sat on the corner of the mattress. lifting them one by one staring at them before i tore them into little tiny squares, and placing them in the paper bag. Afterward, i found all his clothes, things he had given me during our relationship, and placed them in a box. took both the paper bag full of old torn pictures, and the box of old stuff to the backyard. lighting them on fire, and watching them burn. Shayna always says, "Burn the old memories, and bring in the new. also, it's better to burn them, then to cry every time you see them. Plus, it's fun." i smiled to myself, because Shayna always knew what was best for me. She's a wonderful best friend.

as i watched my past being burned i realized i was ready to let the future come fourth.
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