Stag Night.


Moonlight glistens through the trees, whispers of wind slither through the swaying branches. Bright eyes glare from the shadows between the tall trunks of the nearby oak trees. My fists clench; jaw tightens; breathe stops; eyes lock. It notices me, its eyes widening in fright and it begins to weigh down its options; left to right, right to left, its head blurring from the velocity of its panic. A slight tingle runs through my legs, and I pounce, my hands stretching towards the target. It stands still in shock as my competition closes in, three pairs of hands fumbling to be victorious. Their eyes glint with humour, fear; and anger in Emmett’s case.

After a while, I stand back, giving my brothers a chance at the near-dead stag; watching as its eyes roll feverishly into the back of its head. Jasper turns towards me, a sly smile plastered on his face as he strolls contentedly over to me.

“So, what do you think?” he asks, his eyes flashing gently towards Emmett, who lifts his hand to his lips, removing the evidence from around them. Jaspers laugh echoes around me, and a brainwave gets sent my way; he’s missed a bit, just below his eye. I inconspicuously follow Jasper’s stare, and let out a huge guffaw. Emmett’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion as Jasper turns back to face me.

“I like how you took the idea of a ‘stag’ night seriously.” I nod towards the dead animal, and pat his shoulder. We begin the journey back through the trees, Emmett finally giving in to my constant pleads of taking the long way. I stop beneath Bella’s tree and her deep breaths echo through my ears. I smile to myself, and signal to Emmett that I’ll only be a second. I crouch down, aiming for the open window. My feet leave the ground for half a second, before I am pulled back down again. We land with a thud, our eyes closing cautiously at the sound.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Emmett grunts, lifting himself from the ground and pulling me up with him. He keeps his hand wrapped tightly around my forearm, dragging me towards the forest edge. “Surely you can last a few hours?” He asks, looking disbelievingly at me as I run my fingers through my hair, and roll my eyes. We start laughing as Jasper runs away, his fists clenched, intensifying his speed significantly. Emmett winks at me and takes a head start, his footsteps matching perfectly with Jaspers’, except for the fact that his are larger. I tut loudly and allow them to gain some space. With a smile on my face, I run, my eyes locked on the speeding images before me, my teeth bearing slyly. My growl echoes through the trees, causing birds to flutter away, but still looking back to watch the commotion. They fly beside us, their wings whispering words of encouragement and they shoot ahead, gathering at the finish line; the house.

Carlisle’s gentle laughter echoes as we close the gap between ourselves and the house. I speed up, my arms and legs pumping every ounce of energy within me. I overtake Emmett, whose smile fades as he realises he’s in last place. Jasper turns at the sound of my laughter and slows down for a second, giving me the chance to overtake him. I do so, my eyes widening at the site of our audience. Alice and Rosalie cheer loudly for Jasper and Emmett, who were battling it out for second place. Carlisle and Esme were stood huddled together in the doorway, Esme’s radiant smile signalling my victory. I swing my hands into the air, and feel the unneeded air whoosh out of me. Two pairs of arms rest awkwardly between the floor and my rock hard body, my two brothers whimpering in fake pain.

“Boys, there was no need to rugby tackle him!” Esme proclaims and strides lovingly towards us. Her hands outstretch towards me, but Emmett is the one to take hold. She laughs and pushes him back down to the ground. “Tonight is Edward’s night.” Her smile emits happiness as she follows the girls back through the windowed doors, her caramel hair flying elegantly behind her.

“Oi, dude, are you coming?” Emmett says casually, reaching to check the non-existent watch on his right wrist. I sigh lightly at him, following his huge form through the glass door. I walk into the large white room, its only occupant a small round table in the center. A jade cloth lies elegantly over it, its loose edges swaying gracefully in the breeze. A single deck of cards calls from the table, their red decoration inviting us in.

Excited chatter echoes across the landing, the remains of Rosalie’s hair swinging around the corner. Random bits of conversation can be heard through the thin walls; I cannot wait to see Bella’s dress,comes Esme’s whispers; What are you wearing Esme? Alice’s interest in fashion never fails.

“So, who’s dealing?” Emmett asks, rubbing his hands together excitedly. He settles himself in a seat beside Jasper, nudging him playfully to move over. The large sofa that surrounds the table fits three, with the spare player being the dealer. A stool sits opposite the sofa; Carlisle pulls it out to make enough space for his legs.

“I am. I know what you lot are like!” He chuckles, a blurred image moving through his hands. He stops the movement, the pack of cards settling in his right hands.

The night begins to grow darker as the games continue, with Emmett whooping insanely with every win. We carry on until the morning, with Alice working around us to prepare the aisle.

“Come on,” she smiles. “It’s time to change, she’ll be here soon.”