How To Care For Your Magical Creature

The Warlock's Staff

Snape turned, his cloak flourished.. "You want to lick my WHAT??" he said, incredulous. Neville smiled suggestively, "Your broomstick, sir." ... Meanwhile, Hermione was up in the Gryffindor common room, playing with her cauldron, when Harry walked in, flicking his wand lazily. He spotted Hermione, who was at that moment massaging powdered beetles into the base of her cauldron, and a million plans fluttered through his mind. Aha! he thought, and slid on his invisibility cloak. He began walking over to Hermione, when, suddenly, Fred and George burst through the door. All you could hear was their Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and just before they hit the floor, Fred Disapparated all over George's face. Just then, out of the blue, Ashton Kutcher burst out of the cupboard, with a camera crew, shouting "You just got SPLINCH'D!!". Throughout all the commotion Ron's owl was twitching nervously. McGonagall, who was sitting quietly in the corner, had noticed this, and pulled the Sorting Hat out of her sleeve (wizard sleeve, yeah?). "Ahaha, she thought, this will put a little … on his Dumbledore." ...
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You may not get the last bit if you haven't seen Harry Potter In The Hood on YouTube..
You may want to watch this to get the full effect of this story :D
loveee xx