Entertain Me

Entertain Me

I leaned my head against the bare white walls, no longer white from smoke and decay. I let out sigh of boredom, there was nothing to do in this empty apartment, except sit here and drown in the peeling paint of the walls.

I closed my eyes, unable to look at the grotesque color of the walls, the way acidic smoke had cracked and yellowed the chipping paint. I had to think of something to do. Thoughts ran through my head, brainwashing myself with the moving pictures of a television or taking a long hot shower even though the water was bound to be cold, the heating bill had been shoved into some aimless drawer or placed on some table never to be found again. Both of which ideas where completely pointless, so all I could do was bite at my lip and think of something else.

I got up from the creaky wooden chair; only to swing my arms in front of me, letting out another sigh. I laid my eyes onto my roommates closed door. I smiled to myself, finding my new sense of entertainment.

I walked over to the door, feeling a surge of guilt thread through out my body like a needle. The electric sent from the pulse of my heart to my finger tips and toes. But the feeling quickly faded as I turned the brass and rusty door knob, with a smile on my face.

My roommate, Austin, was a bit of a shady guy. We weren’t close, and I didn’t know much about him, all I knew was that he got in a lot of trouble at school, and smoked more then just cigarettes

His bedroom was small and simple; a dresser, twin bed, night stand and desk. I sat down on the lumpy bed, taking in the features of the almost crowded room from all the big bulky furniture.

The sheets and quilt where in a heap on the bed. From what I could tell they had not been cleaned in some time, and the mattress was lumpy, the springs shot from overuse.

I glanced at the nightstand shoved up against the bed, it was small and dusty. A lamp and alarm clock took up all the room on the top. I sighed realizing I was just as bored in this bedroom, then I was out in the living room.

I breathed slowly and tilted my head up, looking to the desk. I got up from the uncomfortable mattress and walked over to the ply wood shamble of a desk. I leaned over it and examined its messy contents that cluttered the top, miscellaneous papers, envelopes addressed to our building, mostly bills of notice, some writing utensils and a pack of empty cigarettes.

I pulled at the handle of the drawer, revealing what were more then just cigarettes. It revealed an unlabeled bottle of prescription pills, a syringe needle filled with a light brown unidentifiable liquid.

I was intrigued at the substances, even if I knew they would only do me harm. I smiled at the thought of it, a twisted sick feeling sliding through my chest. I had never touched drugs, only once smoking a cigarette, almost choking of chemical filled lungs at the time.

I was fascinated by the large chalky white pills, filling the orange translucent pharmaceutical bottle, along with the syringe needle, filled half way with the auburn liquid.

With malicious intent I grabbed the bottle, and walked back to the bed, a grin plastered to my face, for reasons unknown.

I sat down on the bed, feeling aloof as I uncapped the bottle of pills with ease, wondering what had happened to the child safety lock. I smirked at the ironic situation; the child safety lock had been broken, and there was nothing safe or for children about the pills. I tilted the bottle into my cupped hand and poured two into my palm. This seemed to be a sufficient number as I set the bottle back onto the bed.

I got myself in to what seemed a comfortable position, and placed one pill on to the tip of my tongue; I swallowed the horse sized pill, as it pushed down my throat. I added the second pill a few seconds after and smiled, scooting my body behind me and setting my back against the headboard.

I closed my eyes and smiled, immediately feeling the endorphins in my body mix together with the chemicals of the white pills.

After a few minutes, or what could have been hours, I could no longer tell, I opened my eyes. The lifeless color of what the room used to be now seemed vibrant and full of life. It made me smile a toothy grin as I now found my new entertainment.

These white pills had made me feel invincible and giddy. I wanted to do so much, and because of it, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I seemed dizzy almost, but not, everything I focused my eyes on seemed to be sharp and clear, enhancing all of my senses.

I looked over to the top of the dresser, finding a music player. I grinned, immediately wanting to feel the pulse in my veins of the loud soothing beats. I tried to stand up from the bed, but my mind was much farther ahead of my body, I stumbled up from the bed, tripping over to the dresser. I managed somehow to read the buttons on the stereo and turn it on full blast.

I immediately felt the music pulsing and thumping through my chest. I smiled, wanting to be one with every beat.

I smiled again and closed my eyes, swaying my hips slightly to the beat of the music. I found myself dancing slightly, to and audience of no one but me. I chuckled at the thought, my moves increasing all the same.

I smirked to myself, feeling things that weren’t necessarily there. Instantly in my mind I was at a packed club, bodies pressing to me in the worst way. The music continued to thump through my veins as I danced with them all.

I ran my hands to the hem of my shirt, blushing lightly at the thought of being completely bare, but at the same time, the thought was a rush of adrenaline that pulsed through my rib cage. The white pills making me feel as though I should be stark naked, dancing to the beat of the enhanced volume of the song.

I pulled the shirt over my head, opening my eyes to catch a glimpse of the tattoo that graced my lower abs. The ink had been engraved under my skin, an image of a thread and needle, the needle sewing my skin back together. The threading needle seemed to be piercing through my skin, popping right out. I did a double take at my abs and was immediately captivated.

What once was the 2D of the tattoo, flat on my skin, was now 3D literally pushing out of my skin. I was mesmerized by the image before my eyes, the music faded into the back of my mind as I stared at what seemed to be magic.

I shook my head gently, and shrugged half heartedly, moving my nimble fingers to the button of my jeans, undoing them.

I pulled them off and smiled at my over half naked figure, still swaying and rolling my hips to the beat of the music.

I placed my fingers at the rim of my boxers, slipping them down with ease as I smiled a twisted smile, stepping out of my underwear and walking in a circle of some sorts.

I danced to my hearts content, sung at the top of my lungs even though I can not sing. I swayed my hips and tapped my foot to the beat of the music.

I walked around Austin’s room my eyes half open, as I felt the music, didn’t hear it. I danced like no tomorrow, completely loosing track of time as I smiled and kept dancing, time didn’t matter.

I closed my eyes and spun time and time again, I felt so free and it felt so right. The pills I had taken had made me feel better then I ever have, I liked this feeling, hoping it would never end.

I lost track of more time, it already felt like eternity I had been dancing, just as I had thought this, I felt a pair of two strong hands grab my bare hips.

Despite this, I had not been startled, I just smirked and melted into the strong hands, still dancing as wildly as if they where there or not.

I kept dancing and finally felt them dancing to, my bare ass pressing to their jeans. And quite quickly I realized these pair of strong hands belonged to a boy, feeling an anything but innocent bulge press against my naked self.

I smiled nonetheless, snuggling up into this boy, tilting my head back to put a face to a name. It was none other then my roommate himself, Austin.

He murmured into my ear “So, Benji, you seemed to of found something to entertain yourself?”

I just nodded and smiled closing my eyes as I felt his strong hands wrap around my waist, seeing if his hand would slip any farther down, he would be rubbing my dick, I just smirked at the thought, wondering if he was thinking the same.

“You know Benji, the music turned off quite awhile ago.” He smirked into my neck.

“Is that so?” I said rhetorically, my eyes still shut as I sighed contently.

“Yes, but who needs music anyway?” Austin said with a mischievous spark on his tongue, squeezing my waist, leaving us to dance the night away.
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So yeah, here is my entry for the Birth Suit Contest
It's my first contest, so what can I say?
I'm not to sure, yeah.
I'll go now.