Not That Perfect

anything at all.

I pulled up my loose tank top as I made my way over to my group of friends, smiling when I saw Ryan waving me over. “Rae,” I heard Morgan call out excitedly, grinning ear to ear as I got closer, “You came!” She yelled, throwing her arms around my perfumed neck.

“God damn,” Dylan called out as Austin let out a low whistle, “You look fucking hot Rae!” He said, quietly looking my outfit up and down.

I laughed, looking down at my ripped jeans as he spoke, “Thanks Dylan,” I said quietly, “I didn’t do that much though.”

“You got that right,” Gwen muttered, flipping her curled, dark brown hair over her shoulder.

Abby looked over at Gwen in disgust, hitting her shoulder after a minute of thought. “Wow,” I said, nodding over at Gwen as I spoke, “Thanks.”

I had no clue to why Gwen disliked me so much, but she has since the first time that we met. She always took the chance to say anything harsh about me, and, afterwards, she always tried to play it off as a joke. Honestly though, her words never got to me. I don't care what she has to say about me.

“God Gwen,” Aaron whispered, “Why do you have to be such a bitch sometimes?”

We all looked up at Aaron, our eyes all huge with shock. Aaron was the one that usually kept quiet, staying in the back of the group whenever we were out doing something. I’ve only heard him speak a few times, and that was usually only when he’s been spoken too. So, quite frankly, this insult came out of nowhere.

We then turned to look at Gwen, who was just as shocked as the rest of us, if not more. Her hand was still on her shoulder, though her mouth had dropped open and her eyes were huge as she stared over at the blonde boy.

I couldn’t help but start laughing when I saw the look on her face, and I was soon joined in by everyone else, “You guys suck!” Gwen whined, dropping her hand to glare up at the rest of us. We all ignored her, the most of us laughing too hard to even hear her complaint.

“Wait, wait,” Abby pleaded, resting her head against Ryan’s shoulder, “The fireworks are about to start you guys.” She said, taking a deep breath in order to stop laughing.

Soon, we all did the same, looking up at the sky as we waited for the explosions to go off. In a matter of moments, we all saw the first firework fly up into the air, followed by a loud popping sound and a shower of beautiful colors. Another soon followed the first one, though this time the colors were a vivid red.

“Wow,” I whispered, turning to look away from the lights as Austin stepped up besides me, “Where’d they get the fireworks from?” I asked, turning to look back up at the sky as another one went off.

He shrugged, “I don’t know, but they always have them,” Austin answered me, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke.

Suddenly, I felt as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him, but his eyes were still glued to the sky, not noticing my stare. Quietly, I looked down at the visible part of his arm, trying to think if I liked it being there or not. I knew that almost any girl would kill to be in the position that I was in now, especially since I’ve seen the way the majority of them look at him as we’re walking down the streets. I knew that Austin was gorgeous, that I should have felt happy that he found an interest in me.

But, honestly, I didn’t feel anything at all.

So I didn’t regret when I took a step forward, forcing him to drop his arm. I turned back to look at him, offering a small smile when I saw the confused look on his face, “As of right now Austin,” I whispered, “I just want you as my friend.”

Austin nodded, taking a step forward to stand by me once again, “I’m ok with that then.” He whispered back, “Just as long as it’s not a definite no?” I saw him smile as I nodded, but we didn’t say anything else. We all remained silent as we watched the fireworks go off, all of us entranced by the beautiful explosions that signaled the end of the summer.
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A Rag Doll's Lullaby - Dabney Morris