Not That Perfect

pass by slower.

The couple months that our mom had promised us had gone by too quickly. I couldn't believe that the last day of school had already come, that I was already sitting in my last class of the day. The teacher had given up trying to make us do anything at the beginning of class, and was now sitting back in his large chair, only watching us to make sure that we weren't going to set the building on fire. It's not like we would though. The most of the students were staring up at the large clock that hung over our teacher's head, watching as each second slowly passed by.

I could only wish that they would pass by slower.

Most of the students around me had plans after school, to celebrate their long awaited summer vacation. I had to go home and pack up the rest of my belongings, since we were going to leave tomorrow morning. I only had a few hours left with my best friends, the ones that I've been with through everything.

Suddenly, Adéle and Peyton, my two best friends, crowded around my desk, "Rae, come to the mall with us after school," Adéle pleaded, looking over at Peyton as she nodded, "Before you have to leave? Can't you just spare, like, one hour?"

I shook my head no, looking down at my hands as I answered, "I can't," I answered, "My mom told us this morning that we had to come home right after school."

"That is so unfair," Peyton whispered, pushing her black-brown hair out of her eyes, "Not only is she taking you away from us, but we can't even spend the last day that we have with you." She looked over at Adéle, like she was looking for some back up, "You can't go Rae," Peyton added quietly, running her fingers through her bangs.

I didn't want to go, they knew that. This was killing me more then they knew.

But then the bell rang, interrupting our conversation and ending our goodbyes. The class quickly jumped out of their seats, hurriedly walking to their lockers to collect the rest of their stuff; leaving Peyton, Adéle, and me alone in the room, "Damn," I said, my tone hushed, getting up from my seat to walk to our own lockers.

A few minutes later we managed to collect the rest of our stuff, stuffing it into our backpacks, and we left the now empty school. We all walked to the street corner, where we had to go our separate ways; them to the mall and me to my house. "I can't believe that you're going," Adéle whispered as we wrapped our arms around each other, saying our final goodbye. I nodded my head, completely agreeing with her. I couldn't believe that today was my last day here either. I definitely wasn't ready to leave.

I then turned to Peyton, wrapping my arms around her too, "I'm going to miss you guys," I said as I released Peyton's thin torso, "So much... I'll call you guys, like, every day, ok?" I asked, taking a step back from the two.

"And we'll email," Peyton said, offering a pathetic smile.

I nodded, knowing that we'd follow threw with what we said. I wasn't going to let my best friends slip through my fingers too. None of us said anything for a while, until we knew that I had to go, "I'll talk to you guys soon," I whispered, engulfing them both in a hug, "I'm going to miss you guys so much." I said, releasing them.

"We're going to miss you too," Adéle said, "We don't know how we're going to do junior year with out you."

Peyton nodded, reaching into her backpack to bring out a box, "We got you something," She said, "I don't care how cliché it is, but we wanted to give you something before you left."

I smiled as she handed me the box, opening it to see a silver picture frame, wrapped perfectly in protective paper. A picture of the three of us was in it, one which we took last summer. It was perfect. "Wow, you guys," I said, "I love it... Thank you." I felt as tears started to fall from my eyes, looking up to see that my friends were crying too, "I have to go." I whispered, hugging them once again before I walked down my street, waving a final good bye.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dudes, second chapter. Sorry that it's shit.

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