Status: Really trying to update more often, please comment (:


Chapter 1.

I stared out the window of my beautiful two story home. The gorgeous streets of Pasadena California filled with life out in front of me. I sighed.
I'm definatly going to miss home

I know I've been promising Bella to come up and stay for the summer with her and Uncle Charlie, but I love my home... I dont want to stay in the icky rainy town of Forks...
It's ALWAYS RAINING!! Pasadena is sunny and perfect all the time it rarely rains which is perfect for me.

I can't stay still longer then a few minutes. When I'm not practicing Soccer, I'm playing Volleyball or sufing with my friends in Santa Monica (which is only like an hour and half away ) When its raining I'm always so bored and depressing. What am I supposed to do!?!

I hear Leia whine behind me. I turn and look at my adorable pup. She's laying on my bed staring at me with big pleading eyes.

"Ohhh, Leia, I know you dont want me to leave but it'll only be for a month or so..." I tell her as I lay next to her and Hahn.

I look at the clock next to my bed. 1:35 I frown. I only have an hour before I leave. I get off my my bed and start putting on my make up. I dont put on much, just eye liner, mascara, and blush. I take one last look at myself in the mirror, my tan skin contrasting perfectly against my yellow capris, my long black hair pulled into a side pony, then gather my bags and head downstairs.

My mom is waiting for me in the kitchen. You'd think she'd be worried about me or going on and on about how much she'll miss me, well my mom isn't. Ever since my dad left shes a total workoholic. So I know the only people in this house who'll miss me are Leia and Hahn.

I mean don't get me wrong, my mom doesnt hit me or treat me like shit she just... doesnt care. I could stay out for hours past curfew and she would not care one bit just as long as I called and TOLD her I was staying out longer. (Now how many of YOUR parents would be fine with that?)

"Are you ready to go?" She asked me.

"Yeah. I guess..." I try acting as uncertain about it as possible so she would tell me I wouldnt actually have to go. No such luck.

"Good because I have a board meeting soon" She told me while putting her blue tooth in her ear. We quickly put all my suitcases into our Range Rover, and headed towards the airport. I was surprised that she stayed with me all the way until the security check, thats when she told me to have a good time and to behave. She gave me a hug then left.

I go through security and quickly get on the plane. I pull out my EnV and check my messages. I have one from Bella.

Heyy!! I cant wait till you're here. Me and Charlie will be there to pick you up. Edward might come too. I really want you to meet him he's sooo amazing. I think you guys will get along great!

Hah. I've heard of Edward, I remember when he left her. Charlie called my mom almost everyday, worried sick about Bella. She was in so much pain because of him. Yet, the second he comes back she takes him back! No groveling, or making him work to have her back.

No. I dont think he and I will get along at all...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I dont know if this story is any good but I worked for soo long to write this so please tell me what you think even if you hate it.

Kayden's Outfit::