Status: Really trying to update more often, please comment (:


Chapter 10

Pretty much as soon as we get home, Bella calls Jake. Asks him to come over with Seth, and he says no...

I'm kinda suprised, I thought he liked me too. I mean, he might still, and he's just busy right now, but the way Bella said Jacob worded it makes it seem like he doesnt want to be around me. Oh well. I told Bella that we should just spend the night like she would any other night. At first she wasnt very sure.

"I don't know... I don't want you to get bored or something... what if I get Angela and Ben to come with us to see a movie in Port Angeles?" She argued with me.

"It's okay Bella. We don't have to do something big everyday. I don't want to be a burden. Besides I KNOW you have to be missing Edward, you should call him or something. I can just stay in the living room with Charlie, and watch the game with him." I could tell Bella was torn. She didnt want me to be bored, and get homesick, but she really liked the idea of talking to Edward. I know what it's like to feel that kinda love, so it didnt suprise me that she caved in easily when I told her that plan. So that's why right now I'm in the living room with Charlie as he watches football, while Bella's upstairs on the phone with Edward. It's not that bad, or boring. I like spending time with Charlie. It's easy. I've kinda looked up to him as a father figure ever since my dad left. They're so different it's laughable.

The team Charlie was rooting for scored a touchdown and charlie clapped and hooted. I joined along acting as if I had been paying attention. I actually found myself enjoying this. I never really had a dad around while growing up, so its kinda like a bit fresh air. Maybe coming to Forks really wasnt a bad idea.

I got up and streched, I decided that I seriously needed a good walk around outside. It seemed so pretty when I looked outside the window. It wasn't raining so I didnt see why that would be bad. When I started walking towards the door, Charlie finally looked up.

"Where you going kid?"

"I just need some fresh air, it looks so pretty, I was gonna go for a walk" I smiled.

He smiled and returned his attention back to the game. As soon as I was outside I felt free. I started running around, twirling and laughing like a maniac. As I turned and turned over and over, I slowly fell to the ground. I stayed there. Staring up at the stars. My world was spinning, slowly I closed my eyes. Soon I was fast asleep.

I don't know why, but I felt oddly safe out there. And I dreamt of my wolf. It made sense at first. I was walking aimlessly in the woods,minding my own business. "Kayden...." I turned around. My father was standing infront of me. Atleast... I think it was my father. He looked much different. He held his hand out for me, and I stood there staring at it for a moment. I started to put mine in his, when he smiled almost scary, "My little princess..." His teeth were pointed and to be honest scary, but at the same time calming. I smiled and walked closer to him. Growls erupted from all around us. Suddenly my sandy wolf jumped out from the shadows and attacked my father.

"Kayden? Are you out here?" Bella pulled me out of my dream. My heart was pounding and I could barely breathe.

"Yeah, I'm coming" I told her, my voice was very rough, and I had to clear my throat to tell her again. I got up quickly and went inside. We were half way up the stairs when she asked me what was wrong. I was quiet. We walked into her room and I sat down on my bed. I smiled at her. But my smile was fake.

"Nothing, it was just a bad dream" She smiled back at me, satisfied with my answer.

I layed my head down and pulled the covers farther up. The dream left me with a scary feeling in my stomach. I was scared of loosing one of them. But who I was more scared for left me wondering. Did I fear for my fathers life, or the wolf's?