Status: Really trying to update more often, please comment (:


Chapter 2.

The plane began to slow and come down. I pulled out my I-Pod earphones as "Six Feet Under the Stars" by AllTimeLow finished playing. I looked out my window and saw so many trees. I felt like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz... I'm definately NOT in California anymore... There was a light rain drizziling down from the sky, with no sun in sight.

*sigh* I can already feel the depressing mood beginning.

As soon as I was off the plane and reached the waiting area I saw them. Bella and Uncle Charlie were standing pretty much at the front of everyone else.

The moment Bella and I saw eachother we both ran towards eachother. We hugged and... as embaressing it is to say... we practically squeeled like little girls. (haha hey! we havent seen eachother in like 4 years, give us a break!)

"I've missed you SO much Bella!!" I practically screamed.

"I've missed you too!!" She screamed too. Okay I'll admit it we were making a total scene, but it was so much fun. More fun then I bet shes had in a long time!

"Okay girls lets get Kayden's suitcases, and calm down a bit" Uncle Charlie, tried to act responsible but I could tell he was happy to see we were having a great time already.
Charlie decided he would get all the bags himself so he left Bella and I to talk to eachother. We were deep in conversation when I heard someone clear their throat. Bella shot up, and blushed in embaressment.

"Oh, I forgot," She laughed. She moved over a bit and grabbed the hand of a bronze haired guy, who was.. well freakin' gorgeous to tell the truth. "This is Edward, My.. boyfriend: Okay the gorgeous thing, I was wrong, he's actually a thousand times the opposite. The way she said he was her boyfriend though, it bothered me. It was like he was something more but she didnt want to tell anyone... I wonder what THATs about...

I might as well try to be nice to him.. "Hello Edward, It's nice to meet you.." I held out my hand to shake his.

"I'm glad to finally meet you. Bella's talked non-stop about you since she found out you were finally visiting for the summer" She shook my hand and I slightly jumped at his hands. They were ice cold! Okay something is DEFINATELY wrong here. He is just I dont know, but I DO NOT like it and I dont trust him around my cousin. When I looked at Edward again it was like he could read what I was thinking, he got a strange worried type look on his face.

Not too long after that Uncle Charlie was back with the suit cases. It was funny because there were so many it was so funny. Edward walked over and helped him with half of them. While we were walking I stayed behind with Uncle Charlie while Bella and Edward wakled ahead. I started watching them, it was strange... They were strange. There was definately something hidden there and I'm gong to find out wether its the last thing I do or not.

We drove home to theyre little home. I was going to be sleeping with Bella in her room since they only had two bedrooms. The bathroom was going to be HELL since they only had ONE. Oh well I'm sure Bella and I can manage. I'm determined to have an amazing time even if it kills me.

Edward left awhile after we got back, so it was jus Bella and me in her room.

"So.. spilll it" I told her as I plopped down on the bed.

"What do you mean?" She honestly looked like she had no idea what I was talking about. Either she was telling the truth or she has reeally gotten good at lieing since we last saw eachother.

"You know." I paused, waiting for her to talk. "About you and Edward! What's your guy's thing type.. thing..." I totally just made no since what-so-ever but I'm sure Bella's smart enough to understand.

"Oh.." Bella blushed, "I don't know... I love him... He loves me.. Theres not much more."

"Bull. Theres something... so.. have you guys had sex yet?" I asked her.

"No!! well its not like I haven't TRIED to get him to but he's soo old fashioned... he wants us to wait until marriage.."

"Woah" If theres one thing I know about Bella, it's; She's not the marriage type girl. "So he's willing to wait until you like 30!?"

"Well... about that... he kinda wants us to get married after graduation..."

"WHAT?!" She's crazy. He's crazy. Theres no way Bella will agree to that!

"I know... but we really do love ewachother..." The look in her eyes.. she looked so sure of herself and the love they had... Poor girl... I swear if this Edward boy thinks he's gonna fuck with MY cousin he better watch his back. I don't trust him. Theres something about him that just drives my insides crazy. They tell me he's danger and that I should STAY AWAY!

We continued talking for a few more hours then Bella decided to take a shower so I walked downstairs to the living room. Uncle Charlie was watching a Baseball game.

"Hey, Uncle Charlie?"

"Yeah, Kid?" He muted the the game, and I sat down on the couch.

"Do you trust Edward?" I asked him.

"Well, I cant say I like him.. but Bell's seems to care about him.." I could tell he really didnt like him , but the fact that he was trying to like him for Bella's sake really hit me. I got up and gave him a hug.

"Thanks kid, what was that for?" He seemed surprised by me giving him a hug.

"I don't know.. The fact that your trying to like Edward just for Bella... It really shows how great you are... I dont think my mom would even try to give a guy a chance for my sake.. If she ever actually tried to care about my life" I turned around and went upstairs. I changed into my pajamas and layed down. Maybe it won't be so bad here after all...
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww I like the end. Oh I know this is kinda filler-ish but next chapter they're going to La Push so... its going to be much more exciting.

Just a warning though. This is NOT a Jacob Black Love story. But she does fall for A werewolf... can you guess which one?(if you answer right I'll update twice!!).... =D

Please leave comments and tell me what you think... if you dont like her not being with Jacob Black you can try and persuade me to change the story a bit... but I'd really like it if you gave it a chance how it was intended to be.... =D