Status: Really trying to update more often, please comment (:


Chapter 4.

**Jacob's POV**

"Um, why do I have to go with you again?" Seth asked again.

"Because, Bella says she has the "perfect girl" for me, but I'm not ready for a relationship. Plus the girl is like your age, I dont date younger girls" Why does Bella not understand, I love her. And that won't change for awhile. After a while Seth and I climbed into the Rabbit and made our way to the beach. Seth stared out the window of the passenger seat and watched as the trees went by. I let my mind wander as I drove. I thought about the time Bella and I were together, after that stupid leech left her... I could feel my musicles tense with anger as I thought about it.

Stop Jacob. Don't even think about it. Try and show Bella what she's missing out on.

**Seth's POV**

God Jacob really needs to get over Bella. I mean sure she's amazing, but she loves Edward and thats not gonna change anytime soon. Edwards pretty freakin' awesome so I don't see why Jacob can't just be civil with him. It's not like he can say its just because he's a werewolf. I'm a werewolf too and I get along with Edward just fine.

I start thinking about how Edward and I became this close. Who would have thought, a werewolf and a vampire, friends? But it's kinda hard not to become friend with the guy who you fought back to back with.

We start to pull into the parking lot of the beach and I already see Bella's truck waiting. Jacob parks the car and gets out slowly trying to waste time before seeing Bella. I get out of the car and start looking around for Bella. She's talking to a girl, who's face I can't see because she has her back turned to me. Bella looks past the girl and smiles when she sees me and Jake, she starts waving us over to her.

"It's so good to see you Seth it seems like its been so long" Bella says as she hugs me, "You too Jake" She hugs him as well.

"Yeah Bells I've really missed you around here, you should visit more often" Jake tells her as they let go of eachother.

"Yeah I've just been super busy with stuff, and now my cousin's in town, which brings us back to the original reason why I called you, this is my cousin, Kayden" I had almost forgotten about the girl Bella was standing infront of until now. Bella stepped aside and the most beautiful girl stepped up and shook Jake's hand. I couldn't stop staring at her. She was perfect. "Hi. You must be Jacob, Bella's told me all about you" My heart stopped at the sound of her voice, she was like an angel. Suddenly nothing mattered to me, except her. The pack, my mom, my sister, hell even myself, meant nothing compared to her.

"Yeah, this is my friend, Seth" Jake turned and looked at me strange.

**Jake's POV again**

Seth stared at Kayden, which I don't blame him, she's pretty hot but nothing compared to Bella. Then it hit me. He was staring at her like she was the most amazing thing in the world, with so much... love in his eyes for her... I knew right then... Seth had imprinted on her.
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Sorry for the whole not updating for like ever and the whole jumping POV's. which this is only gonna be one of the VERY few chapters that do that, i promise. Oh and sorry for the shortness but its like 4 in the morning and i HAD to write this, it was bothering me. haha. xD

Soooo... what'cha think??