Status: Really trying to update more often, please comment (:


Chapter 5.

**Kayden's POV**

Seth sat there staring at me. I think I should feel awkward, but I don't. It feels..natural.. normal. He holds out his hand, "Hey, I'm Seth" I grab his hand, "It's nice to meet you" I smile. He smiles back, and I try to pull my hand back. "Uhm, can I have my hand back?" I laugh. He looks embaressed at first, but starts to laugh as he lets go of my hand.

"Sorry.." He laughs. He's really good looking, I have to say. He seems sweet too. Jake grabs Bella's wrist and pulls her away from us. I stare as he tells her something very quickly. Bella turns back and stares at Seth and I, shocked... strange.

"So how do you like Forks so far?" Seth asked, bringing my attention back to him.

"Eh, it's okay I guess, I've only been here for a day so the rain hasn't effected my time... yet." I tell him.

"So you don't like rain much?" He asked.

"Not really, back home, it like rarely rained, so I'm used to being out all day"

"What do you do?" He asked, interested.

"I hang with my friends, go to the beach, surf, play volleyball," I laugh "That's about it. Well, I play soccer too"

"Well I'm not a very good soccer player, but I kick ass at volleyball"

"Haha, we have to play sometime then" I tell him, as Bella walks up. She stands next to me, half turned to the truck.

"Well we need to go. Charlie just called and told me he was having Mark and his family over for dinner tonight. So we need to go clean the place up a little, and start dinner" She told me.

"Oh, okay, well it was nice meeting you both. Remember you owe me a volleyball game" I laughed, as I pointed to Seth. Bella grabbed my hand and we walked, very quickly, to the truck. "Geez, Bella, what's the rush? Charlie won't be home for a while"

She looked over at me with a guilty look on her face. "Well.. Jake and I kinda... got into a... arguement" She started the truck up and we made our way back to the house.

"About what?"

She shifted uncomfortably and kept her eyes on the road, so I couldnt tell if she was lieing or not. "Well.. he wants something... more, then what I can give him... He wants to be more than friends"

"Oh, well, why don't you give him a chance, he isn't that bad looking. Not as cute as his friend Seth, but still he seems to care about you. From what you told me before... you know when Edward left..." I got quiet, when I saw Bella flinch. God I love her, but Edward is so.. not right for her.. How can you love a man who caused you so much pain?

"You don't get it.... You dont understand..." She mumbled, as we turned into the driveway. She started to get out of the truck. Bella and I have ALWAYS understood eachother, and what she said just now, really felt like a bitch slap to the face. I open my door and slam it shut.

I walk over to her. "What, Bella? What part do I not understand? Is there some big secret I'm not allowed in on??" I start yelling. Bella really pissed me off now. "We've never kept secrets from eachother because this is what happens!" I start to lower my voice, and I feel my eyes brim with tears. "It always pushes people apart...." I turn my back to her and walk inside. One tear slips and starts to fall down my cheek, I quickly wipe it away.

**Bellas POV**

Oh no... I made her cry... Ugh! The first time in forever I get to see her and now she's mad at me!! I don't want to keep secrets from her but its not MY secret to tell, and I love Edward too much to betray his trust. I follow Kayden inside and find her laying in the second bed, that charlie put in my room for Kayden. She's laying face down on the pillow with her ear phones in. I walk over to the bed and nearly trip over my own two feet. I sit down on the bed and put my hand on her should her.

She shrugged it off. "Kay.. Look at me please??" I begged her. She finally turned around and sat up on the bed. I noticed her eyes were red from crying.

"I'm sorry... I do have a secret... but it's not MY secret to tell. One day you'll know and understand but for right now please, please,please, don't be mad..." I looked down at my hands trying not to cry.

"No, Bells, don't appoligize... I over reacted... it's just, we've been closer then sisters since we were like 3.. I mean we used to take baths together!" She laughed at the memories, and I did too. "And you were the only one who was really there for me when my dad left..." She stopped and looked away. I pulled her in for a hug. Her dad leaving really messed her and my aunt up... In some ways they still aren't okay...

"I'm always going to be here for you..." Maybe since Seth imprinted on her, I could actually keep that promise. Maybe sometime after the... change, I can come see her, because she'll know everything! Who am I kidding? Sam would never let any of the Cullens near here ever again, after the treaty's broken....
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm gonna try and update sooner because I really want to bring this one characther into the story, which he was suposed to be in this one but I figured it would be better in the next one.

I like this story =]
but I suckk at writing =[