Status: Really trying to update more often, please comment (:


Chapter 6.

***Seth's POV***

I watched as Kayden and Bella drove away. It took every part of me not to chase after them. I couldnt stop thinking about her. She was just so.. perfect. I looked over at Jacob, he was staring at me like I had three heads or something.

"What dude?" I asked, starting to get annoyed.

I seemed to snap him out of his staring. "You...Her.... We have to talk to Sam. Now." He walked over to the woods and started taking clothes off. He phased, and waited for me to do the same.

Phasing was something, you can't really describe. Your bones are cracking and shifting, but theres not really pain. I remember the first time it happened. I was so angry, I couldnt breathe, I was so fucking scared. Then to top it off I could hear voices! First it was just Sam. I could hear him trying to calm me down, trying to explain what was going on. Then the rest of the guys started popping into my head, echoing everything Sam 'said'. They finally calmed me down enough so I could phase back. To most people you would think I'd hate it, but I dont. I love being able to kick vampire ass. Jakes the only one who actually hates it.

I phased and I could hear Jake and Sam's conversation. Just then Jake thought of the reason he wanted to talk to Sam so bad.

'No...' I thought.

'You did, you imprinted on her' Sam was sure on this.

Well that made since... I didn't really understand why she meant so much to me so quickly earlier. Now I understand. I'm supposed to feel this way. Wow. I wonder when I'll see again...

'Right now you cant' Sam used his 'Alpha' voice, he was commanding me to stay away from her!

'What?!' I growled, I cant. I cant stay away from her! 'You know what its like! You have Emily! You understand what it feels like'

'That's what I'm trying to explain to you' Emily's face filled my head, well Sam's head, as he continued. You're too young, you could lose control like I did! For right now, unless she comes to you, you are NOT going to go out of your way to see her. I know what it feels like to cause harm, almost death, to the one you love most. And I'm trying to keep that from happening to you too!'

'He's right Seth...' Jake finally spoke up. 'I know its gonna be hard, but just for now, it's to keepher safe. This is the right thing to do...'

'STOP SAYING THAT!! Especially you Jake, you don't know what its like!' Jake flinched, and I instantly felt bad.

Seth! That was low! Leah's voice yelled. I knew, hell everyone knew, that imprinting was a sore subject for Jake. I couldn't stop myself, i was so mad. ' Normally I'd be with you in bashing him, but they're right! And right now, how your acting, is NOT going to help prove to them that you can control your temper!'

Leah was right. God damnit I hate it when she's right. I growled, and took off to my house. I could feel Leah running after me. She caught up with me in no time.

'...Do you need to talk about it?' I looked at her, I wanted to snap at her to mind her own business, but I knew she only wanted to help me.

Yeah, but I'd rather not have an audience... I phased, and put on my pants. Leah phased behind me and got re-dressed.

"Listen," Leah pulled my arm and forced me to look at her. "I know this seems really bad right now but it IS for her safety. Do you really want what happened to Emily to happen to this girl?"

"No..." I mumbled. "But I have to be around her, I know she wants me to be around, I can feel it. I wouldn't feel like this if she didn't like me being around"

"Still, you might be good at keeping your temper down around those leeches, the Cullens," She said their name like it was a curse, or something. "but she isnt the same thing"

I paused, and sighed, knowing she was right."God why do you have to be right?"

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Because I'm your all knowing sister... duh!" She put her arms around me and hugged me. "C'mon, Mom's probably got dinner done, and I'm starved."

**Kayden's POV**

I walked down the stairs after taking a shower. Charlie was sitting on the couch watching some game. "Hey Uncle Charlie," He made some sound in response, too busy watching the game to say something back. I laughed and walked into the kitchen. I sat down at the table, and watched Bella put everything for dinner together. Once Bella had it all put together she placed it inside the oven and turned to me.

"Oh, I like your outfit" Bella told me.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself, girlie" We laughed, and talked for a little bit. The door bell started to chime, and I got up to answer the door. I opened the door to a man who looked in his late 30 with graying brown hair. Next to him, was a woman, I guessed would be his wife, she had long, curly, honey blonde hair. She was holding a little girl, with brown hair like her dad's (only without the gray) Charlie got up and walked over to the door.

"Mark!" He grabbed the man into a manly hug/handshake thing. "Is this little Abigail? Goodness has she grown. Hayley its good to see you again, come on in" Charlie and I stepped out of their way.

Bella stuck her head out the kitchen, "Hey Mark, Hayley, it's good to see you again, dinner'll be done soon" She went back to cooking.

"So Mark, where's that son of yours?" Charlie asked.

"Outside, talking to his girlfriend, he's in the dog house" Mark chuckled. Just then we heard someone yell outside.

"Kayden why don't you go check on him?" Charlie asked. I nodded, and headed outside. There was a boy standing with his back to me, talking, well yelling at someone, on the phone.

"God Lauren! Why are you such a bitch?! I'm going over to her house for dinner with my FAMILY, not to fuck her, she's dating that Cullen guy anyways" He paused, listening to her response.

"You know what? I'm fucking done, we're over" He slammed his phone shut. He yelled and threw his phone on the ground.

"Um... hi"He jumped, and turned to look at me. Damn is he hot.

**Alex's POV**

"Um... hi" I jumped at the girls voice. I turned around and saw the hottest girl.

"Uh, hello" I paused, "...this is quiet awkward" I laughed. Way to go Alex, point out the obvious, like a moron.

She laughed and smiled, "Yeah, I'm Kayden, by the way" She stuck her hand out.

I shook her hand, "I'm Alex"

"So... You and your girlfriend had a fight over my cousin?" She paused. "You don't have to say anything, if you don't want to... I was just curious..."

"Oh, no, it's fine. Lauren thinks that I'm cheating on her. She's fucking crazy, she thinks that just because I talk to another girl that I MUST be cheating on her." I rolled my eyes. It isn't just that, she hates Bella too. For some stupid reason, that basically comes down to her being jealous of Bella, but I won't tell Kayden that part.

"Oh, well I'm sorry, she does sound pretty bitchy"

I shrugged, "It's not your fault"

We started walking and she tripped. I grabbed her arm, but I fell down with her, landing in a very... close position. I looked into her blue-grey eyes. I could feel the electricity between us and I started to lift my head up towards her lips...

Just then the door opened behind us, and Bella stopped as soon as she saw us. "Oh!... um... Dinner's ready...." She hurried back inside and shut the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yayy that's Seth's competition! =D
Alex is played by Alex Gaskarth. My favorite singer EVER, if you've never listened to All Time Low, you should, they're amazing.
Anyways... Hope you liked it. I think it's the longest chapter so far xDD