Status: Really trying to update more often, please comment (:


Chapter 7.

**Kayden's POV**

Well I'd like to say that dinner wasn't at all awkward. That everyone joked, laughed, and there was never a long quiet pause. But, unfortunately, that wasn't the case.... at all.

I swear, all during dinner, Alex refused to look at me, finally I just stopped trying. He was quiet, and so was I. The only people who talked were, Uncle Charlie, Mark, and his wife.

Abbigail, stayed quiet, and stared at her older brother. I guess even she could tell he was acting strange. When the adults were quiet, the only sounds that filled the room, were the clinking of silverware to the plates, and Abbigail's quiet humming, while she kicked her legs back and forth. At some point at time, I think near the end, Alex's mom, Hayley, I think, tried starting a conversation with me.

"So Kayden, you're 16, right?" I looked up from my plate, shocked that someone was trying to talk to me for the first time this night.

"Uhm.. yes?" I told her, but it sounded more like a question.

She nodded her head, "Hm.. That's the same age as Alex.." She said in a suggestive way as she smirked.

"Mom..." Alex groaned.

"What? All I'm saying is that she's the same age as you, it wouldn't kill you to try and make friends with her" She said innocently.

"I don't need anymore friends..." I dont think anyone was supposed to hear him, but I did... and his mom.

She slammed down her fork. "Now, Alex, just because you have a girlfriend does not mean you cant have other friends. To be honest, I am quiet tired of how that girl treats you in the first place!" She scolded him, and I could see his face turn red. Let's just say there wasnt much conversation after that. We finished up dinner and I stayed behind with Bella, helping clean up dishes, while everyone else went into the living room.

"Well..." Bella started. "That was really awkward"

"Hah! that's an understatement.. " I mumbled.

"You better watch out.Thats Lauren's boyfriend and she's a pretty big bitch, if I were you I wouldn't get on her bad side. Well I'm already on it, but I don't want you to be" She laughed.

"Thanks Bells, but even if something was going on between me and Alex, which there isnt, I think I can take care of myself." I smiled, and we finished doing the dishes. Hayley walked in, "Thank you for the wonderful dinner, Bella. I'm sorry for my son's behavior earlier Kayden"

"It's alright" I smiled at her and she gave me one in return.

"Well, I guess I'll be going, everyone else is in the car waiting. Kayden dear, if you need any help with anything dont hesitate to call me, you too Bella" She gave us both hugs and walked out.

"She's really nice" I said to Bella, as we walked upstairs.

"Yeah, she really is"

"So what are we doin' tomorrow?" I asked Bella.

"Hmm.. I dont know what do you wanna do?" She asked me as she shut the door. I sat down on my bed, and sat on her.

I thought about it, "Well I'd really like to go to the beach, but.... two good days in a row, would be pushin' my luck, wouldnt?" I giggled.

Bella was about to reply when the phone started ringing. "Bella! Phone! It's Alice!" She got up to answer the phone downstairs. I decided to check my messages on myspace, while Bella was talking to her friend. I took forever for her ancient computer to finally start up. I brought up the enternet page and typed in myspace, in the search bar. I had two new messages, and a new friends request. I decided to open the messages first, already knowing who they were from. While the page loaded I walked over to my bed and picked up my ipod. I put my earphones in and "Heaven Help Us" by My Chemical Romance filled my ears. The page was loaded up, and I had two new messages from my best friends, Nickie and Lyla. I clicked on Nickie's first.

'Hey bitchhh, I've missed you! What did you do today? Me and Lyla went to the beach, but I was all alone b/c Lyla was too busy playing vollyball, to tan with me. =[ I got the lifegaurds number though. He was drop dead cute =D lol! Anyways, love you lots, and you better reply soon.'

I replyed to her, telling her about La Push, and Jacob and his friend Seth. Then I told her about Alex, and our all most kiss incident. At the end I added my love to her and told her I missed her too. Once the message sent I went to read Lyla's.

Hey Kay-doodles, I miss you already, and its only been 1 effin day. lol xD How's forks? Is it rainy like you said? I hope your having fun =] but if your not... well lol it gives you a reason to come home sooner! Went to the beach with Nickie today, it was fun, I just wish you had been there to help me kick Kyle and Drake's asses in volleyball. Speaking of Kyle... he asked me out! We're gonna go to a movie tomorrow =D Well Im gonna stop rambling now and let you reply already, lots of lovee xD

I smiled at my best friend, and started writing a reply.

'Hey Lyla, =] love the new nickname lol what isnt that like the 3rd one in a month? Fork's is good, I miss you guys though! It's actually been sunny today. I went to the beach with my cousin today, met this really cute guy, Seth =] Speaking of really cute guys, yay!! I hope you have fun with Kyle, but just remember to warn him, he break'a yer heart, I break'a his face ;D Loves you lots too =] ttyl doll'

I sent the message and finally checked who sent me a friends request. It was Seth, wow, I wonder how he found my myspace. Oh well it makes it easier to talk to him, now I wont have to go all the way to La Push, just to have a small chance of talking to him. I accepted his friends request, and quickly wrote him a comment as I heard Bella walking up the stairs.

'Hey seth! I didnt know you had a myspace xD lol we should so hang again soon =]'

I sent the comment just as Bella was shutting the door. I exited out of myspace, and turned to her.

"Well tomorrow's gonna be sunny too, so we can back to the beach again" She smiled.

"How do you know it's gonna be sunny?" I asked her.

"Oh Alice told me"

"How does alice know?" I giggled.

She smiled, "Uh, her uncle works as a weather man for like NASA or something. He's like never wrong about the weather."

"Oh that's pretty cool, I just hope tomorrow Jacob and his friend are at the beach" I smiled. "Seth was freakin' cute."

Bella laughed, "I'll call Jake tomorrow and ask if they want to hang again"

I layed down on my bed after changing into my pj's. I put my earphones back into my ears, and started playing "Jersey" by Mayday Parade, this was the first night I dreamt of Seth.
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Sorry for the wait, I started a new story plus I had writers block. =[ Now I have writers block on my new story =[[ Hope you like it... I'd really love a comment or two =D

grr lol i keep almost writting Jacobs name as Jack! lol I really need to start paying more attention or im gonna end up writting the wrong characters name in the worng story! (Jack is a character in my new story )