Status: Really trying to update more often, please comment (:


Chapter 8.

I tossed and turned in my bed. My dreams started out happy but quickly turned into a nightmare. I was on the beach with Seth, we were laughing and joking. Everything seemed so perfect. I layed my head down onto his chest. Suddenly I was back in Pasadena, I was swinging in the park where my dad used to take me. I was giggling as he pushed me. The sun was shining down, and then suddenly the day became dark.Clouds filled the sky coving the sun. The swing slowly stopped, and I looked around for my father. "Dad?" I called out and in the distance I saw a man walking down the street with his suitcase. I quickly ran after my father, but my feet wouldnt move as fast as I wanted them to. My feet felt glued to the ground. I tried to yell for him to stop, to not go, but my voice was gone. Tears were falling down my face, as I tried to scream for him. He just kept walking, until I couldnt see him anymore.

I woke with a jump. I gasped for air,as I wiped away the tears from my eyes. I tried kicking my covers off, I felt like I was suffacating under them, but I just managed to get myself caught more up in them. Finally I kicked them to the ground. I sat up and grabbed my phone to check the time. It was only five thirty-six, but the sun was starting to rise. I decided I would get up and take a shower before everyone else. I quickly got into the shower and tried wash my dream away, but it just kept replaying it in my head. Why did I have to think about him? He didn't deserve my thoughts. He obviously doesnt care about me, he probably doesn't even think about me, so why should I waste mine on him?

Once I washed myself fully I got out of the shower and rapped the towel around me. I stood infront of the mirror, grabbed the brush, and started brushing through my hair. I had my father's blue eyes, and my mothers brown hair. I looked like them, I wouldn't say I looked more like either of them. I definately have my fathers attitude, not my mother's. She's a bitch, but dont get me wrong I love her. It's just... she hasnt recovered from my dad leaving. I put the hair brush down and towel dried my hair, then put it up in a loose pony tail. I walked back into Bella's room, she was still fast asleep. I dont think she's gonna be up anytime soon so I guess I'll go for a run. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out what clothes I would need. As I was pulling out a pair a jog pants, a necklace fell to the floor. I stopped and put my clothes on the bed. I turned back to the necklace and picked it up. It was the necklace, my father had gotten me for the birthday before he left. It was a little silver princess crown. He had said it was perfect for me. 'The most perfect little crown for his most perfect little princess' I put it on the bed next to the clothes. I got dressed and was about to leave the room, when I stopped. I looked down to the necklace. Should I wear it? I never took it off the day after he gave it to me, until the day he left. I havent worn it since...

I picked up the necklace and put it around my neck. It was cold on my skin, but it felt right. It made me think more about the good days with my dad than when he left. I walked downstairs, and into the kitchen. I didn't feel like eating anything that would take alot of work, so I just decided on good ol' cereal. I was almost done with my cereal, when Uncle Charlie started walking downstairs.

"Hey kiddo, what are you doing up so early?" He said as he went over to the fridge.

"I had a bad dream, and couldn't fall back to sleep. There's coffee in the pot if you want some" He nodded his head, but didn't say anything as he walked over to the coffee pot to get some. I felt awkward in the silence. I've always felt awkward in the silence. I was naturally talkative, I got it from my dad. He was the CEO of some company, I forgot what, but he had to be very charismatic to be good. My mom was as quiet as Charlie though. I waited a little longer for him to say something before I finally decided to fill the silence. I got up from the table and walked over to the sink with my bowl. "I was thinking about going running, that's okay right?" I asked him.

"Sure, are you sure you wont get lost though? Wouldn't you rather wait until Bells gets up so she can run with you..." He paused. I almost laughed. I love Bella, but she isnt one for the sportsy stuff. Charlie seemed to think the same thing because he added, "Or just drive behind you, so you don't get lost?"

"Nah, it's okay. I won't go far just around the block a few times, I'll be okay" I smiled at him.

"Alright, well be careful kid"

I walked over to him and gave him a quick hug, "I will Uncle Charlie, have fun at work!" I dont think he was quiet used to hugs, because he locked up, just like my mom did. I guess they were just socially awkward. I giggled to myself, as I walked outside. I pulled out my ipod, and turned on the first Cobra Starship song I found. I started jogging down the street, I let my steps fall in rythem with my heart beat. I don't know why,but running was a comfort thing I did. Anytime I felt sad, or stressed I just put on my shoes and ran. It was alot better then some of the stuff my friends used to do. For awhile one of my friends used to cut themselves. I never really understood the point it in though. I was happy when they finally got real help for the problem. I dont know when I started the whole running thing either. I think not too long after my dad left. I was probably eleven.

My musciles started getting tired, so I slowed down. I don't know how long I've been running, but I know I went through at least 40 minutes worth of songs on my ipod. I ran non stop too. I looked around and honestly had no idea where I was. I didnt pay much attention to street signs, and definately didnt go around the block a bunch of times. I can't call Bella either because I left my phone upstairs on my bed. Greatt, just fucking great. I'm lost. The only thing I really knew was that I was on the main road to town, so I decided I'd just keep walking until I found an open store, and ask if I could use their phone. After about 10 minutes of walking, I finally found a store. I was some sporting goods store, it looked open too. Thank god, I don't know how much more walking I can take. I walk into the store and look for the checkout spot. I see it, and start walking towards it. "Excuse me?" I say, and a boy who looks around Bella's age turns around. He's kinda cute. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and his hair is styled kinda like Edward's.

"H-h-hi, can I help you?" He seems kinda shocked to see me, and I swear I saw his eyes flash down to my breasts, but they quickly looked back up.

"Um, yeah, I was wondering if I could use your phone here? I left my cell phone at my cousin's house, and kinda got lost during my jog"

"Oh yeah, that's okay, you can use our phone" He quickly turned, and almost fell as he grabbed for the phone. He tried to act smooth like he was hoping I didnt see him almost fall. He handed the phone towardsme. I quickly grabbed it and dialed the number. I tapped my nails impaciently, as the phone rang. I ended up getting the answering machine.

"Hey wake up! I went for a run and I'm kinda lost, I'm using good old" I paused and reached across the counter to look at the guys name tag. "Mike Newton's phone, and you should come pick me up because I'm exhausted. Well just call back this number I guess when you wake up, if you need to know more about where I am" I hung up the phone and handed it back to Mike. I smiled, "Thanks Mike"

He smiled back, "No problem..." He trailed off waiting for me to fill the space.

"Kayden, Kayden Swan"

"Oh so your related to Bella?" He smiled even more.

"Yeah she's my cousin. Do you know her?"

He nodded,"I go to school with her, we like almost dated before she started hanging around Cullen" He kinda sounded like he didnt like Edward about as much as I do.

"That's cool"

He was about to say something more,but he was cut off by some girl behind me, "Mike!"

I turned to look at her. She had another girl with her, who was alot prettier in my oppinion, but she seemed really upset about something.

"Hey Jess, hey Lauren" He said kinda uncomfortably.

"We were wondering if you wanted to hang after your shift, or something" The annoyingly happy girl said. It was so obvious she like him, but Mike didnt seem to return the interest. She seemed to finally notice me.

"Oh" She said, it kinda sounded like it was with disgust. "Who's this?" She asked him.

"This is Bella's cousin, Kayden" He told her.

"Oh, you're her cousin?"She asked, and I nodded. "Oh my gosh! She's like one of my best friends! You should so hang with us sometime! It'll be tons of fun. You're like really pretty by the way" She finally stopped rambling.

"Uh, thanks, you guys are too" I smiled. "And yeah we should hang sometime"

"This is Lauren and I'm Jessica by the way." She came closer and kinda whispered, "She's upset, her boyfriend just dumped her"

"Oh. I'm sorry" I told Lauren.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. I totally deserve better he was one of those guys who thinks he's gonna start a band and become famous" She rolled her eyes. "I'm so over that faze in my life"

I nodded and Mike's phone started to ring. "Hello? Oh hey Bella! Yeah shes right here" He handed me the phone.

"Hey Bell's"

"Hey are you okay? I just woke up and noticed I had a missed call" She said.

"It's cool, Mike and his friends Jessica and Lauren have kept me company"

"Well I'm on my way so you should stand outside 'kay?" She said.

"Kay byee" I hung up the phone and gave it back to Mike, well it was great talking to you guys, but Bella's on her way here so I'm gonna go wait for her outside." Mike and Lauren said a form of goodbye to me and as I walked away Jess yelled to me "Don't forget we so need to hang soon!"

I yelled back over my shoulder "I wont!"

Not too long after Bella pulled up and I got in the truck with her. We drove home, in pretty much silence.
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Wow lol that was long. Sorry it gets kinda less descriptive towards the end, but my hands were starting to hurt from typing lol xD comments?? subscribe??