It Only Takes A Moment

Evil Plans And Air Horns

“I should probably go home. Lynn probably thinks I’m dead,” she chuckled.

“Do you have to go,” Bryce whined.

“Aw I’m sorry sweetheart. I’ll come back later tonight, or you can come home and stay with me for a little bit.”

He smiled and grabbed his keys. He opened the door for her and closed it after she was in the car. He got in the drivers seat and started the engine. He started driving. He seized her hand in his and brushed it lightly with his thumb.

She stared out the window, gazing at the beautiful California landscape. She breathed in deeply and closed her eyes. She fell into a dreamless sleep.


She moved her head slightly and opened her sleepy eyes. Staring back at her were a pair of beautiful green eyes.


“Hey you. We’re at your house.”

They walked out of the car and over to her door hand in hand. They entered the house and saw that Lynn and Jason had fallen asleep on the couch while watching cartoons.

“I have an evil plan,” exclaimed Naomi. She ran up to her bedroom and rummaged through
her closet. She came back with an air horn. “Watch this.” She pushed the button and the loud noise erupted from the horn. The sleeping couple on the couch immediately woke up screaming!

“YOU BITCH!!!” Lynn started screaming obscenities to nobody in particular while Naomi fell on the floor dying of laughter. Then she saw Bryce standing near Naomi and stuck her hand out. “Hi, I’m Lynn. You must be Bryce.”

“Yup, that’s me.” He grinned and shook her hand as well. He did the same with Jason.
“We’re probably not going to be here for much longer. Jay and I are going to his house,” said Lynn.

“Oh no problem. I just wanted to prove to you that I didn’t die.” Lynn smiled at her best friend’s humorous words and grabbed Jason’s hand.

“Why don’t we just go now, baby,” said Jason to Lynn.

“Well, I guess we’re going now. I probably won’t be home tonight, if you know what I mean,” Lynn said in a seductive voice. She winked at Naomi. “I’ll call you a little later.” Then Lynn whispered in her ear, “I want details. LOTS of details.” The girls giggled and Lynn walked out the door with Jason. Thus, leaving Naomi and Bryce alone again.

“Well, my dear. It seems that we are alone once more. Whatever shall we do,” asked Bryce in a suggestive tone.

“Well, I’m getting pretty hungry. Do you want anything? It’s almost noon.”

“Yeah I could use some nourishment.” He smiled at her and kissed her cheek lightly. He felt her hand grasp his and they walked into the kitchen. She looked around her kitchen. Finally, they decided on chicken in sherry sauce with spinach, and cheesy mashed potatoes.

“Can I help, babe,” Bryce asked as he wrapped his arms around Naomi’s waist.


He took out the fresh spinach and washed the leaves off. He filled the pot with water and waited for it to boil. Then he added the spinach and waited for it to cook fully. He inhaled the aroma of the room and he could smell the chicken baking in the oven. He looked at Naomi and she pealed the potatoes. ‘I am so lucky to have an amazing woman,’ he thought to himself. He saw her look over at him and she smiled. He started blushing a little and smiled sheepishly at her. “Do you want any help?”

“No, I’ve got it. I’ve only got one left. But thanks for the offer.” She placed her hands on both sides of his face and kissed him gently.

He pulled her into a tight embrace and inhaled the sweet scent of her shampoo. He never wanted to let her go. He dipped his head into her neck and kissed the exposed skin softly. He heard her giggle quietly and felt her arms push him away gently. She had a smile on her face and she went back to pealing potatoes. “I just remembered something,” she told him.

“What’s that, babe?”

“Well, I told Lynn that I was going to call her before I came home just to give them a heads up so I wouldn’t see my best friend and her boyfriend humping like jackrabbits…and I didn’t.”

“Soooo, does that make us lucky,” Bryce asked

“Yes. Yes, it certainly does. After I walked in on them they knew I was there but they just kept going at it. I ran upstairs to my bathroom to stop myself from heaving.”

Bryce busted out laughing.