What Love Can Do

It’s Official

**Alex’s POV**

I woke up the next morning with a massive hangover. Ugh. Today is Monday. We have work. Woo. Note my sarcasm. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom and took some Advil. I grabbed some for Rayne along with a glass of water and walked to her bedroom. I sat on the bed.

“Wake up Rayne,” I said softly. She rolled over.


“Here,” I handed her the Advil.

“Thanks. Why did you wake me up at 9?”

“Cause we have work in two hours. So wake up and get dressed.”

“Fine,” she huffed and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After I went to my bedroom, got dressed while Rayne took a shower. When she was done we left for work. We got to the mall and decided to go to star bucks. We ordered our Vanilla Bean Frappacinno's. We still had half an hour till work started, so we sat down and talked.

“So what’s going on between you and Bam?" I asked Rayne.

“I don’t know. I mean I like him I guess but I don’t know if he likes me.” I laughed. She looked at me confused.

“Rayne he asked us to move in with him and told us he would give us money. I think he like you. A lot.”

“Yeah I guess.”

“Hey Alex and Rayne!” we heard a voice yell. We looked and saw Jimmy waving with Leana, Val, and Matt. They walked up to our table.

“Hey. Whats up?” I asked.

“Nothin. Just waiting for the others to get here. What about you to? Care if we join?” Val asked.

“Go ahead. And chillin before work,” Rayne said. We talked awhile.

“I have to ask. Why are you guys in Pennsylvania and why do you have a house here if you live in Orange County?” I asked.

“We have a vacation house here for when we’re not on tour. We’re leaving in 8 days. But Brian and Jimmy aren’t leaving for 15.” Matt said. Val looked at Leana with a smile. Why did she smile? Brian would be leaving.


Right then the rest of the gang showed up well except Michelle of course, she went home. We said hello and had to leave cause work started. I got to work and did stuff. About a hour later I saw Brian walk in. He smiled and walked up to me.

“Hey, how’s work going?” he asked.

“Fine I guess. What's up?”

“Uh, nothing. Well actually I wanted to ask you something.” he went into his back pocket and pulled out a ring box. “I know we haven’t known each other long but will you be my girlfriend?”

“Yes. Of course.” I smiled as did he. He opened the box and handed it to me. It was beautiful, my favorite color too. I hugged him, he hugged back and kissed me on the lips.

“I got to go. I’ll pick you up after work. And I know you quit Hot Topic. I also already told your sister I’m picking you up, goodbye.” he kissed me again and left. After awhile work was over, I called Brian and told him wait at the entrance cause I had to tell Brandon I was quitting. It was my day off today and Rayne’s. I saw Brandon sitting behind the counter, he saw me and waved.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“I’m quitting.”

“You’re fucking what?” he yelled.

“Do I have to spell it out for you.”

“No. I knew I should have expected this. I mean you are dating Synyster Gates.” When he said that people turned our way and started whispering. Great. Wait how the fuck did he know that when Brian asked me four hours ago.

“How the fuck did you know that.” I yelled.

“Hello its been on like every magazine since Friday.” he said in a ‘duh’ tone. I sighed.

“I guess I should have seen this coming. Well I got to go.”

“Alright Bye. See ya soon.” I walked out of the mall and saw Brian I walked up to him and kissed him. We got in the car and started driving. “Bri where are we going?”

“Your house then to somewhere.”

“Where is somewhere?”

“I’m taking you out tonight.” we pulled up to my house. There was an unfamiliar car in the driveway. We got out and walked inside Rayne was sitting on the couch with Bam. I smiled and said hello and went upstairs to get dressed.

**Rayne’s POV**

After Alex went up stairs I turned my attention back to Bam. “So when is Missy moving out? We packed some stuff already.”

“She‘s already moved out. So you and Alex can move in tomorrow.”

“Wait you and Alex are moving in with Bam?” Brian asked very confused.

“Um yeah. Bam said so yesterday.” I said. He nodded in understanding.

“Brian do you think it was a good idea to ask Alex to be your girlfriend when your leaving in 15 days?”

“Yes I do. I like her very much and I’m thinking of asking her something.”

“Oooo what?”

“Uh nothing.” Alex walked down the stairs. She looked pretty.

“I’m ready. Bye Rayne and Bam. Don’t do anything stupid.” she said.

“Okays. You look pretty, bye” Bam and I waved as they left.

“Lets watch movies.” Bam yelled.

“Okay.” We picked a bunch of movies, turned off the lights, and sat down on the couch.

**Alex’s POV**

We were at the restaurant. It was nice. Good thing we got a table far from people cause when we walked in some started taking pics.

“You look pretty,” Brian said.

“Thanks. You look pretty good yourself.”

“Why thank you. So where’s your favorite place to go?” he asked. We’ve been asking each other questions. To get to know each other better.

“Um I don’t have a favorite place. But I like California with all the beaches.”

“Yeah they’re nice.” we talked some more and ate. We decided to go home.

“So did you have a nice time?” He asked.

“Yes I did.” I noticed Bam’s car still here. Hmm. Brian walked me to the door. He kissed me deeply and we said goodnight. I walked into the house and closed the door only to hear a knock. I turned around and opened the door. Of course it was Brian.

“Um, I kinda forgot the house keys and the gang went out do you think I could spend the night on the couch?” he asked nervously.

“Sure. Come on.” we walked into the living room to see Bam and Rayne sleeping. I turned toward Brian.

“You can sleep in Rayne’s room.” I started walking up the stairs. He followed.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah why not. She wont be mad. I’ll get you something else to sleep in.” I walked into my bedroom and grabbed pjs for me and him. I handed him his and showed him to the bathroom. I changed and waited by the door for Brian to get done. He opened the door. And smiled at me. I showed him to Rayne’s room. We had a guest room but there was a lot of stuff in there all over.

“Goodnight Bri,” I said and kissed him.

“Goodnight.” I went in my room and went to bed.

In the morning I was awoken by a scream. I ran down the hall toward Rayne.

“What the fuck did you scream for?” I asked.

“Sorry I walked up stairs and I see a guy in my bed so that’s why I screamed but now I see that it was just Brian.” she smiled. “Okay buddy you need to get out cause I need to change. And Alex get dressed too. We need to pack and move shit. Bam has a few friends coming to help.” she said walking in her room and closing the door. Bam went back down stairs. Brian walked to the bedroom to change into his clothes. I went to my room and got dressed. When I was done Brian gave me the clothes and we walked downstairs to see Bam and his friends with a bunch of packing stuff.

“Well I should probably get going. The guys might be freaking. After I change do you want me and the guys to come back and help you move?” Brian asked.

“Yeah man that would be awesome,” Bam said. I smiled.

“Yes you can help. See ya later.” I kissed and he left.

We started packing stuff up and 15 minutes later Brian showed up with the guys. We got done packing and moving within 5 hours. That’s pretty good timing. I got everything in my room set up the way I wanted it. After me and Rayne were done we had dinner with Bam and his parents.

After work tomorrow I was going to go by Brian’s. I’m going to chill with them and have dinner there, while Rayne of course hangs out with Bam.
♠ ♠ ♠
The pjs
Alx Date
Alex's Ring
Work Outfits
the girl's moving outfits
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