What Love Can Do

Bonfires, Truth or Dare, The Truth

***Rayne’s POV***

“Hello?’ Alex answered her phone. “Why sure. You know the address right?” she smiled. “Okay, see you in 20, bye.”

“Who was that? Who’s coming over or picking you up?” I asked enthusiastically.

“Brian, he asked me if I wanted to go see a movie,” her smile went from ear to ear.

“That’s nice. That means we can go skate whilst you’re gone! I’m gonna go tell Bam and let you get ready. Oh and the camera crew is filming so you and Brian might get caught on tape!” I yelled and ran out of her room as she threw a pillow at me.

I smirked and slid down the banister to the downstairs. I saw the camera crew and got a bright idea. It was only like three guys standing with they’re backs to me. I went on their sides but they still couldn’t notice me. So far plan was working out.

“Whoa! Hey sexies!” I whistled and they all turned to look at me. I was caught on film and I was cracking up. I fell to the floor and laughed even harder. “You guys all turned with looks on your faces saying ‘what the fuck’!” I laughed so hard I started to cry. The guys came skating in with flour all over them. That made me laugh even harder. Now I was fully crying and laughing on the floor.

“What’d you guys do? Why’s she crying?” Bam asked stopping.

“No, I whistled, they turned, what the fuck, and flour, you guys,” was all I was able to say. I saw Bam and he was looking the same way they had been. “Not! You! Too!”

“What’s wrong with her?” Bam turned to one of the camera guys.

“She whistled saying ‘Hey sexies’, and we had the same look you just had on your face the ‘what the fuck’ look she called it and then you guys came in with the flour and then you had the face too,” he explained.

“Right,” I said out of breath. “Air! I need air!”

“Just breath! Just breath Rayne! Don’t die on my now! Please!” Bam pretended to start crying and hugged me. My laughs subsided into giggles and I realized the doorbell rang.

“It’s Brian! Camera people follow me and be quiet!” I ran to the door and opened it.

“Hey Rayne is Alex ready?” Brian asked.

“Hey Brian! Who’s Alexi? I don’t know an Alexi,” I said pretending to mishear him.

“I said Alex,” he laughed a bit.

“Oh! Come on in then!” I let him past and everyone was sitting on the couches. I had another brilliant idea. "Take a seat.” he obeyed. “Now Brian, I understand you want to take my daughter out?”

“Daughter? I thought Alex was your twin sister?” he said confused. I smirked at Bam and he caught on.

“Don’t back sass my wife boy! Now answer the question or I won’t let you go out with my lovely daughter Alex!” Bam yelled at him. I heard Alex gasp upstairs. Hopefully she didn’t hear us.

“Uh okay. Yes ma’am I am,” he answered hesitantly.

“Where are you going to take my lovely baby girl Alex?” Bam asked.

“Uh the movies,” he said.

“Don’t say uh when speaking to your girlfriends parents and uncles!” Dunn yelled at him. I had to look away to stop from laughing.

“Oh my god! Rayne you bitch! Brian go to your car!” Alex yelled running down the stairs.

“Now, now. Alex dear you know the banister is faster than the stairs!” I yelled at her.

“Rayne shut the fuck up! Brian let’s go!” Alex walked quickly dragging Brian to the door.

“Now we want her back by next week! If she’s knocked up you better take care of her and that baby!” Alex flipped me off and shut the door. We all started cracking up.

“Let’s skate!” I yelled jumping on the couch.

“But it’s dark out Rayne!” Novak replied.

“So! Light a fire put up lights! Better yet! Tikki torches!” I started jumping around in circles dancing to no music. It was weird. Just like me.

“Bonfire!” Ryan yelled.

“Yeah! Bam, can we? Can we?” I looked down at him. He pulled my leg and I fell on my butt. I pouted and he laughed.

“Who’s gonna go get the graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows?” he yelled.

“I have the last two in my room!” I suddenly shrieked.

“In your room?”

“I have secret stashed of a bunch of things. So lay off.”

“Wait I thought you were vegan?”

“Oh yeah. Well I’m like a weird vegan. When it comes to certain junk food and Starbucks I will eat them. But like food is vegan. I’m a weird Vegan.”

“You are the only vegan I met and you’re a weird one!” Dunn yelled.

“The yelling hurts my ears!” I screamed.

“Really?” Dico asked.

“Just kidding!" I jumped up. "I’m going to get my stashes now. But you guys should still get more. Oh and one more thing before I forget; not it!” I yelled running up the stirs. Bam and Novak followed.

“So I like your room,” Novak commented.

“Thanks. Who’s getting the junk?” I asked walking in.

“Dico is going to the store and Rake has to look through the food cabinets and Dunn is going to get the fire started,” Bam said.

“I don’t want you guys to know where my stash is,” I whined sitting on my bed. They pouted and I gave them the puppy dog pout. They huffed and puffed and walked out of my room. I crawled under my bed and grabbed the three marshmallow bags and box of choate bars. I was backing out when someone grabbed my ankles. “Ah!” I screamed as they pulled me out. It was two guys wearing masks. “Oh my god! It’s like taken! Please I don’t want to be sold into sex trade!”

“Rayne! I’ll save you!” Bam came running in and the camera crew were now fully in the room. Before they were just peaking in at the door. Bam pushed the guys down and picked me up.

“You saved me! You’re my hero! Now kiss me!" I yelled. We both laughed and started to lean in then I jumped out of his arms. “Ha-ha! Made you thin we were gonna kiss!” I yelled to the cameras and ran out of the room. Bam followed along with the two masked men. I pushed play on the speakers in the living room and turned the volume way up. It was Girl I Know by Avenged Sevenfold, of course. I started dancing like a maniac not giving a care in the world. The masked men started dancing along with Bam.

“Let me tell you ‘bout a girl I know that comes alive when you take off her clothes!” I yelled the lyrics trying to be louder than the song. "There’s no telling just where she’s been! Asked around but no one seems to know! Yeah!” the music suddenly turned off and Dunn was standing there. The masked men turned out to be Dico and Novak.

“What?” Novak whined.

“Who should we invite?” he whined back.

“Avenged Sevenfold!” I shrieked.

“Call em,” Bam nodded. I pulled out my cell and called Alex first.

“Bon fire, come now. You and Brian,” I said in alien tone. She said okay and I called up Jimmy.

“Hello?” he asked.

“Jimmy! Hey buddy it’s Rayne hey I was wondering if you guys all wanted to come to a barbeque at Bam’s tonight like right nowish,” I bit my lip hopefully.

“Sure. We know the address Brian like memorized it. Oh but the girls are out tonight so it’ll just be the guys.”

“Sure. Head on over!” I hung up and smiled.

“They’re all on their way,” we all cheered and ran out back.


“So How about we all like play truth or dare,” Dunn suggested. There were all sorts of agreements from all around the group.

“Dunn first since he thought of it,” Bam said. Nice of him.

“Okay. Uh, Brian truth or dare?”

“What? Oh uh truth I don’t know,” he said taking the beer away from his lips.

“Sissy. All right. Do you want to fuck Alex?”

“No.” we all looked at him and Alex was shocked. “I want to make love with her when she’s ready.” we all nodded. Alex looked really touched and she cuddled into his side.

“Okay. Uh Zacky truth or dare?” Brian asked.

“Dare!” Zacky yelled jumping up.

“Whoa! Easy there cowboy!” I yelled cracking everybody up.

“Okay. I dare you to kiss Rayne!”

***Alex’s POV***

Rayne was shocked Zacky was thinking about it and Bam looked pissed. He didn’t show it on his face but you could tell he didn’t want Rayne to kiss anyone but him. Rayne nodded and Zacky leaned in. “How?” I but in. they didn’t know just kiss on the lips, make out, or peck.

“Make-out,” Brian smirked.

“Bri, doesn’t Zacky have a girlfriend?”

“Nope. He’s off right now with Gena.” I nodded and Bam’s eyes held white hot rage. This won’t be good. They leaned in and started making out. I saw Bam look away and Rayne finally pull away after Brian screamed done.

“Maybe we can get together later? For some fucking?” I heard Zacky whisper in her ear.

“I don’t have one night stands,” she whispered back and they went back to they’re seats.

***Rayne’s POV***
“Rayne truth or dare?” Novak asked after getting his breath back still struggling with putting his pants back on. He had just ran across the yard naked.

“Truth, I’m resting right now,” I said slumping against Bam. I had to run around the house three times in my panties and underwear. I was tired. For now.

“Where’d you get that bruise on your arm?” he asked pointing to a bruise I’ve had since I was 16. I looked down at it and at Alex. I started panicking. She was panicking too. I searched for an answer in her eyes but she held none and shrugged her shoulders.

“Long story,” I tried passing it off.

“Tell,” he rolled his hand. I looked down again and sighed.

“Do I have to?” I whispered in Bam’s ear. Novak and everyone else except Bam and Alex said yeah. “I got hit by a-a chain, multiple times and shot,” I whispered the last part very low.

“What? Who did that to you?” Bam asked very loudly. The memories started flooding back into my mind.

“You little bitches come back here!” Robert yelled whipping a chain at us. Alex had a bit of a head start so I was behind her. Robert was gaining up on us. He kept whipping his chain and it kept hitting me. Over and over again. I felt a bruise forming the first time but now I could feel the chain breaking skin. That’s going to be permanent.

We were getting away from him when he brought out a shiny metal object. I started running even faster now. Alex saw my pace and ran quicker too. I heard the bang go off and right where the bruise from the chain was, was a searing pain. I looked down at my arm and saw he had shot me.

I started crying and Bam rubbed my back. Alex came over and rubbed my back along with him. She sighed and looked up at everyone. “I’ll explain.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Alex’s Room
Rayne’s Room
Alex's movie Date
Bonfire outfits
here ya go.
it took forever for the room.
krista its ur time to explain.