

That was two years ago. We ended up being closer than best friends. We started dating about three months into it.

“Hey J?” I was leaning against his shoulder as we sat on the couch watching a movie. “Can you grab a drink for me please?”

With a fake big sigh he untangled himself from me and with a smile said, “Sure babe.”

When he came back with a glass of ice water I snuggled next to him again. He put his arm around me. “You know I care about you, right babe?” I nodded. “Just checking.”

We hung out everywhere. People never saw us apart. He was such a gentleman to me. Always opening doors, getting me things. He loved to hold my hand and whisper sweet words into my ear until I giggled. Life was good.

It was like that for about six months. I lived in pure bliss, until he started acting like his old man of course.

It was late August. Even in Oregon things can get pretty hot. I always dressed modestly, Jaden didn’t like me showing off to other guys. I took it more as a compliment than a dictation. Now that I look back I see how much he controlled my life. I never hung out with anyone but him. My days were devoted to Jaden. He was an extremely jealous type, and I couldn’t so much look at someone unless I wanted a serious of questions.

So I was standing out in heat, wearing my red t-shirt and jeans, hair pulled up, I looked less “sexy”, waiting for Jaden to pick me up when Thomas came up to me.

“Hey Raine,” he sat down next to me on the wall. If I had know what followed I would have made him move.

Thomas just sat nicely next to me making small conversation when Jaden pulled up in his blue Volvo. As I peaked at him to let him know I would be there soon I saw a strange crease in his brow I had never seen before and I watched his grip tighten on the wheel. I excused myself and entered the car.

Thomas walked off and left Jaden and I alone in the parking lot. “Why were you talking to him?” His steady whisper was something I wasn’t used to.

I shrugged. “He came and sat down next to me.” I offered unsteadily.

“What did you talk about?” His manner was so strange I started to get a little annoyed.

“Jaden, you know I love you and only you.” I leaned over to give him a kiss. With out warning the back of his hand connected with my face. I gasped in pain as I realized what happened. “Jaden!” I said in shock. He grabbed my wrist and pushed his thumbs in until I could feel myself bruising.

“Don’t you ever talk that way to me and don’t you ever let me see you with him again!”
I nodded, feeling a lone tear snake its way down my red and stinging cheek. On the way home he drove way to fast, fist clenched the entire time. He often yelled at other drivers for going to slow, going to fast, or driving the same speed as him. I tried to make myself as small as possible in the seat. I couldn’t believe that someone who cared about me would hurt me. I had every intention of confronting him when we arrived at his house. But as I went to get out of the car he hurried around to open in for me.

“Baby I am so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” He looked desperate. “Please, forgive me sweetie.” My heart relented. I loved him after all.

“Mkay,” I said quietly, “just don’t let it happen again.” I saw that same look cross his face for a second time but it quickly passed. He just nodded and put his arm around me.