

Diary entry one.
December 21, 1992.
I have never seen her before at school, but she..she's surely something. The cold air was blowing as I was smoking my cigarettes with my friend, Mike and when my eyes saw her, she was flipping her long red hair behind her so it could fall onto her back. She was smiling, big beautiful teeth, and her eyes were lit up. She was wearing one of the jock's jackets, and of course touching the beef heads arm, smiling that smile towards him. As soon as I saw her, the cold air really hit me and sent chills through my whole body, and I shivered and held myself. My cigarette resting in between my lips. Before I knew it, I was starring. Her body was perfect, her perfect shape. I'm guessing that idiot was her boyfriend, because by some beautiful chance, she looked at me and I swear her lips curled upwards into a smile, and then the imbisol put his arm around her and walked away. I needed to know her.

Diary entry two.
Decemeber 23, 1992.
I find myself seeing her everywhere, and I can never take my eyes off her. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I want her. Her name is Sabrina, she was head captin of the math team, which made me get a total hard on for her. She's 17, the beef head who is her boyfriend, is using her because she fucks good. ( So I heard from the guys on the football team..No..I'm not on the football team, but come one...I did a little research and used my ears..So was a lucky chance I was in the football team locker room, standing on the toliet right then at that moment when they were talking about their greats love making moments. We all now men are pigs, don't judge me.) For just that moment, I wish I was that jock just to feel myself in her.

Diary entry three.
December 25, 1992.
I can't explain all the feelings I feel for her so soon, But I think I'm in love at first sight. I see her all the time, when I go to the mall with my friend, when I'm driving, when I stay after school just to pass the math room a little bit and watch her.. I wanted to get her something for Christmas..But I just couldn't, she doesn't even know who I am. Though I'm sure she could fall in love with me just as I'm in love with my perfect Sabrina..if she only knew me..

Diary entry four.
January 9, 1992.
She was walking alone, holding her books so tight. She walked right past me while I was smoking my cigarette. I smiled at her and she smiled back, I swear it.. I watch her ass as she walked away from me. The wind blew her scent on me and she smelt so good. Her hair smelling of peaches and cream, the little squirt of perfum on her neck that I would kill to kiss. I took out my camera and took an old photo of black and white of her. I would capture her, one way or another.

Diary entry five.
January 12, 1992.
I walked past her in the halls and she was in a hurry, so I bumped into her, and she touched my shoulder and smiled as her stuff fell to the ground. I bent to pick it up and she did the same. The sight of her breast made me almost ejaculate. I felt my penis get hard as I pictured making love to her. I went into the bathroom to play with myself.

Diary entry six.
February 14, 1992.
I spent Valentines day with her. But I don't think she knew I was there with her. She was crying because that asshole hurt her..I swear I would kill him. She was almost asleep, tossing and turning as I was outside on a tree by her window. I was drawing her body on a piece of paper and getting an erektion as she moved her body so her breast moved with her, and her moans were so cute. Maybe she was dreaming of me..
For the past week, I have been touching myself to the thought of her.

Diary entry seven.
February 17, 1992.
Why can't she love me!? Why can't she notice me?! I sit her in a dark room, no lights, nothing, I've killed everything in my head, Why doesn't she love me?!! Why doesn't her sexual fantasys cry out for me?! Why don't her nails into my back skin as I make her moan and scream with pleasure?! Why don't I kiss her plump lips?! She will be mine...she has to be.

Young football star found dead. Brutally murdered. Body parts were everywhere, we have yet to find his heart.

Boy follows girl everywhere, and finally he finds her at home. Put a knife to her throat, repeating he never wants to hurt her, blind folds her. Girl screams in terror. Boy ties her to the bed and strips her, and touches her body, as he touches himself, tells her not to be afriad, that he loves her. Cuts her body just to fix her wounds because he is sickly in love with her, and wants to do everything for her. Young football stars heart is found on her dresser. Boy rapes girl, and the sick fucking girl started to enjoy it. After that night, they have been seen together. Story from their friends is thats how they fuck. We are still looking for this psychopaths. Let us know if you see them.
Tall, pale boy, long hair, skinny body. Young beautiful red headed, blue eyed girl.