My 21st Century Breakdown

Unseeing Eyes

"Hey have you seen Darcy's cousin?" Mike asked Billie as they waited in the back room of the Gilman. Billie was fiddling around changing his strings, his dark head of hair bent over so Mike couldn't see his face.

"Um...yeah, I've seen her, I haven't spoken to her though." Billie said. "Why have you?" he questioned Mike but still didn't look up at him.

"No. I saw Darcy though and she said she might come tonight and bring her cousin with her. Darcy says her cousin is blind. How the hell does she cope? Darcy said she's..."

"Will you quit talking about Darcy so much? Why don't you do something about this thing you have for Darcy instead of talking about it all the time?" Billie looked up and knew he'd gone too far. He knew Mike liked Darcy and had done for some time. "I think its about time you did something about this dude?" He said but realising how shy Mike was and knowing he'd probably never do something about it but Billie wasn't sure if Darcy felt the same way. He knew she liked Mike but how much more she liked Mike he didn't know and she'd never said anything to him.

"Yeah, may be I will," Mike said but they both knew he wouldn't.

Just then the door burst open, "they're calling us." Tre's voice said, "you two ready? What the fuck have you been doing in here." Tre said, he'd been waiting for the guys for ages.

"Nothing." They both said at once then left the room to play to their crowd of fans.


"Fuck me that was amazing tonight." Said Billie. It had been the biggest crowd they'd played to, all the regulars had been up the front singing along to all the songs, they loved their fans.

"Yeah but fucking hot out there tonight," said Tre reaching for a towel to wipe his face on.

There was a quiet knock on the door, the guys looked at each other wondering who that could be. Nobody usually knocked they just barged on in.

"Come in!" Shouted Mike. They all glanced over to see who it was and in came Darcy and following very close behind, her cousin Lily. Billie glanced away.

"Hey Darcy!" Said Tre going over and giving her a hug. "This must be your cousin Lily, hi good to meet you. Did you get to see the show?" He said taking her hand in welcome.

"I did, it was amazing." Said Lily.

"I didn't know you were English," Tre said and still holding Lily's hand spoke to Billie and Mike. "Hey, guys, Lily's English, we're hoping to tour your wonderful country sometime soon." He said.

"Its a shame that I won't be there," Lily said in her quiet voice. Tre noticed she wasn't looking at him, obviously just glancing straight ahead, it was as though she was looking at the neck of his t-shirt. "But hopefully I'll get to hear you play more round here, my mother and I hope to move to this area."

"That's fantastic." Said Tre. "Listen, do you to want to come back to Billie's? We're heading over there for some drinks and to play some more, there'll be a few of us there." He said hopefully.

"You want to Lily?" Darcy said to her cousin.

"I'd love to." Lily said.

Mike was quiet because suddenly he didn't know what to say to Darcy he knew he wanted to approach her and ask her out but didn't want to spoil what they had if she said no.

Billie was quiet because he didn't know what to say. For the first time in his life he didn't know what to say. He <i>wanted </i> to talk to Lily but what the fuck could he talk to her about?

One thing he did notice and that was her eyes, her unseeing eyes were a deep dark blue and she was even prettier close up than when he'd seen her before standing outside Darcy's front door.

He'd just keep quiet when they got back to his house. Keep quiet, say nothing and she'd be gone before he knew it.