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I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay.

She's Right, I Thought, I Don't Love Her.

When I got to Jessica’s house, I shut the car off and waited for a couple minutes, not really wanting to go in. I sighed and got out.
“Hey.” I said when she opened her front door.
“Hi.” She replied.
I followed her into the house, shutting the door behind me and walking into her living room. I glanced around and noticed that most everything was packed into boxes.
“You’re honestly going to do it.” I said quietly.
“Matt, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” I asked.
“Everything, what I said to you that night.” She replied.
“Why are you doing it?” I whispered, looking at her with a pained expression. Jessica looked away from me.
“You don’t understand.” She replied.
“What’s there to understand?” I asked, starting to get upset.
“I love him.” Jess replied quietly.
“No you don’t. How could love him, you know what he’s like!” I said, raising my voice in anger.
“What is he like Matt? He’s nice to me, he loves me.”
“He’s nice, he loves you?” I stuttered in disbelief.
“Jessica, you even said yourself that there was something funny about him.”
“I was wrong, okay?”
“No you weren't and you know it.” I growled.
“Why didn’t you just listen to me in the first place, why couldn’t you have just stayed away from him?” I asked.
“Why couldn’t you have just stayed away from her?” Jessica yelled. I stared at her surprised.
“I couldn’t.” I told her quietly.
“I know,” She whispered. “I’m sorry.”
I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her.
“Don’t mess this one up Matt, don’t cheat on or lie to her. Promise me that you’ll love her right?” Jessica whispered. Her head buried in my chest, I nodded.
“Please don’t go Jess.” I whispered trying not to cry.
“I have to Matt.”
I let go of her and stumbled away.
“You don’t have to do shit!” I yelled.
Jessica’s phone started to ring, she didn’t answer and it went to voice mail.
“Where the fuck are you?” Jayda’s Dad’s voice came on the speaker. “You better fucking be home, I’m on my way and you better be alone.” He growled and hung up.
“You should leave; you aren’t supposed to be here.” Jess told me quietly.
“Has he hit you yet?” I whispered, staring at her.
“No he hasn’t, he wouldn’t do that to me. You have to go Matt.”
“He’s going to get worse Jessica; I can’t watch you get hurt too.”
“Matt, you have to leave.”
“Don’t do it. Please don’t do it Jess.” I begged, starting to tear up.
“Matt you can’t help everyone.”She told me.
“Why can’t I help you? Why do you have to do this to yourself?”
“Come on Matt, you have to go.” Jessica said with no emotion.
She took my hand and led me to the front door.
“Watch out for Jayda, her father told her to be back home tonight or she’d be in trouble.” Jess told me and opened the front door.
“Bye Matt.” She said as I reluctantly stepped outside.
“I…I love you.” I stammered.
“No, you love Jayda, please don’t forget.” She replied and I nodded.
Jessica shut her door and I slowly walked back to my car.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I yelled at myself when I was sitting in the car, hitting the steering wheel.
She’s right, I thought, I don’t love her. I just didn’t know what to do to make her stay away from him.
I turned the car on, making the decision to keep the promise I made her and drove home.
I hope Jayda isn’t too upset with me. I thought as I parked in the driveway. I felt bad leaving her alone when I knew that she hadn’t wanted me to go in the first place.
I walked into the house and went to my room. I opened my door and frowned when I noticed that Jayda wasn’t there. I quickly turned and checked the rest of the house, calling out her name. I barged into Johnny’s room last.
“Johnny where the hell is Jayda?” I asked frantically. He and Maddy were watching TV naked.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know” He replied.
“Shit, shit, shit!” I yelled starting to panic.
I ran out of his room remembering what Jessica had told me and left the house. I quickly got in my car and spun out of the driveway.
I sped the whole way there and parked on the side of the road. I cursed when I noticed that his car was in the driveway. I got out of the car and ran to the door. I didn’t knock but went right in and to her room.
“Get your fucking hands off of her!” I yelled when I say him pulling at her hair.
“Oh look Jayda; it’s your knight in shinning armor.” He mocked and let her go. She fell to the floor and he kicked her, making her scream.
Rage filled me as I lunged at him and swung at his face as hard as I could. I shoved him away from Jayda and hit him again.
“You’re a fucking piece of shit.” I spat at him as he held his face.
“Don’t you know that you aren’t supposed to hit women, you fucking pussy.” I growled and punched him straight in the nose.
“Don’t you ever fucking touch her again.” I warned.
“She isn’t worth it; she’s just a worthless whore like her Mother.” Claude said.
I hauled back my arm and smashed my fist into the side of his face again. He stumbled backwards and almost fell.
“Don’t you fucking say shit like that about her ever again, or you’ll regret it.” I warned him, dead serious.
I hurried to where Jayda was laying on the floor almost passed out and knelt down beside her. I gently picked her up, then stood and walked out of her room.
“She likes it rough.” I heard him say when I was at the end of the hallway.
“You’re a fucking sick bastard.” I replied coldly, fighting the urge to turn around and beat his face in.
♠ ♠ ♠
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