Status: comment please!

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay.

He's Never Going To Change.

I was pulled from my sleep by lips pressing themselves all over my face. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Matt leaning over me with a grin plastered on his face.
“I still can’t believe that we have our own house.” I told him and he laughed.
“It’s been two weeks.”
“It still doesn’t feel real.” I said and Matt kissed me.
“Did that?” He asked and I laughed, kissing him again.

Later that afternoon while I was baking for the boys, the doorbell rang.
“Matt can you get the door?” I yelled shutting the mixer off.
“Babe I’m busy, you get it.” He yelled back.
Sighing, I wiped my hands off on a dishtowel and walked to the front door. I opened it and took a step back.
“Umm…W-what are y-you doing…here?” I stammered.
“Can we come in Jayda; there are things I’d like to talk to you about.” Dad said.
I glanced from him to Ms. Clark, and then I slowly nodded moving to the side so they could come in. I shut the door behind them and they took their shoes off. They followed me into the living room and sat down, I just stared at them. Dad cleared this throat and I quickly glanced at him.
“Jayda,” He started. “I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for what I’ve done to you and the way that I’ve treated you.” I nodded not knowing what to say or do and Dad stood up.
“Babe, who’s here?” Matt asked walking into the living room.
“Get the fuck away from her!” Matt yelled. I jumped and Dad looked over at him. Matt gently took my arm and pulled me towards him and away from Dad.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” He growled.
“I just came to talk, I wanted to let you know that I’ve gotten help.” I looked up at Dad, his eyes met mine and I believed him. He took a step towards me and I backed up so that I was behind Matt.
“Don’t fucking touch her.” Matt warned and Dad looked up at him.
“She’s my daughter,” He said quietly. “And I’ve made some mistakes. I just want to make things right again.” Matt snorted.
“Maybe you should have thought twice before making those mistakes.” He replied.
“I got help, didn’t I Jess?”
I looked at her, she was staring at the floor and she nodded. Dad cleared his throat and she looked up.
“Yes,” She said barely above a whisper. “He got help.”
I could see that she was trying to hide bruises underneath the makeup that she was wearing. Dad’s different now, I told myself. He wouldn’t hurt her, he wasn’t like he used to be, she must have fell.
“Get the fuck out of our house, and don’t ever come back.” Matt growled. Dad looked from me to Matt, he stayed where he was.
“Get. The. Hell. Out!” Matt yelled.
“Alright, we’ll go. I just wanted to say how sorry I am and…” Matt cut him off.
“I SAID GET THE HELL OUT!” He screamed. I watched as Dad looked at Ms. Clark and motioned for her to get up.
“Come on.” He growled. She stood, gave us a weak smile and followed him out of the room.
Matt stormed after them and I stood in the living room, trying to take in all that had just happened. Matt stormed back into the room.
“What the hell?” He yelled at me pointing towards the door. I shrugged and looked down at the floor.
“Why the hell did you just let him into our fucking house?” Matt demanded.
“I-I don’t…really know.” I stammered.
“You don’t really know?” Matt yelled. “What if I hadn’t have been home Jayda, huh?” I shrugged again.
“He came to apologize.” I told him.
“Jayda, nothing he does can make up for what he did to you.” Matt replied in a softer tone, stepping towards me. I looked up at him.
“But…but he changed.” I said my voice cracking. “He got help, you heard him!”
“Are you honestly that gullible Jayda?” Matt asked angrily. “Did you not see her fucking black eye? How scared she was?”
“It wasn’t his fault!” I yelled at Matt. “He isn’t like he used to be.”
“Fucking hell Jayda, I can’t believe you!”
“You don’t understand Matt!” I cried.
“I know I don’t, I don’t understand how you can still believe his bullshit after all the things he’s done to you.” He growled.
“He’s my Dad, Matt!”
“He was some fucking Father Jayda!” Matt replied sarcastically and I started to cry.
“He got help Matt, he changed.” I told him.
“Honey…he didn’t change and you know it.” Matt replied softly. “He’s the same as he was before and he always will be. He’s never going to change.”
“You’re wrong!” I screamed at him. “He’s not the same; you just don’t want to accept it!”
“You need to accept it!” Matt yelled as tears streamed down my face.
“Dad got help, he wouldn’t lie!”
“Why Jayda? Why, after all the shit he put you through, why do you still believe him? Why do you side with him, huh? Why? I want to fucking know!”
“I just need someone to love me!” I screamed near hysterics.
“I love you, isn’t that enough?” Matt demanded.
“No, it’s not!” I yelled.
“Well fuck then!” He yelled back and stomped out of the living room.
The front door slammed shut, making me jump and I ran to the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet to empty my stomach.
♠ ♠ ♠
felt like here you go:) tell me what you think. might update the next chapter in Matts point of view tonight.

Jayda's Father <----- this guy scares the shit out of me. he looks like someone i know that im not too fond of.