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I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay.

You're More Than Cute.

Shit, shit, shit! I thought as I woke up in the morning. Groaning, I sat up on the couch and cursed.
“You’re looking happy this morning.” Zack commented.
“Jayda’s going to kill me.” I replied rubbing my temples, feeling like shit.
“She called for you last night, she didn’t sound good dude.” He told me as I stood up.
“Shit, tell the guys I’ll see them later.” I told him as I headed towards the door, eager to get back.
“Will do, good luck.” Zack replied as I put on my shoes and left the apartment.

When I got home, I quietly entered the house and walked into the living room. Jayda was curled up, looking uncomfortable in the armchair with the phone beside her. I instantly felt guilty and walked towards her. I bent down and picked her up gently in my arms. I made it to the bedroom before she woke up.
“Put me down.” Jayda said flatly. I laid her in bed and pulled the blankets over her body.
“Sorry.” I told her sincerely, kissing her forehead.
“Leave me alone.” She grumbled.
“You can sleep, I’ll look after Molly.” I told her leaving the room, knowing that it wouldn’t make things better if I continued to apologize.
I walked down the hall and checked in on Molly, she was still sleeping. I left her room and went into the bathroom to shower.
Once I was cleaned and dressed, I went back to Molly’s room. She was staring up at her mobile, gooing to herself.
“Hi baby, did you sleep good?” I asked using my baby voice as I picking her up out of her crib. I wrinkled my nose as I smelt her.
“Let’s get you changed.” I said placing her down on the change table.
After changing her diaper and clothes, I held her in my arms and walked down the hall to our bedroom. I peeked in on Jayda who was sound asleep, and then continued down the hall to the front door.
Making sure that I had everything I needed, I left the house and buckled Molly into her car seat. Starting the engine, I pulled out of the driveway and headed to my parent’s house.

“Hello?” I called out as I stepped into the house.
“In the kitchen.” Mom replied as I took off my shoes.
“Hey Matt, where’s Jayda?” Dad asked from the table as I entered the room.
“She’s sleeping, she didn’t sleep great last night.” I told him as Mom took the baby from me.
“Want us to look after Molly for the day?” She asked.
“If you don’t mind.” I replied.
“I don’t mind at all.” Mom said with a grin.
“Thanks.” I told her kissing her cheek.

I tiptoed into the bedroom when I got home and pulled off my clothes, leaving me in only my boxers. I quietly walked to my side of the bed and got in under the blankets. Jayda immediately rolled over and cuddled into my. I smiled and kissed the top of her head before closing my eyes.
I woke up at twelve, groaning as Jayda kept shaking me.
“What?” I mumbled.
“Where the hell is Molly?” She asked sounding panicked, I opened my eyes.
“Calm down Hon, she’s with Mom and Dad,” I told her. “We’re spending the day alone today.”
“You’re an asshole.” Jayda said frowning at me.
“Look,” I sighed. “I’m sorry I didn’t come home, we just got caught up in our writing –“
“And drinking.” She said cutting me off.
“I apologized okay? What else do you want me to do?” I asked exasperated as she got off the bed. Jayda didn’t reply as she went into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it behind her.
Sighing, I got up and put my clothes back on. I left our bedroom and went to the kitchen, pulling out a box of cereal.

Jayda was just pulling a shirt over her head when I walked back into our room.
“Come on,” I told her. “Let’s go.”
“Where are we going?” She asked as she looked up at me with a frown on her face.
“Out, you need to get out of the house.” Jayda raised her eyebrow at me.
I need to get out of the house?” She asked.
“Yes, now come on.” I replied motioning her to follow me.
“Can I at least get ready first?” I nodded and got an idea.
I opened my dresser and grabbed some swim shorts, then took Jayda’s bathing suit from her drawer. I walked into the bathroom carrying the suits in my hand and grabbed two towels from the cupboard. Going back into our room, I found a book bag in the closet and shoved our stuff into it.
“You ready?” I asked Jayda, slinging the bag over my shoulder.
“Where the hell are we going?” I shrugged.
“Well what if I don’t want to go anywhere’s with you?” Jayda said looking annoyed.
“Then I’d say too bad because we’re going on a date.” I replied taking her hand. Jayda sighed and followed me through the house.
“Did you bring enough stuff for Molly to your parent’s house?” Jayda asked as I backed out of the driveway.
“Relax, I packed everything she’ll need and more.” I replied smiling at her, showing off my dimples.
“Do you even know where we’re going?”
“Nope, not really. Is there anywhere you’d like to go?” I asked taking her hand in my free one.
“Can we go to the mall?” Jayda questioned hesitantly.
“Anywhere you want babe.” I replied and took the right exit to get to the shopping center.

“Did you need anything or do you just want to look?” I asked pulling into the parking lot.
“Molly needs some clothes.”
“What about you though, do you need anything?”
“No I don’t need anything, I’m fine.” She said.
“Is there anything you want?” I asked again.
“Matt,” Jayda sighed. “I’m fine, alright? I just want to relax.”
“Sorry, I just want to make you happy.” I replied as I parked the car and shut it off.
“You do make me happy.” I leaned over and kissed her lightly.
“Sorry about last night.” I told her.
“Forget about it.” Jayda replied brushing it off as she unbuckled her seatbelt.
“Are you sure? Zack said you called last night and didn’t sound too good.”
“I was just worried.” She told me looking out the front window.
“I’m sorry.” I said feeling guilty again.
“Let’s just go shopping.”
“Alright.” I replied and we got out of the car.

“Can we please get her this shirt?” I begged Jayda, pulling my irresistible pout face holding up a tiny shirt that said ‘Daddy + Mommy = Me.’
“No, she’d look cuter in this one.” Jayda replied laughing as she showed me another mini t-shirt that read on it, ‘If you think I’m cute, you should see my Daddy.’ I smirked.
“You think I’m cute?” I asked moving closer to her.
“You’re more than cute.” She replied leaning up to place a kiss on the side of my mouth.
“Thanks babe, you’re sexy too.” I told her kissing her back.
“Let’s go and pay.” Jayda said as she began walking away with a smile on her face. I stepped in line with her and took the clothes from her hands. “Thanks.”
“No problem babe.” I told her as we smiled at each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
well it's almost done.. 4 more chapters to go. I've got up to chater 58 written, so updates will be faster. Please comment!