Status: comment please!

I Found You, Something Told Me To Stay.

You Are A Little Bitch.

I left the school and noticed a small crowd of people gathered into a circle. Curiosity got the best of me and as I got closer, I noticed Johnny fighting two guys and he wasn’t doing that great. Cody was holding Johnny down and the other guy was punching him. I felt the anger start to rise and stormed over. I pushed through the crowd, grabbed Cody and pulled him off. Johnny didn’t waste any time and dove at the one who had been kicking his ass.
I swung my fist and punched Cody in the face; I forcefully pushed him then stepped towards him.
“You fucking with my brother Cody?” I growled. He knew better than to mess with me, after all I was his dealer.
He swung at me; I dodged his fist and shoved mine into his gut. Cody doubled over and I was about to hit him again when a teacher yelled. “Stop!” And I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I dropped my hand and stepped away from Cody, who was bent over clutching his stomach like a little fucking girl.
“The four of you, to the office now!” The teacher yelled.
“Motherfucker.” I muttered. I had been suspended more than my share of times this year and knew that my mother was going to have my dick when I got home.
I followed the teacher and the rest of the guys into the school, ignoring all the stares. Me and Johnny were ushered into the principal’s office and left alone. Cody and the other little pussy waited out in the hall.
“Fuck Matt.” Johnny growled. “I had that fight under control.” I laughed.
“Like hell you had it under control.” I replied.
“You made me look like a little bitch out there!”
“You are a little bitch.” I told him laughing. Johnny glared at me.
“What happened anyway?” I asked.
“Travis caught me fucking his girlfriend.” Johnny grumbled. I laughed and found a new respect for my little brother.
“You fucked her at school?” I asked, then chuckled thinking that I couldn’t really say anything.
The door opened, the principal and Dad walked in. Dad’s face was bright red. Mr. Williston sat behind his desk and Dad sat beside me.
“I don’t know why or how this fight started and I don’t care.” The principal started. “All I care about, is that there was a fight and it’s not your first time.” He finished looking in my direction. I just stared at the front of his desk, not caring.
Mr. Williston cleared his throat and I looked up at him. “So, I’m going to suspend you both for the rest of this week and the next week.”
After the principal was done giving his lecture, me and Johnny got our stuff from our lockers and went to the car with Dad. I sat in the front with Dad and threw my book bag in the backseat making sure to hit Johnny with it. He just grumbled and pushed it off. Dad started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.
"You guys are fucking stupid. What the hell were you thinking? I had to take time off from work to come pick you shitheads up.” He growled.
“Johnny’s the fucking stupid one.” I remarked. “Hell Dad, if you saw two guys beating the shit out of your little brother you’d kick their asses too.”
“I didn’t need your help.” Johnny growled from the back seat.
“Your mother is not going to be very fucking impressed.” Dad replied.
“She doesn’t know?” I asked.
“No, why the hell do you think I had to come get you? She was gone or something.” Dad grumbled.
“Oh.” I replied and the rest of the drive home was silent.
When we got home, Mom’s car was parked in the driveway.
“So she’s home now.” Dad muttered to himself.
Me and Johnny groaned and got out of the car. As soon as we walked through the door, Mom stormed around the corner with her hands on her hips.
“What did you do now?” She demanded staring at me. Mom’s eyes shifted to Johnny and her face turned a darker shade of red.
“Jonathan Sanders what happened to you?” Mom yelled.
“I…umm…got into a…” Johnny hesitated. “A fight.” He finished.
“You what?!” Mom shrieked and then glared at me. “You had something to do with this?” She asked. I held my hands up in front of my chest.
“I didn’t have anything to do with it, I was only saving Johnny’s ass.” Mom gave me a disbelieving look.
“Why do I get the feeling that you don’t believe me?” I asked.
“Because I don’t.” She replied.
“He was just helping me Mom.” Johnny said and I turned, giving him a weird look. “I mean, I didn’t need any but Matt seems to think that I did.” I laughed.
“They were beating the shit out of you.” I replied.
“I can’t believe you Johnny!” Mom growled ignoring our last couple of comments. “I mean, I can expect that from your brother but not you.”
“Hey!” I protested. “Johnny’s just sneakier than I am.”
Johnny was the good son; he didn’t get into trouble like I did. Sure, occasionally he did, but Mom expected him to make up for my behavior.
Mom gave me another look then said. “Johnny you’re grounded.”
“Wait a minute.” I said realizing that she didn’t say anything about me. “I’m not?” I asked. Mom didn’t look pleased but she shook her head.
“Hell yeah!” I exclaimed and got yet another look from my mother.
♠ ♠ ♠
another chapter :) comment please. thanks to those who have.