Status: Inactive.

Fates Entwined

Um... Hello. You found me on someone else's profile? Who's? Anyway, I don't think you're weird. Most people discover new people through similar methods, no?

Layla had been replied to, as she expected, and the person on the other end was being nice. Not that that was strange, but it was still nice to have it happen.

She typed a quick reply, typing with her two pointer fingers. Some were shocked that she could type that way and still type so fast, but it was just a routine for Layla. She could type properly, but she'd never bothered learning how to do it quickly that way.

After responding to her message, Layla stayed on a while longer until her mother came to the computer.

"Can I check my Facebook, Layla?" she asked.

Layla groaned, then got off. She grabbed her iPod, put it on shuffle, and the first song that came up was "Heaven Sent" by Hinder.

She would be back to the computer later. And when she did, there would be another of the fateful messages waiting for her, just like before.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted it to be long, but I couldn't think of what else to add. The Hinder song was for Hinder honey's benefit. If only I had "All or Nothing" or "Dancing in the Dark" back then…

Anyway, I promise I'll have longer, better-written chapters!