Love's Not a Competition... But I'm Winning

Chapter Three

We got back to the school at around 11, I was laughing the whole way back as Remy kept telling me stories from his travels. When we got inside, I was not surprised to see storm waiting there, arms crossed with a disapproving look on her face, my laughter died immediately as I stood up straight.

“Do you know how dangerous it is for mutants? Now especially is not the time for you to be going to bars with a stranger. You should be more careful.” Storm stated with her disapproving look still gracing her face.

“Why should I be careful? They are the ones that should be careful! And Remy is not a stranger.. He’s the one who brought me here,” I exclaim as I tried to walk past her only to have her catch my arm.

“You are like a daughter to me and right now I’m disappointed in you, I thought you knew better,” she said before letting me go and walking up the stairs. I groaned quietly before pulling Remy up the stairs and leaving him outside his door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, night,” I said as I kissed him on the cheek. He grinned at me before opening his door.

“Night Cheri,” he replied before going inside the room and closing the door. I sighed to myself with a smile before walking down the hall and into my room. Once inside I sat on the bed and finally allowed Storms words to effect me, I felt tears sting my eyes before I changed for bed and got under the covers willing sleep to come.


The next morning I woke to a knock at my door, I got up quickly and opened it to find Remy standing there. He walked in and closed the door behind him and looked at me with a worried expression on his face.

“You need to get dressed and come downstairs right now,” he stated, I nodded and grabbed clothes, quickly changing, not caring if he was in the room. Once dress Remy took my hand and led me downstairs.

“What’s going on?” I asked, Remy stopped at turned to look at me, putting his hands on my shoulders and looking me right in the eye.

“Some mutants have been found, there was an attack by the brotherhood,” Remy explained,

“What does this have to do with me?” I asked quietly.

“The victim was a man and a girl, the man was your father,” Remy added on, a frown on his face. Suddenly it all clicked, I felt light-headed and leaned back against the wall, putting a hand to my forehead.

“I have to see him,” I stated quickly as Remy nodded and took my hand leading me to the lab. When we reached the lab, I was shocked to see him lying on the table passed out. “How long has he been out?” I whispered to Remy.

“A few hours now,” Remy stated.

“He should wake up soon then, be careful Jean.” I stated but not in time as soon my father as jumping up and had Jeans by the throat. I gasped quickly as Remy caught me around the waist and pulled me into the corner away from any threat. Jean was shocked as my dad held her but soon he let her go and was running out of the room, not seeing Remy and I.
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How you all enjoyed,
I've got a lot of possitive feedback on this story and have decided to continue it
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I'll have more soon :)