Naked Car Chases

Anele has been Cove Reber & Family's neighbor since she was in the womb. Now 16, she still hasn't spoken a word to the Reber family that lives in the white and blue trailer across the street from her house. All she knows about them is that the Reber boys aren't kids your family would be especially proud about you bringing over. Neither of the two older sons have finished school and go up north for work during the summer. Cove, the youngest at 16, hasn't made it to the 11th grade like the rest of the kids his age. Anele and her family know all of this thanks to their gossiping neighbors, but what can you expect from old ladies?
  1. Chapter One: Intro
    It's semi-autobiographical. The only fictional part is Cove Reber being the neighbor. And the main female character's name.
  2. Chapter Two
  3. Chapter Three
    An obscure sex scene here. No intense moments. It's somewhat ambiguous and not much of a scene. No worries.
  4. Chapter Four