Legend Awaits


Em ran from my room to the hallway bathroom. All of us sat in shock. I couldn’t believe she could accuse Kaolin of being evil. I bet she was trying to divert me. Oh, she was evil. I had to tell Kaolin this. My mind still couldn’t wrap itself around what she just said. I laid my head down while as Grandpa walked out of the room. I heard him knock on the bathroom door.

“Are you okay, Em?” he asked. I didn’t hear a response from her, but I did hear her open the door and invite him in. I could barely hear their murmurings. It was odd. Why would she invite him in there? I heard the door reopen and their steps in the hallways. They came in the room, Em calmer but still red eyed and Grandpa was dazed like he just saw something amazing. What did that demon do to him?

Shane spoke up, easing the tension. “So your parents told you all of that?”

She smiled weakly, but said, “No, not all of it. A lot of the locals know all about her. They have some very interesting stories. Most people don’t even know some of the tales they have told me.”

“Can you tell us some, Em?” Zo asked.

“You don’t have to, Em,” I said a little coldly. She looked at me as if she was hurt, but she quickly recovered.

“I don’t mind telling if you are really interested.”

“No, please, Em, go ahead,” Grandpa urged her on.

Her stories were magical. I was engrossed in them until the last one, when Kaolin came into the story. That sobered me up. She was probably making them up. I couldn’t listen to her anymore, but I wanted to know some answers.

“In the final battle, where did she send Kaolin and the rest of the demons?” I asked.

“Hell, of course. She reinforced all the powerful areas that could allow them to escape. She made God’s trap solid.”

“Do you think she is still alive?”

“Who? Emnomnia?” she questioned with a smile on her lips and her eyes shining. Her smile softened into a gentle one, one less excited. “I do.”

“Where could she be then?” my plan was to drill her until she broke.

“Who knows? She is an angel, so she could be anywhere. She might be closer than you think, or she might be on the other side of the world. I bet she’s doing what she has to do though.”

The way she talked sent chills up my spine. I don’t trust her. She talks like she knows her. If Emnomnia is alive, I doubt she would talk to this vile creature. She frowned again as I thought this.

“Why do you believe she is alive?” Everyone was staring me down. I didn’t care. I had questions and like they didn’t.

“It is just a belief, just like people believe in God. You don’t believe that their might be a chance that she is alive?” Em retorted.

I wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t say something for bit, but finally this came out, “I think she would make her self known in some little way if she was.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to alert anybody or anything to her being alive not dead like so many think she is.”

“I…I never thought of that,” I admitted.

“Most people wouldn’t. If someone was in that much pain, do you think that person would want to be bothered. Emnomnia was not one to show her pain.” She started intently at me, as if trying to bore something into me. I looked away from her feeling somewhat…ashamed? Why should I feel ashamed? I didn’t do anything wrong.

“I think it’s time to get to bed, you guys,” Grandpa spoke up.

“Huh? Oh, yeah,” I mumbled.

“Good night, Car, Zo, Ivana, Shane, and Em,” he said ‘Em’ with a different tone from everyone, like respect and admiration. He kissed my forehead and walked out the room.

“Good night, guys,” I called. They all returned the good night, but Em added, “Sweet dreams.”

I shivered under my sheets at the sound of her voice. It was creepy; it was foreboding. It was as if she knew of what or who I would dream of tonight. After getting over that sense of dread, I fell asleep. Sleep, or I should say dreams, came hard that night, like something was trying to keep me from dreaming. It was probably Em. I bet her name means Evil Magnificent Lucifer. That would make sense.

I’m here, I heard his familiar voice whisper. Relief had flushed over me. There was something blocking me. I almost didn’t break it. I was getting close to figuring it out who it was, but whoever it was closed the block before I could see him or her.

“It was her; it has to be,” I said aloud, not meaning too.

Her who?-/i]

“That girl I was telling you about. Em Luc. She talked about you tonight as if she knew you.” I was becoming skeptical of him. Why? Was what Em said getting to me? I squished that feeling instantly.

What did she say? he asked. I could hear the concern in his voice. Was he worried? Stop it!

“She said you betrayed Emnomnia. You were her lover.”

Alarm spread across his face for half a second, but then he masked it. I would never let Emnomnia go if I had had her. The angel that betrayed her was Castiel. I wonder if the girl you told me about is the demon he left Emnomnia for.

“The way she described the girl that he left her for was the exact opposite of Em, but that might be the point. I think she did something to my grandpa,” I said, fear rising in me.

What do you mean? concern filled his voice.

“I had asked my grandpa what was Emnomnia’s lover’s name. He didn’t know, but Em did. She described what he looked like. She described you in perfect detail.” I looked at him warily, but he hadn’t noticed. “She then told us what the demon he left her for looked like. She finally told us his name, your name. She ran from my room to the hallway bathroom. My grandpa went after her. She invited him into the bathroom. After they walked, he had looked at her and talked to her with respect and admiration.”

She might have enthralled him, put him under some spell. But why? he thought.

“I have no clue.”

Ask her to go swimming and bless the water. That will tell if she is the demon or maybe she is just working for them.

“How did you know I had a pool?”

I am an angel, he pointed up.

“Oh, duh,” I said at my obvious stupidity.

Have sweet dreams, Carlyn. Good night. He walked off. I was sad to see him walk away.

I finished the night with sweet dreams, ha. I woke up feeling refreshed. Em was walking back into the room when I sat up. She smiled at me. I smiled back, temporarily forgetting she was evil. The rest of my friends woke up slowly after us. I grabbed my rosary and walked to my pool without anyone noticing. I usually walk outside when I first wake up anyway. It’s refreshing. I did as Kaolin instructed.

I walked in to find my grandpa fixing breakfast, pancakes and bacon. I walked back to my room and put up the rosary. Everyone else was in the front room watching television. I ambled in there and sat next to Shane, who was staring at Em. She smiled at me as sat down next to Shane. Shane returned my smile for me, making her giggle for a second by his obliviousness. I smiled too.

“So what are we doing today?” Zo asked.

“I know we’re eating some of you grandpa’s pancakes,” Ivana chirped, getting a laugh from all of us.

“Sounds good,” I said. “Em, you always wear long sleeves shirts? The only time I see you without one is during gym.”

“Oh, yeah. I like to be warm,” she answered. Of course she liked to be hot, her natural habitat is Hell.

“But it’s like eighty degrees outside,” I retorted.

“I’m not outside. I’m inside where the air condition is on sixty.”

Now that she had said it, I felt the chill in the air. “Grandpa, why do you have the air so low?” I asked as I
walked over to the thermostat. I turned it up to seventy.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Car. Ya’ll can come eat now,” he yelled.

“Okay, thanks,” I said as everyone ran past me.

I walked into the kitchen last. Everyone was chowing down on their food, except Em. She ate slowly and carefully as if she hadn’t eaten in forever, and she wanted to savor every bite. She ate like that all the time. I bit into my food, staring her down.

“What are you dong today, sweetie?” Grandpa asked.

“I think we’re going swimming,” I answered. Everyone cheered except Em, who looked like she was about to have a heart attack. She swallowed her piece of pancake hard. She recovered quickly when I raised my eyebrow at her.

“Sounds fun,” she gulped.