Legend Awaits


Em is…She is…black. Everything went black. There was no dream world. There was no one else there. There was an endless alley of darkness. There was only me. Me, my thoughts, and the darkness. I bet Em did this to me. Was she worried that I guessed her identity right’? Or was it that I was getting so close to raising Kaolin? She probably wanted me out so she could do whatever she wanted.

I woke up in the infirmary at the school. How did I get here? I didn’t remember being picked up or driven here. Was Grandpa here somewhere? I sat up in the bed I was placed in and looked around. There was no one in there- wait, yes there was. The girl was at the very end of the room. She fuzzy looking. I felt dizzy. I fell back onto the bed.

“Carlyn!” It was Zo. Oh, thank God. For a moment there, I thought it might have been Em making me dizzy. This just has to be a side affect of what she did to me.

“How did I get here?” I asked, my mouth dry.

“You passed out…twice, Carlyn. It was Em’s fast thinking that we brought you here. She picked you up and walked you to your car and drove here. She carried you in here. Boy, is that girl strong, too. She didn’t even seem bothered by your weight. Not saying that you’re fat or anything, just in genera. You do have a lot of muscle.”

I waved my hand to stop here babbling. She was upset and nervous. “It’s okay. I’m not offended. But why did she bring me here?”

“Em? The nearest hospital is in the city. This was the closest place to resemble a hospital,” Zo answered.

“No, Zo, you don’t understand. Em is evil.”

“What?” she gasped. “Are you feeling all right?” She put her hand to my forehead. I slapped it away.

“I’m fine. It’s a long story. You have to listen to me, ZO please,” I begged.

“Only to amuse you,” she said.

“That’s all I ask.” She pulled up a chair beside my bed and plopped down. She nodded, signaling me to begin. “The first day she showed up I was visited by an angel. I know it sounds crazy, but every day since then he was come to me in my dreams. He warned me that an evil surrounding me. I think she can read my mind. She knows what I’m about to say before I say it, or she’ll look at me while I think about her. She frowns at most of my thoughts. She accused Kaolin of being evil.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Kaolin, as in Emnomnia’s lover Kaolin?”


“What if she’s right, though. Maybe she’s the good guy.”

“No, when I told him, he said if he would have had her, he wouldn’t have let her go. Plus, he said her lover was Castiel. I think Em is the evil lover of Castiel.”

“Car, I don’t know. What if Kaolin is the evil guy and he’s trying to twist everything?

“I could say the same thing about Em. He wants me to erect him, so he can stop her before she rasies all hell, literally.”

“Car, I think you’ve blown your top. I’m going to get a nurse.” Zo got up and headed for the door.

“Zo, please. I’m telling you the truth. Have you noticed how Grandpa has acted around her since last night when she invited him into the bathroom?” That stopped her in her tracks.

She turned around slowly an looked at me, stunned. She had noticed it. “That doesn’t mean anything. They might have had a moment that brought them close together. I don’t know.

“Oh, come on, Zo. The way he looks at her and talks to her. It’s odd, more than a close moment,” I pleaded.

Zo was about to say something when the prioress came in. She looked worried, scared, determined. She excused Zo from the room and headed for the chair. She sat at in the chair and stared at me. She seemed not sure what to say. She took a few breaths before talking.

“Carlyn, dear, we need to talk,” she said.

“About?” I was nervous.

“I know an angel has been coming to you in your dreams. He came to me this morning while I slept. He said you were helping him, but he needed more help. He asked for my help, but Carlyn I need to understand what am I doing.”

“Prioress, there is evil among us trying to raise hell on Earth. The angel came to me earlier this week. Actually, he first came to me when Em Luc first started. I fear that she is the evil he talks about,” I answered her firmly.

“Carlyn, that is quite a powerful accusation. Are you sure?”

“Yes, she seems to be able to read my mind. She described the angel that has come to me last night. That’s a long story, but I think she is trying to prevent me from talking to him. Someone has blocked him from speaking me once, and another time while I talking to him, he was sent away. Every time I think about her she looks at me. They way she talks sometimes is creepy. I figured out who she is, and when I did, that’s when I passed out,” I explained.

“And who is she?” she asked.

“I think she is the lover of a fallen angel. She was, and is, a powerful demon.”

“Okay, if what you say is true, how do we stop her?” she rationalized.

“We raise Kaolin. A completely good person must sacrifice his or her self but doesn’t have to die. I was going to ask Ivana to do it; she would just have to give up some blood.”

“Are you sure, dear? That sounds archaic, something evil would need that.”

“No, one good person needs to sacrifice them self for the greater good; the greater good is an angel this time.”

“If you are certain dear.” She rubbed my hand before getting up to leave.

“I am, and thank you,” I called to her. She smiled.

I rested for a little while. Food was brought in for me. I wasn’t hungry. No one else came to visit me, which actually made me glad. It gave me time to plan for tomorrow. How am I going to convince Ivana to do this for me? I would have to find a way. I fell asleep to a smirking Kaolin.
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thank you to mistressofthenight for actually commenting.
but please comment, it doesn't matter if its bad or good
i just want to know if anyone likes this story.
thank you. hope you like though.