Legend Awaits

On Board

He hadn’t come to me this time while I slumbered. I felt incomplete in a way, but I reasoned that he was preparing for what he needed to do to defeat Em. I wondered what her real name was. I laid there by myself for quite a while. No body came to see me. I’m surprised Em hadn’t come by, but I guess she was preparing for world domination. Ivana walked in.

“Hey, Ivana,” I welcomed.

“Hey. How you doing?” she asked.

“Good. I don’t know why I’m still here.” I honestly didn’t. I haven’t passed out since I left the house yesterday afternoon. I just shrugged.

“They’re just keeping an eye on you; that’s all. Zo talked to me last night about something.”

“What did she tell you?”

“She told me what you thought about Em. It all came up when we were watching a rerun of Supernatural.”

“Seriously?” I laughed. That does make me think if some of the things they talk about and do is true. Huh.

“Yeah, it was the one about the ghost truck. Remember how it ends?”

“Yeah, Sam gets Dean to drive on sacred ground, and the truck goes after him but then poof; it’s gone. So?” I was confused. “What does this have to do with Em?”

“Well, I have a theory. If the evil ghost truck couldn’t go on sacred land, how could a demon? Wouldn’t it mess with them?”

“No, how many times had Dean and Sam been attack by demons in a church. I don’t think it effects demons. I think it is because they have human hosts. But what does that have to do with anything? It‘s just television.”

“Well, I guess I was trying to defend Em,” she sighed and plopped onto the bed. “I don’t think she is evil.”

“Thank you,” a voice said, startling us. The body the voice belonged to came into view. It was Em.

“Hey, Em,” we said together. She always knew when to show up or say anything.

“I’m glad that you don’t think I’m evil, but what does my personal preference of not being evil have to do with anything?” She eyed me down and frowned. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” I said harshly.

She stepped back and tilted her head to the side. “What have I done to deserve your coldness?”

“What? You are the reason I am here, Em,” I yelled.

She seemed confused. “I did bring you here, so yes I am the reason why you are here.”

“No, you did this to me.”

“I did nothing to you,” she said in a hard voice.

I wanted to yell at her, tell her I knew everything. Ivana was looking at me cautiously as if I lost my mind. Maybe I have lost it. I laid back without taking me eyes off Em. I realized what she was wearing. She wore a tight black shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. She did have a wonderful body. Her clothes hung on her in the right way. Her pants were just tight enough, hugging her thighs. Her pant legs started to flare out below her knees. She had black boots on with the small heels. It’s not like she needed heels; she was tall enough.

Another voice rang in my ears, but it wasn’t calling for me. It was yelling for Em. It was the prioress. Em tore her eyes from me. She seemed to be scrutinizing me like I was her. She turned and saw that her shirt cut to mid-back, revealing her scars that she hid when we swam. She seemed to know what I was looking at and turned to wink at me. I shuddered. She greeted Prioress Elizabeth warmly and walked off with her.

“Ivana did you see those?” I asked still looking at the spot where Em and the prioress walked off. I tore my eyes away to find Ivana looking at the same spot.

“You mean the scars on her back?” she answered still not taking her eyes off the opening.

“Yeah. They looked like they were from someone carving something out but still look fresh.”

“She didn’t have those yesterday,” was all Ivana could say.

“Yes, she did.” She was still looking away. “Ivana look at me.” She did. “Em did have those yesterday. I saw them, but she said something to make them disappear. Are you starting to believe me now?”

“Why was she looking at you like that? Ya’ll were having a stare down or something.”

“She knew what I was thinking. She is evil, Ivana,” I told her bluntly.

“I believe you. How do I help?” she admitted

“Good. I need you to help raise Kaolin” I said.

“Wait, the Kaolin from her story. The Kaolin that was Emnomnia’s lover?” She said, having the same reaction as Zo.

“Yes, I think she made it up to make him look bad in my eyes, but it didn’t work.”

Something flashed across her eyes- uncertainty? Then another something else. Her eyes got big and her jaw dropped. She had realized something, but she quickly hid it. Only a second or two had passed by, but I saw her range of emotions. She looked up at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing, what do I have to do?”

I explained everything to her. She seemed to take it all well. I told her we would do it in front of the church. “We meet there at six, okay? I’m going to get ready for it. I’ll see you then.”

She stood up from the chair kind of dazed. She shook her head and walked off. As soon as she was gone, I forced myself to fall sleep, so I can see Kaolin to make sure I’m doing it right.

Not Carlyn’s POV- 3 a.m. Sunday

They held a gun on me as I entered the motel room, stupid humans. They saw my wings but concentrated on my eyes. I hated this part about me. However, he was in here, and I needed to talk to him. No one will keep me from that. It’s not like the gun would hurt me, but nonetheless, it was aggravating.

He finally saw me; his jaw dropped, but he finally ordered the two men to drop their guns. They looked back at him. They were hesitant. That was not hard to understand. To them I looked like some marked demon from Hell, but he nodded reassuringly to the two gun holders. They finally dropped their guns to their side.

“We have a problem,” I spoke.

“So do we,” one of the gun holders answered. He was aesthetically pleasing- ashy blonde hair, a few inches taller than average height, well built. He was obnoxious. “What do you want?”

“You do not ask me questions. I am not here to converse with you,” I retorted.

“High and mighty, aren’t you?” he asked. He did not know who I was. I never introduced myself, so his obvious dislike of me was reasonable.

“Stop it!” he barked. It was nice to here a friend’s voice.

The other gun holder eyed me warily. He didn’t speak out loud, but this calculations were amusing. He was getting closer to the truth than his brother was. This one was taller then the other. He had shaggy brown hair, well built as well but skinnier. I liked him. He was like me in a way. I smiled at him. He seemed to be taken back by my action but smiled slightly. I laughed slightly.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Chailuin,” I said, using his real name, “is trying to raise. He is using a girl to do this.”

“Who?” the obnoxious one asked.

“Few know of him. Don’t bother yourself trying to figure out who he is,” I ordered.

“Why now? That does make senses. The seals are breaking.”

“What?” I yelled. “How?”

“The first,” he answered. I knew who he spoke of. I grimaced.

“We can’t let Chailuin rise either. He could make Lucifer rise much quicker.”

“I know. How do we stop this girl?”

“I do not know. She is very determined. I have sent messages to her that he is evil, but she does not believe them. I might have to tell her myself.”

“You can’t do that. It would ruin everything.”

“The world will find out of my existence soon no matter what we do.” I looked at the taller one; he seemed more reasonable than his brother. “Do not trust her.” I told him, but I do not think he knows who I talk of. I do not know why I felt the urge to protect him. He looked at me, stunned I said something to the gun holder. I saw it all, the plan, the pain, the death. “He would not surely allow this,” I looked intently at him

He knew what I spoke of and turned his face. “Something has happened. Things have changed. We must let this be.”

“No we must not,” I yelled.

“Not now. We will talk about this later,” he told me.

“Castiel!” I raised my voice.

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