To Be Awake and Unafraid

Liquor Store

Mikey lit an incense.

As he slid his journal from in his pillowcase, he tried to "take in" the incense, as Dr. Toro had instructed.

I have the most fucking weird shrink ever. I swear, when we're sitting he looks about ready to go light up. That's what probably keeps him relaxed. I'll bet he smokes weed. Well, he wants me to call this Frank dude. This will be the most eventful thing to happen in forever. But really, he expects me to call this guy! I don't even know his last name. This feels like a blind date.

"So how'd it go?" Gerard has slipped into Mikey's room. "When did you start burning incense?"

"My shrink is a weirdo." said Mikey. He inconspicuously slipped his journal back into the pillowcase. Gerard flopped on his bed.
"How so?"
"He's a hippie." Gerard raised his eyebrows and this. "And he gave me incense. They're supposed to relax me."

"We know you could use that!" Gerard was, unsuccessfully, trying to liven up his brother. He was trying to lure him into conversation. Mikey was, however, still looking at him with the same old indifferent expression. The one that seemed to be plastered on his face for the last two months. It hurt him to see how different he had become. Gerard started to leave; Mikey didn't stop him. "Good night man."

The next morning, Mikey woke up at 11. It being summer, this did not matter. The only problem was that the heat tended to reach ridiculous heights. Mikey looked about, realizing that a fan had been turned on over him. The sweet gesture was accompanied by a note.

"Sweetie! I need you to go to the store and pick up some feminine products. I'm sorry but I really need you to do this! Just this one time. Sorry!
- Momsie

You know what brand I use and the money is on the magnet on the fridge."

Mikey was blushing from the mere reading of the note. The entire thing played out in his head; girls would be laughing at him. Boys would heckle him. He couldn't deny his mother, though, and so he got dressed and headed out.

"Mom!" Mikey yelled.
"Yes?" She groaned back, obviously in pain."
"I'm going out for your stuff."
"Thank you baby!"

Mikey walked downstairs and out of his apartment, where the sun first hit him. He winced and shaded his eyes with his hand. He made his way to the store, which was a quick 5 blocks. When he walked into the store, which was actually just a community liquor store, he headed straight to the ladies section. While browsing the items, a girl, who was around his age, giggled at him. This prompted his cheeks to turn a horrible bright read. After picking the products up, he made his way to towards the checkout, trying his best to be as inconspicuous as possible , all the while lowering his head.

And then there was a crash.

Mikey had bumped headfirst into a guy. This guy looked to be about Mikey's age, though significantly shorter. Their collision had been a result of Mikey's looking down and the other guy's texting. As one would expect, the boy's phone went flying, as did Mikey's feminine hygiene products, which landed on the guys head. The cell phone landed somewhere underneath the chip rack.

"I'm really sorry!" said Mikey, his eyes going wide. He had no idea what kind of person this guy might be.
The guy looked about, albeit confused. He then looked at the pads lying on the floor, looked at Mikey, and then proceeded to laugh.

Mikey was now the confused one.

"I'm sorry, man!" The guy got up and offered Mikey a hand, who promptly took it. After getting his cell phone, the guy came back to Mikey. "You look so nervous! Don't worry! I don't bite, except for kinky reasons beyond your knowledge." Mikey kind of just stared.

"Dude, want me to buy those pads for you?" Mikey quickly nodded, stunned by this strangers kindness. "Oh yeah, I'm Frank. I've got four sisters and I'm used to this kind of stuff."

"Thank you!" Mikey about busted into a gleeful smile, and even he wasn't quite sure where it came from. Frank then went to the checkout, all the while smiling. He came back to Mikey. "I made them put it in a black bag." He winked.

"Thanks." Mikey said.
"No problem!" Frank replied. "I didn't catch you name? Whats it now?"
"Um, Mikey."
"That's so funny! I'm waiting for a Mikey to call me!" He kind of brushed Mikey's hair, seemingly patting his head. "Funny stuff! Well, see you around!" And with a wave, Frank was off.

Mikey walked out of the store, contemplating over the excitement of his trip to the store.

"Hey fag."
Mikey stopped in his tracks. The voice made his blood hot yet cold. It angered him yet scared him. It was so full of hate.

This isn't happening, Mikey thought. He turned and found himself facing 3 guys.

"Come on fag. There's an alley over there. We're gonna make you do favors for us." The leader smirked. He had an animal-like face. He was short but Mikey knew from experience strong.

"No, Pete." Mikey said quietly. He then realized what was happening. "NO!"

"After him!" Pete said.

Mikey then proceeded to run like hell, black bag still in hand. He could feel them on his trail. He could hear their perverted and hateful voices yelling but he didn't stop running until he was safely inside his apartment, after making sure that all of the doors were locked.

"Mikey is that you?" His mother yelled from her room.

"Yes." He panted. "It's me."

"Sweetie, were your running?"
"Yes. Your stuff is by the door." Mikey dropped her bag , but not after taking out a scrap of paper that was inside the bag. It was a note.

"Call me! Three Cheers for Two Mikeys!

- Frank"

A number was written underneath.

Mikey sighed. He went into his bedroom, turnd on his music, took out his journal, and lit an incense.

I promised myself that that would never happen again. I don't know how they found me. This is crazy. This can't happen again. No. Never. Not ever again.

I think that Frank guy was the guy I was supposed to meet. Yep. I checked the numbers. It's him. Funniest little guy ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that this isn't my best writing. I like the entire concept of this but I don't quite like how I've written it. I feel that the writing is bad. It's really short, too. Anywho, please leave comments!

And you second subscriber! Please comment! And you other readers? Comment! Thanks a lot!

- Deej