The Beast and The Brain.

Chapter 62

With J’s ‘way’ with horses we were able to get them aboard without much hassle. There was a roped off section with a canvas roof for the horses above deck. J and I both secured our horses to the ropes and then followed one of the men below. J and I were to share quarters. It was dark and damp below deck and our room was worse. Two hammocks hung, one above the other, J quickly claimed the bottom hammock and set down her saddle and things. I placed mine next to hers. There was barely room to stand so we made our way down the dark passage up the ladder to the deck.

The men were securing oars, and getting comfortable in their seats which stood a foot under the deck itself. J went to the front of the ship and leaned against the rail. There was only one mast in the middle of the ship itself, and two men climbed the rigging to secure it. I watched with interest how each man knew their job and didn’t hesitate to do it. J stared intently at the water, and I wondered what she was thinking about.

“We’re ready to set off captain!” I turned and saw Gerard walk up the plank. He was garbed in leather and furs. All of the men reminded me of the sea raiders, and I wondered briefly if they were ancestors, they certainly fit the role.

J turned and watched Gerard at a distance, but he ignored her and went to the rear of the ship and took control. There were shouts of orders and soon we were pulling away from the dock. I walked back and forth on the deck and watched the scenery and sailors with interest. As a boy I had loved going on river boats with my father with all of this horses that he took to the city. I noticed that this boat wasn’t nearly as large, built more for speed than storage and livestock.

J remained fixed at the rail for some time and I remembered suddenly that J hated ships, for she always got ill. I walked over to her, her face was pale and she didn’t look so well. I opened my mouth, but remembered that I was supposed to play mute bodyguard. “J?” I pushed gently to her thoughts.

She looked over at me but quickly turned back to staring at the water, her voice came off as irritated and miserable, “What do you want Asher?

I felt bad for her, I didn’t have any means to make her a tonic for her stomach, and we’d only be on the ship for about a day or so. J was just going to have to deal with it somehow, “Can I do anything for you?” I knew there wasn’t, but I just wanted to comfort her somehow.

“Not unless you have a tonic handy…or a knife.” I smiled, even miserable J managed to make a joke about death and pain.

“Well I’m here if you need me.” I stared to walk away.

“Asher, stay away from Gerard, he’s waiting to catch you alone. He would love to have you on his side….or take your energy.” I nodded my head once and walked away. For the rest of the day J puked her guts out and stayed near the rail. I felt bad, but there was nothing I could do. Gerard and his men found J’s condition humorous, but they didn’t tell that to her face. She was still a Brain after all, and in their eyes, she was one of the elite from the cult.

I tried to get J to eat some bread to settle her stomach, but she refused to even look at it. The further north we traveled the more the scene changed, and the warmer the weather became. I was impressed with the rivers swift current the crews’ ability to catch any wind. The sun was going down when the captain commanded the mast to be secured and men to stop rowing.

I wondered what was happening when J’s sharp command hit me, “Stay out of it Asher, I’m warning you.” I turned and was surprised to find J away from the rail. She was looking right at me and she shook her head. My eyebrow shot up curiously and I looked around and realized that half the crew was getting a small boat ready to leave the ship. Most of them were wearing dark clothing and weapons. I turned and look at J, who was now at my side.

“What’s going on?”

“You can’t guess?” My heart started to pound and I felt anger rise in my neck, J’s hand grabbed my arm strongly, “Stay out of it.”

[i[“I can’t stand here and let them kill people. How can you be so calm?” I demanded. She looked me in the eye.

“They will only kill people if they don’t cooperate, pray they do. I don’t like the fact that Gerard prays on innocent people Asher, I’m not entirely heartless. But I have no desire to fight that battle. I haven’t the energy, or the means to take him down, someday perhaps, but for now, we must leave it be. We cannot rescue every person we come across.”

Her hand released my arm and she turned and walked away without another word. I watched her walk across the dark deck, her black cloak blending in with the black. The other half of the crew that remained aboard watched silently as the others rowed to shore. My jaw clenched down hard and I forced myself to turn my back and walk away. I walked to the end of the ship, away from J, for some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to go and speak with her. I knew she was right, but it still went against my nature to sit idly as people were being robbed and killed.

I prayed that they would cooperate, and no one would die. To my surprise Gerard went with his men, and I remembered that he would be the one to kill anyone who tried to oppose him. Still, if J were feeling better we could take over the ship and sail ourselves to our destination. I looked to the dark sky and watched the stars with envy. They could look down on earth and watch it pass by without troubles, sometimes I wished I could forever sail in the sky. I looked over to J who was looking a little better now that the ship had dropped anchor. It was almost funny how she got sick so easily, she tried so hard to make sure she looked cold, and tough, and yet a couple of hours aboard a ship and she was greener than the grass in spring.

The men went back to do their jobs aboard the ship, no one spoke a word. My fingers tapped against the wood and listened to the sounds of the night. Birds flew over head, and the current of the river lapped against the boat. When I closed my eyes I pictured myself as a boy on one of my father’s ships. Dozens of horses would be moved by river and then we would travel to the city to sell them in the fair. My father’s horses were some of the best, and even the army purchased them for their highest ranking officers.

I found my heart aching when I thought of my father, which led to thoughts of my family. My mom always sent us off with the best food for or journey. The sailors were always happy when my father unloaded the pack horse full of mothers cooking, especially the spiced meat and ale. The twins were young when I left, I wondered if they even remembered me, how they remembered me. Memories of that fateful night flashed across my mind so I opened my eyes and pushed my thoughts away. I looked around and spotted J, she was staring at me, and she had a peculiar look on her face.

But before I could ask her what was the matter the men called out and I turned and saw the boat coming back across the water. J walked over to the other side of the boat, and I followed. The men rowed the boat to the side of the ship and handed over small chests and other items of value, and then everything was taken down below for safe keeping.

A rope latter was lowered and the men climbed up and then worked on hauling the boat onto the deck. Gerard looked pleased with himself and in my opinion, he looked a little healthier and full of energy. I looked over to J to ask her about my suspicions but I found she had her back turned to me and was busy talking to one of the sailors.

I remained close to J but didn’t listen to what she was speaking to the sailor about. I was more interested in Gerard. He was watching me from the wheel of the ship. He caught my eye and a small grin formed on his face, but I didn’t lower my gaze, I wanted to show him I wasn’t afraid of him.

The ship raised anchor and soon the mast was full of wind and the steady current pulled us down the river. J leaned against the rail again and I stood next to her. She was looking green once more. “Did anyone die?”

J remained gazing at the water, “Yes.”

My fist clenched and I looked once more at Gerard, but he was busy giving orders to his crew and navigating the ship. No wonder he looked healthy and alive, he had taken someone else’s life and added it to his own. I deep vibration rumbled my chest and J placed her hand on mine. “Let it go Asher, someday when we have the time we will make things right, but there are more important things going on in the world. More people will die if we do not continue on our travels.”

I looked at her and nodded my head slowly. Finally J and I retired to our bunks below deck. I climbed up into mine, which was a challenge in itself and pulled the stiff blanket around myself. J slid into her bunk and for a while we listened to the sounds of the ship. “Good night Asher.” J’s soft voice said from below.

“Good night J,” I replied with a smile. I closed my eyes, and found I was utterly exhausted.

~ ~ ~ ~

I woke abruptly in the middle of the night. At least it felt like the middle of the night, our room didn’t have any windows so it was utterly dark, but I was groggy and it felt as though I had been in the middle of my deepest sleep. It didn’t take me long to figure out why I had woken up. J was whimpering and moaning beneath me. I swung out of the hammock and landed hard on the floor. J was turning and wreathing under her blankets.

“J?” I whispered. I reached out and touched her and her mind invaded into mine like a angry bull.

“Asher! Help!” her voice jarred me physically and it was unfocused and strained. Something wasn’t right.

Panic swelled in my stomach, ”What’s wrong?” I demanded but J only groaned out loud in pain and only one word across clear enough for me to understand before she lost our connection,


J continued to thrash under her blanket and sweat shone on her face. She was in pain and if Gerard truly was the one behind it, then it also meant she was dying. I clenched my jaw. He didn’t know who he was messing with. I pulled on my boots and ran out of the room. My body adjusted easily to the ships movements and like a cat I made my way up to the deck.
It was dark out and only a few sailors were on board, keeping watch for rocks and sandbars, another was steering the ship. I glanced around, but Gerard wasn’t on deck. I went to the nearest sailor and grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him close. I stared him down without saying a word, but fear suddenly poured off him like a scent.

He pointed and I looked where there were doors that lead to another part of the ship. I pushed him away and made my way down the stairs. There was a light coming from under the door at the other end of the hall. I squared my shoulders and headed towards it. I didn’t knock, I didn’t hesitate, I came to the door and kicked it open.

Gerard was standing looking out the windows at the back of the ship. His first mate sat on a chair sharpening a knife as I walked in. He looked up, unsurprised that I had come. The door swung close behind me. Gerard turned to me and smiled, “Nice of you to visit me, though really was kicking the door necessary? It does have a handle.”

He was calm. Too calm and by being so he made himself guilty for J’s condition, “I am very happy you came by, I was hoping we’d get the chance to talk one-on-one. Please sit.”

He sat down and motioned for me to do the same, I remained standing. He sighed, “Very well, I see you aren’t happy about something…oh this wouldn’t have to do with J now would it?” A grin flashed across his face and I clenched my fists together, “Yes, I can see that it is. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, I’m not going to kill her, obviously. She’s too important to kill; I’d be sentencing my own life to death if I did. No, I’m just making her very uncomfortable, I knew you’d come to me then. And this way J doesn’t try to damper with our minds, we are free men for the moment.”

I folded my arms and raised my eyebrows, telling him to get to the point. I was a fool not think before I leapt. Of course he wouldn’t kill J, she had told me that he thought she was very important to the cult. He had baited me here. “I of course, had to wait until she fell asleep; her mind is weaker when she sleeps, and I knew once she was in danger you would come.”

His first mate snickered and I glanced over and met his gaze. I learned from J that a stone cold face and stare can do wonders in unnerving your enemy. Even if they have the upper hand, make them double guess that you have something they don’t know about, make them think you are going to win, bluff. So that’s what I did. I put on a stone hard face void of emotion, and I let my eyes stare clean and hard.

The first mate tried to hold my gaze but his eyes moved towards his captain; even after he looked away I continued to stare. So when he turned back to me, he was unnerved even more, “You’re eyes stuck boy?” He demanded, “I’ll cut them out for you.” He waved his knife nervously. I lifted my chin and slowly turned my attention back on Gerard. I too met his gaze without turning away, but he seemed used to this behavior, he didn’t look away.

“No wonder J has you as her bodyguard, you don’t say much and you act like her.” I wanted to smile and laugh, he couldn’t have been more wrong. J wanted to strangle me half of the time because I asked too many questions.

“Anyway, there is no need for you to speak, I will do the talking. The fact is I want what you have, your power. And you can either give it to me willingly or I will take it by force, but keep this in mind, J will suffer if you don’t cooperate. While I’m not stupid enough to kill her while she is under my care of even near me, I can place a permanent energy drain on her. This means in a few months, she will die, and no one will know it was me, but it will be very painful for J. So you have a choice to make, allow J to live, or let her die a slow painful death. Either way, you will give me what I want.”

My heart started to speed up, he was asking me to simply give him my life without a fight. I thought of J and how she had been jerking around under blanket and moaning in pain. She never showed any outward signs, it must have been very serious, very painful to make her show signs like that. I needed to think, I needed to save J.

Then an idea hit me, BLUFF. I came back to reality, Gerard was waiting, and his first mate looked like he was ready to pounce at a moment’s notice, “You really shouldn’t underestimate your enemy.” I stepped forward and pulled the chair back and sat in it. I crossed my legs and made sure I looked like I was indifferent and comfortable.
Shock registered on Gerard’s face, “I didn’t—”

“—didn’t realize I could speak? That’s your own dumb fault for not realizing it. Like I said, you should underestimate your enemy; it’s not a good habit to get into.” I gave him a dry smile, and acted like I knew something he didn’t, I was gleaning from everything I had ever seen J do or act. Though of course, half the time she actually did have something up her sleeve.

Gerard stiffened, “It doesn’t change anything, speak or no my threat remains the same. You have power boy, and I want it.”

“Funny, so do I. See I like breathing and exercising my power, and I don’t see myself giving that up anytime soon.” The first mate stood up but didn’t advance, “However, I don’t see why we can’t come to a middle ground. Because if J dies, well, I’ll make sure everyone knows who killed her…and I guarantee you don’t want that.”

Gerard leaned back in his chair, “I’m listening.”

~ ~ ~ ~

They dragged me down the corridor and dropped me on the floor of J’s and I’s quarters and closed the door. I was weak, and my entire body shook from fatigue. My head pounded painfully, my stomach felt sick, and worse of all, I was too weak to even feel my power. I don’t think I could change my eyes if my life depended on it.

J was still in her hammock and it was the one thing that could have made me feel better. Seeing her sleeping peacefully made it all worth it. In the end, I managed to convince Gerard to let go of J’s mind, and not kill me at the same time. It was all creative bluffing and last minute ideas. But in the end, it had worked. I was begging to believe that J’s brilliance was starting to rub off on me. I didn’t have the energy to get up off the floor, so I curled into a ball right there on the floor and closed my eyes to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠

Ok So I'm in Ireland now. And Loving it!!! Anyway, I've had some time to write recently which is why you guys are getting a new chapter. ^_^ So can you do me a favor? I have another story posted on another sight, and I'm looking for some GOOD feedback. Like critics and everything. If you make a profile and pick my story, I will forever be in your debt. *HUGS*

Thanks guys!