Finally, Some One to Save My Soul.

Chapter One

Here she is again, walking the halls of her hell hole we all call high school. She was being pushed and called names.Everyone's favorite was 'emo' or 'goth', there was also the occasional 'dyke' thrown in there. Just because she wore different clothes, and listened to different music didn't give them the right to do what they did.
She had gotten plenty of detentions for sticking up for herself. But did the prep scumbags?Nope! Of course not! Because they're all little angels, who wouldn't hurt a fly!
The bell rang, and Anna silently walked to her English class. She sat in the back desk as usual. The desk looked like it came right out of a movie. It was old and creeky, with all different writings and graffiti on it. Anna always paid attention in class, meaning she got all A's like a good student should. But that didn't keep the occasional wad of paper to come flying at her head. And here's an example of a good thing... The good grades.
Even though her parents pretty much shunned her for the life she led, they were always proud of her grades.
It's not like she was the only so called emo/goth in the school either! There were a few seniors and a junior -like Anna-,as well. -Yes Anna had stayed back a year, but it was only because she had missed to many days of school.- Anna hadn't even really talked to these, I believe two.. seniors. She never saw them get bullied, and she wanted to know
why. Maybe because they were seniors? She always saw them in the halls. One of them in the hall. One of them had black hair no shorter than his chin, and he definitely wasn't scrawny. You could tell there was muscle under the constantly worn leather jacket.Then, there was his best friend. Short little bugger. His hair was long and black on top, and shaven on the side, dyed a deep pink. He would always be brushing the fringe of his hair out of his eyes. Anna knew, along with all the other students, that these kids were definitely not bad looking.. If you catch my drift.
Then there was a kid in a few of Anna's classes who hung around with the seniors. At least she knew his name.. Mickey or something. But he, was very skinny; stick like. He had medium length chestnut brown hair that clung to his face. He wore skinny black jeans and band shirts, and the black and white glasses he wore just completed his look.
He wasn't too bad looking himself.
The bell rang once again. For the first time in a while, Anna day dreamed through her whole English class. But thank god it was the last class of the day.