Finally, Some One to Save My Soul.

Chapter Ten

Anna's POV

Mikey and I were walking to the big tree for lunch when we heard the strangest thing-
"I love you! You love me! We're a happy family!" We heard some one sing.
"Frank!" Of course. "Please stop!" We heard Gerard plead.
"It's not the weekend yet Gee! I'm allowed to sing children's theme songs!" Frank grinned.
"Save me please!" Gerard said as he saw us approach.
Mikey and I laughed as we sat down.
"What's the problem sir?" Mikey asked as if he were a cop.
"This child right here is trying to brain wash me!" Gerard pointed to Frank.
"Was not!" Frank pouted and crossed his tattooed arms over his chest.
"I'm going to have to write you a ticket." Mikey spat.
I couldn’t hold it in any longer; I fell on my side in laughter. "Look at us! We're playing cops and robbers and we're how old?"
"Pfft you're never too old to play cops and robbers." Frank smirked and ate a handful of Skittles.
I rolled my eyes and started to eat my lunch.
"Okay, I started to make a list of candy for this weekend." Frank said as he took a piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket.
"Of course you did." Mikey laughed and Frank just smiled.
"Okay, let's see… Skittles, Twizzlers, Twizzlers, Skittles, M&Ms, Skittles, Reese Pieces, Twizlers..." Frank read down the list.
I laughed. "How many times did you write Twizzlers and Skittles Mr. Iero?"
Frank laughed as he started to count. I heard something like '18, 19'.
"Okay Frankie, we get it, you want Skittles and Twizzlers." Gerard giggled.
"You bet your ass I do. And we're going to need a shit load of them if I'm supposed to last a whole weekend." Frank said as he pushed a piece of his fringe behind his ear.

We were all eating our lunches peacefully when we heard another person start to yell things. "This Friday is the dance! Don't forget to buy your tickets early!" The person said as they passed out bright pink fliers. And of course the person came over to us. "And it's okay if some people want to stay home that night and do there little emo things." The person practically yelled and threw a few fliers in our direction.
"Asshole!" I yelled a little too loudly and Gerard clasped his hand over my mouth.
"You're screwed if someone hears you!" He laughed.
"Hey, I was just sticking up for our army." I winked at Frank who winked back and smiled. "Which needs a name by the way." I added.
Mikey laughed. "How 'bout the Foxy Four?"
We all stared at him before laughing hysterically.
"The Foxy Four Mikes? That name alone gives people the right to kick our asses!" Gerard chuckled.
Frank picked up the bright pink flier and squinted a bit. He laughed. "This hurts your eyes to look at."
"I say we all go. And piss people off." I grinned.
"We should!" Frank said getting very excited.
"Then we could just go back to our house and party it up!" Gerard then suggested.
"Think we could bring Bob and Ray?" Mikey wondered.
"Why the hell not? If they have a ticket they can get in right?" I shrugged.
"So it's a plan." Frank confirmed and we all nodded.
"Oh god. What shall I wear?" Gerard said placing the back of his hand on his forehead dramatically.
"Let's dress like a mafia!" Frank practically screamed.
"Whoa there buddy! No need to tell the whole school!" Mikey snickered.
"That's actually a really cool idea." I nodded. "But it’s not Halloween."
"Pfft, every day is Halloween." Frank smiled.
"Alright, but what the hell does a girl mafia wear?" I asked.
"Hmm." Everyone thought.
"Black." Gerard smiled.
"Gee, we're all wearing black any way, so we have the color covered." Mikey smirked.
Gerard stuck his tongue out at Mikey.
"You should just wear something very dramatic. Like a funeral dress or something." Mikey shrugged.
"Okay, I've got a funeral dress I wore at my Nana's funeral." I said as I remembered the black dress in the back of my closet.
The bell rang and we all groaned.
"Everyone go on AIM tonight, we'll make a little chat room out of it." Gerard suggested.
"Wait. I don't have any one's screen name!" I pouted.
Gerard smiled and grabbed my arm, and took out the magic sharpie he always had in his pocket. He wrote his screen name on his arm: xGwayx.
"What time?" I asked as we all ascended the stairs.
"After dinner. Around 7:30." Frank shrugged.
"Alright. T.T.Y.L!" I laughed and waved to my giggling friends who all headed in a different direction.