Finally, Some One to Save My Soul.

Chapter Four

"Anna!" My father yelled as I entered the house. "It's 3am!"
"I know dad, I'm sorry." I tried to act as sober as possible. Yet, he slapped my quite hard across the face. So hard I thought my spit would go flying out of my mouth... you know.. like in the movies?
"You've been drinking!" Shit I failed, as usual.

I sprinted to my room,and locked my door. I flopped on my bed, and I cried. But then, I remembered the big numbers on my arm and smiled. I wipped the tears from my eyes as I programmed his number into my phone.
I sighed and looked at my cheek in the mirror. A red red mark was forming, but that's what makeup is for... right?
I quickly changed into my Pjs and took some asprin. I would feel those beers in the morning. I then slid into the comfort of my warm bed, and closed my eyes. All out of no where, my phone vibrated on the table, signalling I had a textmessage.
"You've got to be kidding me!" I groaned and grabbed my phone. I flipped it open to see a text from Gee <3, which read-
Nighty Night
I smiled and texted him back.
- Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Knowing that he was thinking of me at this ungodly hour made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. What? I'm not aloud to say that? Fine. Be that way. I smiled and quickly feel into a deep sleep.


Bob was the designated driver, so he drove us all home.
Mikey (my brother of course) and I stumbled into the empty house. God only knows where my mom is at this hour.
"That Anna chick was cool huh?" I asked Mikey non chalantly.
"Yeah she was. I have her in some of my classes." He smiled.
"And why have you not spoken to her?" I asked.
"Dunno." He shrugged. "She really seemed like she wanted to be left alone."
"Well, she's hanging out with us from now on." I chuckled.
"You loooove her!" Mikey slurred and made a kissy face.
"Do not!" I argued, with a smile.
Mikey rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'm going to bed."
"Night then!" I called and made my way to my own room.

I looked at my arm and smiled. Once I programmed her number in my phone, I decided to text her.-
Nighty Night.

I sat in my bed and waited for her reply. And hopefully I wouldn't get a call from some old guy telling me to never text message him again, or he'll call the cops. But, to my relief, I got her answer.-
Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Heh, she stole my signature xoxo. I'll have to get her for that later. And that was my last thought before falling asleep.