Finally, Some One to Save My Soul.

Chapter Seven

-Flash back-

"Guys, we shouldn't be doing this." Mikey said as he, Gerard, Frank, Ray, and Bob jumped over a small fence into the Jersey cemetery. It was almost midnight.
"Mikey, relax. It's harmless fun." Frank laughed quietly.
"You call raising spirits fun?" Mikey said as he kept looking behind him, expecting some one to be there.
"Yes." Gerard nodded.
"So who are we calling out?" Ray asked.
"How about a soldier this time?" Bob suggested as they passed a war memorial.
"Oh, nice call Boobert!" Gerard grinned as he sat next to a random tombstone and set down a box. This black box was very old and looked like it came from before the dinosaurs.
Everyone else joined Gerard. Mikey sat next to his elder brother uncomfortably.
"So, what's in the magical box this time Gee? Obviously not those fake tarot cards." Frank rolled his eyes.
Last time they tried to call out spirits using tarot cards. Obviously none of them knew that tarot cards were used for reading people's futures, not calling ghosts.
"Nope." Gerard shook his head and opened the box slowly. "It's an Ouija board."
"Oh boy!" Bob giggled.
"Do you even know how to use it?" Ray asked skeptically.
"Of course I do." Gerard smiled as he took the board and placed it in the grass in front of him, along with the three pronged pointer.
"Where'd you get this thing Gee?" Mikey asked as he eyed the very old board carefully.
"EBay." Gerard replied simply.
"Sure you did." Ray laughed rather loudly.
"Shh!" Bob warned.
"Who's going to hear us? The people beyond the grave?" Ray rolled his eyes.
"Quite possibly." Frank answered seriously.
"Stop Frank! You’re creeping me out!" Mikey frowned.
"Can we all stop being pansies and get this show on the road?" Gerard huffed.
"How does it work?" Frank asked.
"Well, at least two people have to have at least two fingers on the pointer. Then you have to use the pointed to circle to circle the board three times." Gerard explained. "Then, you have to call out a spirit. But the thing is, sometimes a spirit will become part of the people. So this should be interesting."
"Alright! Let's do it!" Frank smiled.
So, it ended up, everyone but Mikey had their fingers on the triangle shaped pointer.
Gerard and the others circled the board three times; Mikey kept glancing over his shoulder.
"Who will we call out tonight boys?" Ray asked with an evil grin.
Bob looked behind him at a tombstone. "Mark Jefferson Williams, because he has the same initials as Mikey."
"Thanks." Mikey glared. He was truly sketched out that Bob had just simply looked at a tomb stone, and the man had the same initials.
"Before we start, there's a rule or two." Gerard said in all seriousness. "Keep your fingers light, and DO NOT move the pointer."
Every one nodded, showing they understood.
"Tonight, we are calling out Mark Williams. Are you with us?" Gerard asked in a spooky voice.
And slowly, but surely the pointer moved toward the 'yes' on the board.
"Holy shit." Everyone gaped.
"Some one ask something." Gerard whispered.
"How did you die?" Bob asked. And the pointer slowly made its way to the letters G-U..
But Mikey was able to answer before the pointer was even close to spelling out any words. "Gunshot."
Everyone looked at Mikey dumbfounded. Mikey's eyes were glazed over, and he was pale as well, a ghost.
"Mikes?" Gerard asked concerned. But Mikey didn't answer.
"Are you speaking through Mikey?" Ray asked, assessing the situation.
The pointer quickly darted to 'yes'.
"How old were you when you died?" Frank asked in a shaky voice, trying to press on.
"18." Mikey spoke softly. But then, Mikey spoke without being asked any questions.
"You have invaded my privacy. And I shall cause mayhem on this boy for a few days, or maybe more. Just to give you boys a lesson." Mikey spat.
Then, without any warning at all, Mikey just simply, fell onto his side gently.
"Mikey!" Everyone rushed to his aid.
"Wh-what?" Mikey choked out.
"Are you okay?" Frank asked.
"I guess…. Frank MOVE!" Mikey shouted and pushed Frank, just before a huge branch cracked, and came cascading from the tree.
"Oh my god." Bob gasped.
"Mikey, you just saved my life." Frank gaped, but then quickly pulled Mikey into a tight hug.
"How the fuck did you know that was going to happen." Gerard stared at his brother.
"I don't know." Mikey admitted. "But we better get the fuck out of here."