Finally, Some One to Save My Soul.

Chapter Eight

Anna's POV
"God damn!" I gasped.
"Yeah. It was pretty crazy." Frank chuckled. "We all pretty much owe Mikey our lives."
"How long did the ghost stay?" I asked curiously.
"About a week or so. The damn thing caused a lot of fucking havoc. Mikey saved all out lives. I almost got hit by a car, Frank almost getting squished by the tree, and Ray and Bob were held at gun point at a bank!" Gerard rambled.
"That is scary shit." I couldn't believe these guys actually went through something like this.
"You're telling me! I thought I was going insane!" Mikey said dramatically.
"I wish I was there." I admitted.
"Yeah, you say that now." Gerard rolled his eyes.
"You should break out that Ouija board the weekend." I grinned evilly.
"No way! Absolutely not!" Mikey shouted.
Frank and Gerard smiled.
"Think Bob and Ray go for it?" Frank turned to Gerard and smirked.
"Probably." Gerard nodded, a cute smile playing on his lips.
"You guys! I'm not going through that again!" Mikey spat.
"We'll see this weekend." I smiled.

~Time Elapse~

"Alright, as fun as this has been, I should be going." I sighed and stretched as I stood.
"I'll walk you home." Gerard offered. "Hey Mikes, think you can hold down the fort whilst mom is gallivanting where ever the fuck she goes?"
Mikey nodded. "Yup."
"Cool." Gerard smiled and took my hand as we walked out the door as towards my house.

"So… What's the deal with your mom if you don't mind me asking?" I asked curiously.
Gerard sighed before he started to speak. "Well, ever since she and my dad divorced, she's been a mess. She's very much like a child. She pretty much runs away for long periods of time." He explained.
"I'm sorry." I said sincerely. That must really suck, I mean, not knowing where your guardian is? Even I would be a little scared if my father was gone for a week.
Gerard pulled me close to him and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Don't be. I got you babe." He smirked.
"Isn't that like, a really old song?" I laughed lightly.
"Yeah." Gerard nodded, and then put on a straight face. "So.." He started.
"Yes?" I pushed him to go on as we rounded the corner and on to my street.
"About us. Does this all mean we're together?" He stammered as we stopped in front of my door.
I smiled at him and hungrily attached my lips to his, earning a content sigh from him.
He smiled. "And there goes my itty bitty soul… floating away." He said before pulling me back into another kiss, which was more meaningful than just a kiss shared between two young teens.
"Goodnight sugar." He smiled and I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he hugged me sweetly.
"Nighty night Gee." I grinned and stepped into my house, closing the door gently.
"Where were you? It's almost 10:30!" My mother scolded.
"I was just over a friend's house." I answered with a smile and set my messenger bag on the stairs.
"Oh, and what kind of a 'friend'?" My mom was always more enthused that I would some day have a boy friend. My dad on the other hand… different story.
"Well, there's , Mikey, Bob, Ray, Frank, and Gerard." I said Gerard's name with a smile.
"You like this Gerald boy?" My mother smirked.
"Gerard!" I corrected.
"I know. I was just seeing if it was true." Oh she's evil.
"Mom! That was so un cool!" I frowned and made my way up stairs to do my homework, leaving my laughing mother behind in the kitchen.

Thank god I didn't have much homework, because I'm so excited about this weekend I could hardly concentrate. I've never been to a slumber party before… well besides at my cousins once, but hey I was 5 okay? It will be a little weird sleeping over with 5 guys for a whole weekend though.
Oh well, it should be very interesting. I hope Gerard still has that Ouija board. Although Mikey did look mighty scared.
I was too lost in thought to realize that it was already 11:30.
"Shit." I cursed and messily finished my homework.
After a quick shower I slid into my warm bed, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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