Finally, Some One to Save My Soul.

Chapter Nine

Anna's POV
"Anna." I felt some one trying to wake me up.
"Mmph." Was my reply as I turned over.
"Come on get up!" I heard my mom say. "Some one named Gerald is here to pick you up for school!"
"His name is Gerard." I sighed. Wait! "Gerard?!" I sat up quickly.
"Yes. He's downstairs waiting!" The smile my mom gave me was perfectly genuine.
"Shit." I rushed to brush my teeth, get dressed, and do my hair.
"Good morning sleeping beauty!" Gerard smiled as I stumbled into the kitchen.
"Good morning Mr. Surprise-me-by-taking-me-to-school!" I laughed and grabbed a green apple from the fridge.
"Let's go, Mikey and Frank left already. They were tired of waiting." Gerard giggled and pulled me out the door.
"Wow, thanks." I rolled my eyes as we headed down the street.
Gerard was swinging our entwined hands as we walked.
"It's really hard to eat my apple whilst you do that." I pouted.
Gerard quickly took my apple and took a huge bite out of it, and proceeded to swing our hands.
"It's not that hard." He smiled.
"Hardy har har." I smirked and took my appled back.
"Finally!" We heard a voice say from up ahead. It was Frank, and he was lidgit skipping towards us.
"Skittles again?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Nope." Frank smiled and shook his head. "Apple." He grinned evilly and took my apple right from my hands.
"Hey!" I frowned. "Why does everyone keep doing that?"
"Because apples are good." Frank smirked and finished off the apple.
"Thanks for inviting me into the sharing circle." Mikey pouted.
"You're welcome." Gerard replied.
"Oh, by the way. I called Ray and Bob. They said they were definitely in." Frank smiled.
"Sweet! This is going to be awesome! We're going to stay up late, watch scary movies, and eat lots of candy!" Gerard clapped his hands together.
"You child." I giggled.
"You love it." Gerard said as he pecked my forehead just as the bell rang.
The four of us groaned as we entered the school.
"We'll see you guys at lunch!" Mikey waved as he and I waltzed off to our first class.
At least we had a few classes together. I really liked Mikey, he was a really cool kid. Best friend material you know? Frank was really cool too. I could also see him as being my best friend. The kid's fucking hilarious too!
"Don't you just love history?" Mikey rolled his eyes as he broke me from my thoughts and sat down.
I laughed. "Yup, definitely my favorite subject."

I was trying to pay attention, really I was! But I just couldn't stop thinking about this weekend! It was going to be awesome. I'm so glad I have people to hang out with now. I guess I was lonelier than I thought. And most of all, I have Gerard. My mom already seemed to like him, which was a huge plus! Speaking of my mother, she better let my sleep over the Way's! Eh, I'll just sneak out if she says no. I smiled to myself.
But then sighed as I realized I had to listen to my teacher drone on for the next 40 minutes.

"I mean seriously! Why do we even need history?" Mikey exclaimed and threw his arms in the air. "There's no point in learning it."
I nodded in agreement. "Yeah I know."
"What class do you have next?" Mikey asked as he changed the subject.
"Math." I smiled. I actually liked Math. Although my teacher Mr.Gordon was really sketchy. He looked like an ex-convict who was just waiting to pounce.
"Well, I have science so I'll catch up with you later kay?" Mikey smiled.
"Sure, sure." I waved as we parted ways.
I saw Mr.Gordon eyeing me as I walked into my math class and took my usual seat. He really was sketchy, I shuddered. I don't know what it was, but I did not have a good feeling about this guy. I shook the thoughts from my head as I scribbled down important notes.

[color=darkblue Gerard's POV

This weekend is going to be amazing! I was smiling from ear to ear.
"What's got you all cheerful?" Frank asked as we headed to English.
"Life." I smirked and Frank gave me a confused look.
He then shot me an evil grin and started to pull at my leather jacket.
"Frank what the hell?" I laughed. "What do you think you're doing ?"
"I'm trying to find the real Gerard. Because you sir, are clearly an imposter!" Frank proceeded to try to take my jacket off.
"Okay Frank, no need to strip me in the halls!" I laughed and he let go. "I'm just happy is all." I explained as we entered the class room.
"I see." Frank whispered as the teacher started to talk about things I truly didn't care about.

Bob's POV
"Ugh." I groaned. "I hate these uniforms!"
Ray and I sadly went to a private school. Which supplied the ugliest fucking uniforms I have ever seen in my life.
"I know. At least we have this weekend to look foreward to! Gerard's going to take out the Ouija board for Anna!" Ray beamed.
Shit. "Oh Anna's coming too?" I tried to act excited. But the thing is, I have a major crush on her! But there's no way in hell that I could tell someone. And not to mention, Gerard would be pretty pissed.
"Yeah, she is. I thought I mentioned that." Ray's brow furrowed.
"I must have forgotten." I lied. "And yeah this weekend is going to rip!" I truly was excited. "What's better than a whole weekend with the band… and Anna?" I smiled.
"I'm going to bring my playstation. What games should I bring?" Ray asked as we entered the lunch room.
"Dunno." I shrugged as we found a spot and sat down.
"Frank told me that Mikey is freaking out about the Ouija board." Ray smirked.
"I would be freaked out too! I mean he was kind of possessed." I laughed.
"Yeah, that was scary." Ray nodded and sipped his water. "It would be hilarious if we scared Anna. She would be all clingy to Gerard. And all you would have to do is tap her on the shoulder and she would freak out."
I shook my head and laughed. "You are a crazy person."
Ray just smiled and we continued to eat our lunches.
But he was right, Anna and Gerard were probably going to be all over each other. But, I can't let that bother me. I am going to have a shit load of fun. And my friends are more important then a crush on a girl any way!

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