Kind words are short and easy to say but their echoes are truly endless

Bad luck

Luck really wasn’t on Daryl’s side today. Well, actually, that was an understatement, as it never really had been. Ever since birth she had been jinxed with bad luck. Wherever she went there was always an accident of some kind. Either that or something really terrible would happen, weather it was to her or people around her, sometimes even both. Whenever she was at the theatre, someone would fall off stage or forget their lines. When she was at the cinema, there would be a power cut. If she went to a restaurant, there would probably be a fire. If she was walking the streets by herself when it was dark, it was highly unlikely that she wouldn’t get mugged. Everything she touched got broken or mucked up. She was mucked up. Today was just another example of her extreme bad luck.
It all started when she walked into school before first bell that morning. Everyone seemed distant, all morning they had been. She was unaware of the fact that everybody seemed to be ignoring her, until lunch period.
She was sitting outside on the wall by the doors, when it happened. Her best friend, Isobel, had just come and sat down next to her.
“Dray,” Isobel said “Have you noticed how people have been ignoring you all morning?”
Daryl shook her head, and then thought for a moment. “Actually, thinking about it, yes. Yes they have. No idea why though. Do you?”
“I have a pretty good idea why.”
Daryl looked at her, a questioning look on her face. “What? Isy, what do you know?”
“I just—I heard people talking yesterday. About you.” Daryl looked shocked, but remained speechless, so, Isy continued.
“She was saying that no-one likes you, because—because of your looks, and that you should do something about it.”
“What? What can I do? Nothing, that’s what, there is nothing I can do, nothing anyone can do.”
“Actually I think there is.” She paused “I think it would make everything a whole lot better.” She took in a deep breath before continuing. “A make-over.”
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New story, yay!!
okayy, sooooo . . . . . . . yehh.
tell me what youu think.