Learning to Love

About a girl who is 15 years old. She has never really been in a proper relationship then a new boy at school asks her out....
The couple run into some trouble but can they get out of it still has a couple.

I'd love to know what people think of this. And counstructive cristism would be much apreciated
  1. First Glance
    Crystal first see's Brodie ( Crystal P.O.V)
  2. First Glance
    Brodie see's Crystal for the first time (Brodie P.O.V)
  3. Offical meeting
    Crystal P.O.V
  4. Official meeting
    Brodie's P.O.V
  5. Talking: Crystal P.O.V
    (changes from being each person point of view at the same time to each persons point of view at different times)
  6. Thoughts: Brodie P.O.V
  7. Introduction: Crystal P.O.V