Dream On

Dream ON

Ryan was not one for usually thinking about the past, but it seemed like the minute the love of her life, Jonathan Toews left, everything fell apart.

They seemed to have the perfect relationship. Nothing could tear them apart. Always talking about everything and simply being best friends. He went to college, and even though she stayed home, they had a concrete long distance relationship until the NHL called.

He moved to Chicago. Phone Calls Lessened, emails were scarce, but her heart didn’t break until he changed his face book status. One night he dialed her in a drunken stupor saying things like “I don’t deserve you” and “Its over.” After that, he never called again.

She accepted it and even though her heart was shattered, she tried to move on. Shortly after, she lost her mother and father in a car accident. She started clinging to the only family she had left James.

James started beating Ryan, and tried to convince her she was a failure and her parents death was her fault. She kept fighting back and didn’t believe him. He got frustrated and started raping her. That’s when she snapped, she knew she had to get out of there, so she went to the only person she knew would help her.

She showed up on his doorstep and he didn’t ask questions. Ryan lied to Jon and said the bruises were from hockey. He trusted her and took her in.

Weeks past and Jon knew he was falling for her again. She did everything she could think of to keep him happy. She wrote notes for him to find in his duffel bag on long road trips, she’d cook him his favorite meals, and she even worked out with him.

Jon hadn’t ever remembered feeling this way before. On his birthday, he wanted to spend all of it with her instead of the evening that they planned, but when he came back from practice, he found her in tears on the kitchen floor.

“Ryan what’s wrong?” he asked immediately pulling her into his arms.

“I tried to bake you a cake but it burned. I’m so sorry! I just wanted it to be perfect!” She cried while trying to wipe the tears of her face.

“Ryan, this moment proves that I am completely in love with you. I love the way you get distracted while cooking and sometimes it burns. I love waking up with you in my arms. I love how when you laugh really had you can’t keep your eyes open, but most of all I love how you look at me, and I can see my entire future in your eyes.”

For a minute Ryan just blinked at Jon. She couldn’t believe this was happening. As she whispered “I love you Jon” she knew her life was on track once again.
Weeks later the team decided to go to the club one last time before everyone went home for the off season. It was so much fun and most of the guys were pretty trashed, and it was hilarious watching the single guys try to pick up chicks in their drunken state.

After a bunch of people had left and the dancing wasn’t fun anymore, Ryan wanted to leave. “Babe I’m really tired, I’m going to head home. Have fun with the boys and Ill see you at home.” Ryan kissed him and walked away.

Ryan walked out of the club happy until she was grabbed from behind. “You think you can hide from me?” seethed the voice in her ear. He slammed her against the wall, and she saw his eyes.

“James” She breathed out. She was so scared she started shaking.

“You’re mine and I’m going to make you wish you were dead. I’m going to make sure you loose everything.” He started kissing her neck and biting her collar bone.

Watching her leave, Jon instantly felt bad. The ring in his pocket was starting to burn a hole. He said goodbye to his teammates and hurried to find her. He got outside, turned to the left and froze.

“Ryan?” He asked, not believing his eyes as she just pushed the other guy away. He turned on his heel and started walking away wanting to get as far away from her as possible.

“Jon wait, please it’s not what it looks like” Ryan yelled running after him.

“Get Away from me you whore!”

“I love you!” She cried.

“I Can’t Love you Anymore” He said barely above a whisper
With That, He Walked Away.

Dream On
Dream Yourself a Dream come True.
♠ ♠ ♠
Story title= Kelly Sweet
Cover of Aerosmiths Dream On

First story Hope you like it =)