
Nobody's Fool

Look away! Look Away! LOOK AWAY!!!I mentally screamed inside my head as kids stared at me as I walked into school the next day. Almost all eyes were on me, no doubt already making conclusions about what kind of girl I was.

Could they already see I was dying to have a drink? Or that I needed someone to mate with and forget that I was still 17 and needed to go to school?

I was to unsure about asking for help to the main office, so I followed my instincts, and soon enough, I found the office. I walked in and thanked God that there weren't that many people inside. I walked up to the desk and talked to the secretary. She gave me a quick explanation of the expectations and blah blah blah and so on. The bell rang and she sent me away, not even bothering to show me around quickly.

I walked back outside and people pushed me as they headed to class. Pretty soon, I was left alone to walk down the lonely and deserted hallway. I looked at the paper in my hands and decided to go hunt my first period down.

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I looked around at the school's huge lawn and decided where to go eat. The lunch tables were already occupied and the grass was already called on by other teens. The shady trees were being used by couples and the halls were just out of options.

I turned around each direction, trying to find a place, but everyone who looked my way gave me the clear sign that I was unwanted.

I needed a sugar stick fast, but there was no smoking allowed in this hell hole. Defeated, I made my way to the lunch tables, hoping that I could fit into anywhere. I found a spot and headed for it. The people at the table looked at me and gave me dirty looks before scooting away. Sighing, I opened my sandwich and took a bite out of it.

"Hey girl!"I heard someone say as they sat in front of me.

I looked up and saw a guy smirking. I raised an eyebrow, giving him a questioning look.

He reached into his pockets and took out a Marlboro box. My mouth began to water as I eyed the box. I looked up at the guy and his smirk grew wider. He shook it hard and one fell out. He pushed it towards me and I eyed it once again.

"Take it,"he whispered.

Reaching out slowly, I took it. He took out a lighter and lit it up for me. I inhaled the smoke, sighing contently as it filled my lungs. I had my eyes closed, so I didn't see when his hand went underneath the table and placed itself over my leg. I opened my eyes and gave him a look. He gave me a puppy face before sliding his hand up farther up my thigh.

I pushed his hand away, knowing what it was he wanted. I stood up and followed him to the parking lot. He opened his car and I got into the backseat.

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"How was school?"my dad asked as soon as I got home late that afternoon.

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