It Could Be You

“If you are talking about loving you, then yes.”

| Gerard’s POV |;

Frank pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked by him doing this but, I don’t do anything to stop him. In fact, I flicker my tongue against his bottom lip until he finally opens his mouth so I can slide it in. I take my hand and rub it through is hair, pulling him closer, while my other hand reaches for his hand and laces them together. This innocent kiss turned into a passionate filled make-out session

Finally, Frank broke the kiss and put our foreheads together, panting. “ I-I’m sorry, I was just caught up in the moment.” He told me, staring into my eyes. I put my finger up to his mouth to shush him and lean in for another kiss. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, I mean I just broke up with my fiancé, it’s just this feels so, it just feels so right. I always thought that I liked him as more than a friend but I thought I was just feeling that because Kat never came on the road with us, but now, all these feelings are starting to rage out of me.

When I pulled back for the second time, I gazed into his eyes, studying them. He really has feelings for me doesn’t he?

“Frank, do you.... y’know?” I asked him simply. “If you are talking about loving you, then yes.” He replied with a giggle afterwards. His laugh is so cute. When I didn’t say anything else he put his head down trying to avoid eye contact with me. I reached out and lifted his chin up forcing him to look at me straight in the eye.

“I think I feel the exact same way.” I mewed to Frank and his eyes lit up.

“Really!?” He spat out, with excitement in his voice.

| Franks POV |

I can’t believe what I am hearing. Gerard basically just told me that he loved me. Gerard Way. My best friend, my band mate, and now possibly my boyfriend? He shook is head saying “Yes.” To the question that I had asked him.

“Frank,” Gerard mewed, “will you be…my….. boyfriend?”

I felt butterflies just erupt in my stomach. This is what I have always wanted. Since the beginning. I put up with his girlfriends, hiding my feeling, then this happens all of a sudden! I must have zoned out because Gerard was calling for my attention.

“Frank? Well….” Gerard trailed.

“Of course!” I told him, then leaned in to kiss him once more.