Troubled Lies.

Turn Away, Cause I'm Awful Just To See... But I'm Not Kissing You Goodbye!

The rest of the day just... went by at a quick pace. I had to be rushed off to hospital for some serious stitches on my lip and to my surprise, Frankie demanded that he was coming with me to the hospital. In fact, he told our head mistress that he 'needed' to be with me, rather than in that dump! I didn't give a damn in the ambulance either, despite all the stares I was getting from the ambulance crew. I was still holding Frank's hand. I hadn't let it go, not once.

Upon arriving in the hospital, we had to wait around 2 and half hours just for me to get some dumb strings in my lip to hold my skin together. Completely pointless. But I didn't grumble once; I had a true friend beside me. And someone I wanted to be with... but more than just a friend. I guess you could say, over the course of four weeks, I had found a real friend and so had he, but both of us... had fallen hook, line and sinker for one another. It was madness!

I felt somebody tap my wrist gently. It was Frank. I looked at him, and before I had any time to ask what he wanted, he already answered for me!

“Isn't that Lina and Bert over there?” Frank asked, pointing over to a young couple, at the Receptionist's desk.

“Holy salami! It is!” I remarked, looking surprised.

What the fuck was my cousin doing in the hospital with her boyfriend? My mind began to race, as thoughts of terrible things began to flood my head.

“Lina!” I called over briskly nurses calling out peoples' names to try get through the waiting room list! Without hesitation, the young, tall and extremely gorgeous girl spun around, her long red hair flying all over her shoulders as she did so.

“Gee!” She remarked, dashing across the room to where Frank was sat beside me. “What on heavens earth happened to your lip?”

“Two words: Toro and Bryar!” Frank answered, before I even got a word in.

And once again, before I had a chance to get a word in, her boyfriend had waltzed over and accompanied us. His face formed into a look of anger when he saw my fucked up face.

“Who the fuck hit you?!” Bert asked, demandingly.

“Toro and Bryar.” I mumbled.

“Right.” Bert said and without hesitation, he kissed Lina on the cheek and stormed out of the waiting room!

“Oh no.” I mumbled, holding my forehead. “He's gonna do something, isn't he?”

“Most probably.” Lina shrugged, as she sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me. “Does your family know you're here?” I shook my head at her. “I'll call them. Frank, look after him, please?”

Afterwards, when I was finally out of the ER, and that damned waiting room, I was being driven home by my father, as was Lina. I was cuddled up into Frankie in the back seat, as my head was happily rested on his chest and my arms fully wrapped around his tiny figure. This was heavenly.

And to my surprise, when we got home, my mom and dad asked Frank to stay over again as a thank you for staying with me the entire time in the ER waiting room. My family disappeared into the kitchen to prepare dinner for everyone and I decided to go downstairs into the basement with Frank to change our clothes. We looked like we'd just come off the streets! I looked like a bloodied up hobo!

Without feeling self-conscious, I pulled my shirt up over the top of my head and discarded my shirt onto the floor. Whilst I was bending over to pick out a fresh shirt to wear, as well as some jeans, I heard a gasp from behind me. I looked over at Frank, to see him standing there, looking god-smacked.

“Oh yeah, sorry. I'm awful just to see, half-naked or fully naked.” I whispered, looking away from Frank in disgust at myself.

“Where'd you get all those scars from?” Frank asked quietly.

“I use to self-harm before I moved here.” I whispered, barely audible.

“But why? You're gorgeous.” Frank said, looking less god-smacked now.

Before I had time to respond, I heard my mom call on us for dinner. I pulled on my clean clothes and departed my bedroom, heading up the stairs into the kitchen, Frank eagerly following behind me. He was nearly up my ass! Quite humorous!

“Lee dear, did you dye your hair?” Donna asked, as everyone had settled and tucked into their meals.

“Yes. I was getting sick of being called a blonde-knob and seeing Bert about ready to strangle the fuckers.” Lina replied, grinning like a Cheshire cat, as she shrugged. “Besides... I felt like doing something radical. And reds do have more fun!”


I left the Way's house, after saying goodnight to my aunt and uncle, as well as bidding them a farewell. I pulled the collarbone of my leather jacket up around my neck as the wind blew through me. It was a cold late October's night, and the streets of Jersey were always mean. Luckily, I didn't live very far from my aunt and uncle's house. Only two blocks away on a council estate in a one bedroomed flat. My boyfriend worked as a till operative about five minutes from our flat, in an off-license.

I walked the two blocks in under ten minutes flat and opened up my flat. I shut the door behind me and locked it. I went to flick the light switch on but it didn't work. This seemed to unnerve me a little, and then I suddenly heard music coming from the living room, as well as a dim little ray of light.

I slipped my coat off and headed for the living room, to be greeted by rose petals...fucking everywhere! And candles... in every spot imaginable!

Words get trapped in my mind,
Sorry I don't take the time to feel the way I do.
'Cause the first day you came into my life,
My time ticks around you

I looked around the room, but it was deserted apart from the music and the lights. I walked slowly through the living room, following the rose petals that led out of it and into the kitchen. And there's where I gasped in astonishment. Leant against the counter was my boyfriend, slicked up in tight jeans and a PLAYBOY! Tshirt. He was also holding a bunch of roses.

“Happy Birthday, baby gorgeous!” He sang, opening his arms for me.

I felt tears prickle my eyes as I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his strong muscled figure and slumped into the tight embrace that his arms brought round me.

But then I need your voice
And the key to unlock all the love trapped in me

So tell me when it's time to say I love you.

“I can't believe you did all this for me.” I whispered, pulling apart from the hug.

“That's not all... Come look at the diner.”

I followed Bert and gasped when I entered what use to be our diner, which we never used. He'd converted it...into a baby's room.

“I love you, Lina Lee.”

“I love you, Bert McCracken.”

All I want is you to understand,
That when I take your hand, it's 'cause I want to.
We are all born in a world of doubt
But there's no doubt,
I figured out...
I love you.

Before I knew it, we were stripped naked on the bed, our hands hungrily clasping one another's, our lips hungrily eating at each other's and we scrambled underneath the bed sheets, where he ripped open a condom and lube.

“Fuck! Right there!” I screamed as he forced himself into me.

“You like rough sex!” Bert squealed.

I've been longing for
All the losers that were meant to take the time to say,
What was really on their mind, instead
They just hide away

I cuddled into Gerard, as I decided I wanted to share his bed with him tonight and he didn't decline. I had my arms tightly wrapped around him, as both of us began to doze off, as Green Day remained to play in the back ground. This song... was amazing.

Yet they'll never have
Someone like you to back them and help them on the way.

Or tell them when it's time to say I love you.
So tell me when it's time to say I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Credit to Lyrics goes out to Green Day.
Song: "When It's Time"
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