My Summer Love Story

Rise and Shine.

Jackie’s Pov

“Rise and shine, princess! Up, up, up!”

I could’ve sworn I heard Liz’s voice but it’s couldn’t be possible. The only time she’s ever gotten up this early, is when she couldn’t hold her pee in anymore. The phrase was repeated in my ear and this time I groggily opened my right eye, squinting in the not quite bright sun.

“You fail at life, Liz.” I murmured sleepily, “Why for the love of muffins would you wake me up this early?”

“Don’t you remember what that counselor said? You’ve got to burn that baby fat and trim those calves!” She exclaimed, flexing her non-existent muscles. “And what the heck does for the love of muffins mean?”

She thumped my head with her sneaker and I yelped in sleepy surprise. “I’m up, I’m up! Don’t wake the cabin or they’ll plaque your butt next to the moose head in the infirmary.” She laughed and I hopped out of bed before she could find something else to hit me with.

“Liz, I will love you forever if you forget all about this and let me sleep until twelve.” I bargained, carelessly throwing my hair into a messy bun.

“Sorry, Hun, no can do.” She said cheekily, tossing me some black soffe shorts and a tank top. I groaned and pulled them on slowly, wincing when I lost my balance and stubbed my toe on the bed. Liz then tossed me my old running sneakers, which I laced up tightly. She skipped out the door, and stumbling, I followed her- and found a couple of tousled boys yawning on our tiny front porch.

“You could’ve warned me they were coming, Liz!” I hissed, lightly pinching the inside of her arm. She covered her yelp of pain with a cough and jumped down the stairs, teasingly glaring at me.

“Morning Jackie, you look gorgeous this morning,” Chase yawned, I replied with a wave of my hand. I quickly found Cade and he waved at me, covering his mouth as he yawned tiredly.

“Sorry boys that this maniac woke you this early.” I motioned towards Liz and they groaned as if remembering why they were awake so early. I laughed and hopped down the rest of the creaky stairs, suddenly pumped with extra energy, as if had just drank a couple of red bulls.

“So, exactly how long are we thinking about running today?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me, Liz” I shouted, tripping over what had to be the hundredth loose branch. Shane caught my flailing arm and I shot him a grateful smile, to out of breath to thank him.

“I swear she put these sticks out here to make an obstacle course.” I said loud enough for the boys to hear. Reese guffawed loudly and then tripped over the branch I had just missed.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.” Cade replied, sounding perfectly at ease on the uphill sprint. I could’ve hit him.

“How can you do that?” I asked, watching the ground for any misplaced nature objects.

“Do what?”

“Not breathe heavy. I’m dying over here.”

“Just breathe even, it sounds really cheesy but it works.” He replied, holding a branch for me as I jogged past him.

“This is great, isn’t it, guys?” Liz yelled, from somewhere ahead of us.

“I could kill her.” I mumbled; wincing as a pebble got caught in my shoe.
Cade laughed, “Yeah but you should see the view when we get to the top. It’s beautiful” He hesitated, “just like-“

A shrill whistle cut him short and my head swiveled away from him and to Reese’s cheeky smile. Almost as if he knew what he had interrupted, I could’ve pummeled him on the spot.

As we pounded up the sloped trail I couldn’t help but think about what Cade had tried to say. It could’ve just been my imagination running overtime, but I think he was trying to tell me I was beautiful; crazy, when he’s the completely gorgeous one.

If felt weird to admit that someone was better looking than me. Back home, I didn’t let anyone take first place; especially in the looks department. But here, everything’s different, including me.

When we finally stopped, I leaned heavily on my knees, gasping for air and begging for my lungs to refill. Cade gently nudged me forward and held another branch out of the way for me; I stepped through and saw the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, and the most awful.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to, sweet_dear_liza(:
And sorry for the wait because I've been too darn lazy to post this when it's just been sitting on my computer. I hope you like it. (:

Very, very, very late. But honestly I haven't had the time. I was in Florida for a week with my Varsity softball team, practices are six days a week, I was umping softball games, and babysitting a heck of a lot. But I already have two chapters from now written out. I just have to fill in the next one. So please please comment, it'll get up faster I promise. (:

Oh and while you wait for the next chapters maybe go check out these web series, honestly I love them.

This ones on youtube.

It's called The Lake and it sucked me right in. It's about summer romance and it's oh so good. I finished the whole season in a couple of days. Each episode is only abut ten minutes but it keeps you wishing for more. I promise. (:

And if you like Vampires.

That's a really good one too. They're already on their second season but I just started watching. You can even submit your ideas for the next episodes. It's really cool and I love it. And for those of you who are like, Twilight's gay I hate it. It's different then Twilight so give it a chance and let me know what you think of them and my story.

Till next time, (: