My Summer Love Story


I glanced at her then back at him, clearly missing something. Sitting back in my seat I resisted the urge to look like a creep and tried not to look back at him again, which I failed. Miserably might I add.
"So how much older is he?" I said trying to act like I didn't care.
"3 minutes." I stared at her.
"So that makes us both 14" She added on.
"Wait, so that means-" I said slowly catching on.
"Yup, twins."
Now my head hurt.
"But you look, well, um different." I tried to say that as nicely as I could but somehow it didn't come out as polite as it had sounded in my head.
She shrugged. "I guess."
She guessed? They were so very different. I mean. He was freakin hot! And she was... Well not.She stared at me as if.. Wait judging? She was not judging me! I glanced at her and she continued to stare! You think she would know that's rude. She tipped her head to the side as if wanting to say something. I waited. And waited. What the heck was her problem? Don't people have to blink?
"You don't like me." She stated.
"Yes I, um do?" I stammered.
She sat back and a look of sadness crossed her face but she masked it quickly.
"I do!" I said trying to defend myself.
She glared at me."You can stop lying. It's not making me believe you."
I shrugged. "Um, okay."
And for some reason I felt, well terrible. And let me say I'm a bitch. Straight out. I rule my school and everyone in it. Have you ever seen the movie mean girls? That's me. And so this didn't make sense to me. I never felt any remorse. Ever.
"Look I'm sorry, I just don't really know you that well yet."
She shrugged and looked away. This was not going to be easy.
"What can I do?" She looked at me and an evil grin was on her face.
I gulped again.
What was I getting myself into?
"Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes."
I nodded in response, and let me tell you I was scared.

Five minutes later I was sitting on the disgusting bathroom floor giggling like crazy.
She had decided that we were going to pull a series of tricks. On the plane. Right now. Let's just say we had something special in mind for the it. Right after the bathroom prank.
We started redecorating. Well, taking all the toilet paper and hiding it in Liz's backpack but that was only after clogging the toilet and writing on the mirror with lipstick. Of course signing with fake names.
Next came the snacks. I peeked my head around the corner and watched the stewardess walk a cart full of drinks down the aisle. I pulled my head back in and tried not to giggle as I motioned Liz forward. Putting on a look of pure innocence I went to be the decoy.
"Excuse me?" The stewardess turned and gave me a cute smile.
I leaned forward and read that her name tag said Mandy.
"Well Mandy, you see, me and my friend were having a bet. She thinks that the captain is bald and I don't. Would you be able to help me win the bet?

I know, I know. That's stupid, but it was the only thing we could come up with on short notice.

"Well, um,?" She said sounding unsure.
I pouted and she gave in, her face lighting up..
She smiled again, "Well why not? We are all kids at one point right?"
I followed her down the aisle and peeked behind me to see Liz sneak out of the bathroom, a look of pure evil on her face. Thank God there was no one waiting for the bathroom or we would've been caught right away.
I got bored easily and almost immediately left the stewardess taking note that the captain WAS in fact bald, good thing we really hadn't made a bet.
When I got back she was sitting in my seat staring out the window. I tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped a foot in the air and grabbed at her heart.
"Oh My Gosh! Don't do that! You scared the crap out of me"
I plopped down and rested my feet on the seat in front of me making the man in it turn around and glare, I smiled and grumbling something about a rude generation he switched seats.
Five minutes later we were grounded and tottering off of the plane trying to get used to the non moving ground. As soon as we stepped into the air port the loud speaker came on.
"Excuse me, could a Mr. John and a Mr. Leon please come to the front desk?"
We both burst out laughing..But Liz's was cut short.
"What do you want?" I heard her say in an annoyed voice.
"Was that you?" I turned and looked into gorgeous ice blue eyes that pierced mine. He stared at me and then shook his head making his long blonde hair fall in his eyes, smiling he revealing a dimple in his right cheek and then returned his attention to Liz, she smirked. "Well who else would it be?"
"I hope you get caught."
"I hope you die in a hole."
He shrugged that off and replied, "We have to find a cab."
Liz turned to look at me.
"Oh yea! I never asked where you were going."
"Camp.. Um something or another."
"Oak Trees?" She guessed.
I scratched my head trying to remember, "Maybe?"
She shrieked and I covered my ears.
"Oh my gosh! That's where we're going!"
I smiled weakly and glanced around for Cade, he was gone.
"We're going to have so much fun this summer!" She squealed.
I smiled at her and was pretty happy to have already made a new friend, and yes even if she was kinda dorky.
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Wowwwwwww. Did I mention this is really old? Like months old? Oh well. I kind of know where this story is going but at the same time I really don't. Let's just say that this is the beginning of a rough summer. And the one comment I got said

"I think it's great. Although you may want to change the background because it's really hard to read the story without highlighting the whole thing.

It's a good story line but try and put more detail into the scenes and about her mother. We still don't quite understand whether she's the spolit brat or whether her mother is just plain mean. Looking forward to more!"

Soo I am going to try and put a bit more description into it but you don't really get to see Jackie's real side until the later chapters. Anyway, thank you for showing me that and I apologize and will try to be more descriptive :) comment, rate, subscribe, or add me. :)