My Summer Love Story

I make them good girls go bad

Cade's Pov

That was really stupid I repeated over and over as I made my way back to my cabin. It wasn't like it was my fault though, I argues with myself. I had been there for a couple minutes before she had even popped in there. She had scared me first! And I really hadn't meant to scare her. Then that jerk had to go and blow it all out of proportion.

"Stupid." I muttered.
"Who's stupid?"
I spun around and almost ran into my best friend, Chase.
"Jeez dude, what's your problem?" He asked jumping back.
"Nothing, the shadows are getting to me." I replied still shaken.
And being the oblivious guy he is, he started a conversation on what x box games he was going to buy when he got home.
By the time we got back to the cabin our bunk mates were already in the showers and we had to wait. Which meant cold water. Even better. My night had turned from bad to worse in a total of five minutes, but it's going to get better, after tonight.

"I make them good girls go bad!"
"I make them good girls-"

"Shut up you guys!" I whispered as softly as I could as we made our way through the dark forest. Flashlights were forbidden and talking had been too until one of the guys had struck up a song, which I quickly ended. The forest was easy to navigate if you had been out before in the dark and so we easily made it to the trail that would lead us to the girls cabin, confident that the other girls had left the door unlocked for us. 'We are going to do some serious damage', I thought grinning then backtracked, 'well not permanent obviously because then we would get kicked out and I wouldn't be able to get to know-, ahem, never mind.'

Arguing with yourself is never fun because you never win and you never lose either; it always ends in a tie, which sucks.

Liz's Pov

Sneaking out of the cabin was easy, because the counselors were okay with the friendly pranks, the new girls however were the tough part. After waiting for them to fall asleep, (which took forever since Olivia insisted she needed to brush her hair a total of one hundred times before she went to sleep), the trek through the woods was simple since the boys cabin was close to ours. Our door was left unlocked for the guys and the counselors were pretending to sleep: even though I knew they were still awake gossiping about the latest fashion magazine one of them had brought.

Initiation is a big part of camp tradition. Every year the returning campers pranked the new kids in the bunk that had the same name as theirs. So, the girls Maple bunk pranked the boys Maple bunk and vice versa. Then the newcomers next year would get pranked and so on and so on. The counselors are fine with it because sometime back when they were new they had gotten pranked also. Besides, it's all in good fun, as long as your not the person getting pranked that is.

The moon lit up the path as we walked and the waves from the lake lapped at our flip flopped feet lazily as we passed by it. Silently we made it to the cabin and excitedly we pushed open the screen door that led us to the very place we wanted to be, the beginning of camp life.

Jackie's Pov

"This is freakin' ridiculous!" I muttered flipping to my right side for the tenth time that night.
"Ugh!" I threw the thin blanket off of me and kicked the bottom of the bunk on top of me with the heel of my foot.
"Liz?" I whispered. "Are you awake?" I hesitated for a second and then asked again, "Liz?"
I sat up and peeked over the top of her bed, and looked into empty blankets.

I considered telling the counselors she was missing but decided against it since they were probably already asleep; I wouldn't want to make them hate me on the first night so grabbing the nearest flashlight I set out into the dark.
"This is fine, it's okay, it's not that dark." I repeated to myself every couple of steps.
"What am I talking about? This is crazy! I don't even know where the heck I'm going!" I stopped and leaned against a tree flipping the flashlight on and off.
"I'm going to just go back." Assuring myself that was the best option I turned around and back tracked up the dark trail I had just walked.
I am freaking crazy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cast of The Summer Love Story
Maddie: Jackie's maid
Annabelle: Jackie's mom
Jack: Jackie's dad

Freshman Boys and Girls bunks, Counselors, and C.I.T's

Girls Bunk: Maple
Counselor and CIT:
Raine Mackenzie
Laiken Bailey

The Campers:
Jacklyn Rosalie Annabelle (Jackie)
Elizabeth May (Liz)
Olivia Rose (Olive)
Maxine Rae (Maxy)
Elena Christine (Lena)
Victoria Elaine (Vicky, Tori)


Girls Bunk Willow
Counselor and CIT:
Kylie Ann
Melody Jayne

The Campers:
Rachel Joy (Rach)
Tiffany Blake (Tiffy)
Alaina Jane (Laina)
Kristen Rose (Kris)
Ariana Iris (Ari)
Jade Elizabeth (Liza)

Boys Bunk: Maple
Counselor and CIT:
Nathaniel David (Nate)
Michael James

The Campers:
Cade Joseph
Chase Dominic
Ryan Alexander
Joshua Isaac (Josh)
Reese Cole
Jacob Vincent (Jake)

Boys Bunk Willow
Counselor and CIT:
Lukas William
Christian Jeremy

The Campers:
Alexander David (Alex)
Christofer Adam (Chris)
Matthew Dylan (Matt)
Joseph Benjamin (Joey, Joe)
Zachary Daniel (Zach)
Dakota James
Mibba Readers meet The Cast, The Cast meet Mibba Readers.

Now that everyone is introduced and knows each other, WOOT!
Do you like the names? Loathe them with everything in you? Tell me :)
