I Can Not Tell a Lie But I Kind Of Have To

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's... Neil?

The toaster popped up and I grabbed the hot bread from it, slathered it in jelly, and took a large bite from one of the pieces. I smiled and turned on the news.

“In other news, the famous superhero, The Wonder, has yet again saved our little town of Breezy Point,” said the newscaster. “Late last night, a city bus was uncontrollably speeding towards Town Hall. Just when everyone realized they were doomed, The Wonder swooped in and stopped the bus using his telepathic powers. We caught up with some of the passengers in the bus.”

I grinned as I watched people of all kind, small, tall, old, and young, thank The Wonder for saving them.

“You’re welcome,” I said to the television. My mother walked in the kitchen and glanced at the TV. I looked down at my half-eaten piece of toast.

“In most families, they say good morning to each other,” she said.

“Good morning mother,” I said. “How did you sleep?”

“On my left side with the door cracked open,” she said and laughed at her horrible joke. I took another bite of his toast. She calmed down and watched the news.

“It was really lucky that The Wonder saved all those people,” she said. “I wonder what would have happen to our town if he wasn’t here.”

“Oh, trust me. I think the town would be in ultimate peril,” I said.

“Where were you last night?” mother asked out of the blue.

“Oh, I had to go to Town Hall,” I said, trying not to show any signs of lying. “To, uh…”

“Interview the mayor? Don’t you have to write that article for the school newspaper?” she asked.

“Uh, yeah. I was interviewing the mayor,” I said quickly. Note to self: interview mayor, I thought.

“Were you there when The Wonder saved the people on the bus?” she asked.

“Yes, I was,” he said. Well, it wasn’t the complete truth, but it was the truth. I was there when The Wonder saved everyone. I was The Wonder. So technically, it was the truth.

Of course, no one knew my identity. What would a superhero be if some one knew his true identity? I finished up my toast, brushed my hands, and put the dirty plate in the dishwasher.

“You’re such a good kid,” mother said. “Most kids wouldn’t take the time to put away their dishes.” She kissed my ear and poured herself a cup of coffee. Most kids don’t take the time to save people in danger.

I walked upstairs, and after making sure no one was looking, telepathically lifted up my book bag and car keys out of my room and into the hallway. The things were halfway to me when my sister’s door opened. I dropped the stuff, ran over to them, and picked them up.

“What are you looking at?” I asked my 14-year old sister, Sidney.

“Oh nothing,” she said casually. “Nothing at all.” I narrowed my eyes at her as she walked into the bathroom. I walked downstairs and out the door to my beat up, old car. I struggled to open its frozen car door and climbed in the icy car. I started the ignition and the usual Journey music came on. I cranked it up and buckled my seatbelt and pulled out of the driveway. About five minutes later, my phone rang.

“Hello?” I yelled over the music.

“Jesus son, turn down that music,” my dad said, and I did as he said.

“Okay dad, how may I help you?” I said.

“Tell him to pull over while he’s talking to you,” I heard my mom yell in the background.

“Would you be quiet Karen!” he hollered at her.

“I don’t want him to get distracted and crash Brian!” I heard him walk into another room and close the door. I have night vision, I’m telepathic, I can read minds, and fly, and she’s worried about me driving!

“Um, hello. I’m still here,” I said impatiently.

“I know. I wanted to tell you, well your mother wanted me to tell you, to be careful about black ice. Your mom thinks that you don’t think I’m caring about you.”

“I don’t think you’re caring about me Dad,” I said, pulling into the school parking lot.

“I know, but whatever. So, look out for black ice.”

“I’m here.”

“Oh.” The line clicked and he was gone. The relationship between us… well that’s just it, there was none. But of course, my mom is always bugging us to do father-son things, like work on the mustang or go play baseball. You know, bonding stuff. We don’t bond. We’re like Carrie Underwood and Led Zeppelin. We just don’t mix well but it’s not like either of us care.

I picked up my book bag and got out of the car. Debra immediately ran over to me. She leaned against my car and batted her eyelashes. I rolled my eyes and tried to go around her. She stopped me by putting her leg on the hood of the car next to mine.

“Where you going hot stuff?” she said, trying to flirt. She started twirling her platinum blonde hair around her finger.

“Oh nowhere, just to this place called school. You know, you go there and see teachers and your friends and occasionally read a book or two. And sometimes you might even learn something,” I said sarcastically. I knocked her leg down and walked away from her.

“I’ll see you in English hottie!” she yelled across the parking lot. I heard some football jocks laughing and I picked up my pace. I walked into the school and found my locker and put some of my books into it. I closed it and Daniel was leaning against the locker next to mine.

“Hey dude. So last night I was checking my e-mail,” he said.

“Wow. That’s amazing,” I said in disbelief.

“I know, right? So I was checking my e-mail and I got a chain letter,” he said.

“Yeah, and?” We started walking to math class.

“And I didn’t send it.”

“So? What’s your point?”

“It said I would have an unlucky day today if I didn’t send it.”

“That’s just superstitions bro,” I said. “Those things never come true.” At that moment, some girl opened her locker and the door hit Daniel on the face. He fell backwards and I laughed.

“Oh I’m so sorry,” the girl said. She bent over to help him up. I kept laughing. She glared at me and I stopped.

“What’s so funny? Isn’t this your friend?”

“No,” I said. “I don’t know this kid at all. Do I know you?” I asked Daniel.

“Nope. I have no idea who you are. You don’t know me and I don’t know you,” he said convincingly. We both turned our heads towards the girl but she was gone.

“What the heck man? You scared her off,” I said, punching him on the shoulder.

“Wasn’t me, it was you!” We laughed and then looked around. The halls were empty.

“So that’s why she left.” Mr. Adamson, the principal, marched over to us with a scowl on his face.

“Good morning Mr. Adamson,” I said politely.

“Good morning Mr. Laxton. Shouldn’t you and Mr. Marvin be in first period?”

“Uh…” Daniel trailed off.

“That’s what I thought,” he said, taking out a pad of paper and a pencil. He began scribbling on the paper, ripped out two sheets, and handed them to us.

“I look forward to seeing you two in detention this afternoon,” he said, turning around and walking back down the hall.

“What the fuck?” Daniel said after he was out of sight. “And you said there’s no such thing as bad luck.” He crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trashcan. We walked into math class, and I took my seat near the back.

“Thank you for joining us Daniel and Neil,” our aging teacher Mr. Hunt said. “Where was I? Ah yes.” He started writing long, complex equations on the board.

“Solve,” he said, slamming the chalk down. I stared at the board. Let’s see… what the hell? How am I supposed to solve that? I know! Let’s see what Mr. Hunt is thinking. Man those boys are annoying. They are late everyday. We are not! This is the first time this year.

Okay, I better start teaching again. He stood up from his desk.

“Neil. What is the answer to number one?” He’ll never know its 13a2.

“13a2,” I said proudly. Mr. Hunt’s expression was priceless. Then there was knock at the door.

Alyssa opened the door and the same girl who slammed her locker into Daniel came in. Now that I thought about it, I hadn’t seen her around school before. She handed a piece of paper to Mr. Hunt.

“This is our new student, Millie Patterson. Millie, you can sit next to Neil in the back row.” She walked back towards me, her black hair brushing her shoulders. She sat down, took out a notebook, and started writing down the equations. Mr. Hunt continued to go over the equations (and badly.) I leaned over towards Millie.

“Hi, I’m Neil,” I said, holding out my hand. She shook it before going back to writing.

“Your friend walked into my locker door, right?” she said, still writing.

“Yeah, that’s Daniel. He got a chain letter and didn’t send it, so he’s kind of paranoid today,” I said, looking over her shoulder at her notes. She covered up the page with her hand.

“May I help you?” she asked. The bell rang noisily. “My notes are not yours to look at.” And with that said, she slammed the notebook closed, stuffed it in her backpack, and walked out of the room.

“Hey Teddy Bear,” Debra said, that day in English. Her fingers messed with my ear. “I’ve missed you since this morning in the parking lot.”

“Debra. This is third period. It’s been about two hours since then,” I said. I leaned forward, out of her reach.

“I’m crazy about you,” she said. I’ve got my mom’s bright blue eyes and my dad’s curly brown hair… I hate genetics.

“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not too crazy about you.” Our old, saggy-faced teacher, Mrs. Griffon, walked through the door and slammed a book down on her desk to get our attention. Everyone stopped talking and turned to face her for yet another boring lecture about commas, linking verbs, and apostrophes.

Half way through the lesson, I felt a hand crawl up my back. I glanced at my shoulder and saw two slender fingers “walking” on my shoulder.

“Get off,” I whispered to Debra. She moved her hand to my back and started rubbing it. For a second, I forgot that she annoyed the heck out of me. I had to give it to her; she gives pretty good back massages. I snapped out of it and raised my hand.

“What do you want Neil?” Mrs. Griffon barked.

“Can I move to a different seat? I can’t see the board from here,” I asked, praying she would move me.

“Fine.” She pointed to a seat on the opposite side of the room with her bony hand. I gathered up my stuff and quickly made my way over to my new seat.

Just as Mrs. Griffon opened her mouth to speak again, the bell rang and we were dismissed. I fled from the room before Debra had a chance to catch up with me. I turned around to make sure she wasn’t following and ran into Kyle.

“Hey dude. Sorry,” I said, giving him my hand. He took it and stood up.

“No problem. Let me guess. Running from Debra?” he asked.

“Yup. Man, is she obsessed.” We headed towards the gym, talking about her strange obsession with me. We changed into our gym uniforms and walked into the gym, only to be yelled at by Mr. Mallory, the oldest teacher at the school. He barked something about “take a seat” and “are you eye-balling me boy.” I sat down on the hardwood floor and chatted with Kyle, Daniel, and Eric.

“Have you seen the new girl?” Eric asked.

“She’s hot. She’s my lab partner for chem,” Daniel said.

“Holy shit! She’s in this gym class,” Kyle said, pointing to the girls’ locker room. Millie came into the gym and brushed back her hair with her hand. She looked around confused.

“Watch this,” Daniel said, standing up and walking over to her. Bad move, Dan. We watched as he chivalrously held out his hand to her. She ignored it and asked him something. He took her hand and led her over to our class.

“Thank you,” she said solemnly. She ripped her hand away and sat far away from us. Daniel looked heartbroken as his chances with her shattered, and we laughed at his failure. Mr. Mallory got our attention.

“Jumping jacks everyone!” he shouted. “1! 2! 3! 4! 5!” he counted until we reached 15.

“Touch your toes!” and he counted to twenty. About every twenty seconds, he would shout a different command. “Sit ups” or “lunge” or “push-ups.” I can’t believe it. I’m a freakin super hero and I can barely do a push-up. I’m dashingly handsome (**flashes tooth paste commercial smile**), musically talented, extremely smart, and can fly faster than most airplanes. But strength? Not my thing apparently.

“Out to the football field, now!” Mr. Mallory yelled when we were finished stretching.

“But it’s 40º outside,” Eric said. Mr. Mallory bent down into Eric’s face.

“Are you a weather man?” he asked.

“No but--”

“Then get out on the football field!” Eric scrambled to stand up and run over to the door.

“Everyone else needs to do the same!” he yelled. We got up, Daniel hanging back to talk to Millie again.

“I’m sorry if I offended you earlier,” he said. “I was trying to be nice and maybe help you make a new friend.” He smiled what he called his “I’m a winner” smile.

“I don’t need help making friends, okay?” she said annoyed. Daniel was shocked and his mouth fell open. He started walking towards Eric and Kyle.

“I’m sorry about him. He can be…” I trailed off.

“Obnoxious, rude, inconsiderate--”

“All of the above,” I said. She laughed a little. “Hey, I got a smile out of you. That means I’m funny.”

“Well, you kind of are,” she said. I smiled.

“So, where are you from?”

“I moved here from Florida. The weather here is horrible compared to Florida,” she said.

“Hey, that’s Minnesota.” We arrived at the football field and Mr. Mallory split us up into four teams. Millie and I joined the line labeled “3” as Kyle and Eric joined lines “4” and “1.” We picked up the black pennies and put them on.

“Teams 1 and 2 against each other. Teams 3 and 4 against each other.” Mr. Mallory blew his whistle. Let the games begin.

“Oh goody,” Millie said, as she pointed out Daniel on the opposing team.

“Hello again,” he said flirtatiously to Millie. Then he looked at me.

“Hello again,” he repeated dully.

“Just say hike already,” I said. He threw the ball to Veronica. Veronica went to make a pass to Luis but Millie intercepted it. She ran towards the end zone and scored a touch down. Everyone on our team clapped and whistled. She brought the ball back, handing it to someone else.

“It was nothing. I could have done better,” she said to me.

“How do you do better than a touch down?” I asked.

“You make it to the end zone faster.”
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here's the first chapter!!! yay!! a little slow paced but it'll pick up later. and tell me what you think!!!!! please!!!! comment!!! pretty please with sugar on top?