My Undefined Romeo

Sittin' On Cloud Nine

I stared into Nate’s blue eyes, still breathing hard. This is what I had always wanted. I wanted to have a guy that I could trust, be myself with, someone who would like me for me, someone who would want to hear how my day went or even someone who would just smile when I walked into a room. And Nate… Nate was that. He could be all that and more.

I guess I was too afraid to let Nate in because it seemed so surreal. I never would have ever pinned myself for the girl that gets the prince charming. After all, that was only in movies and books, right? Stuff like this didn’t happen in real life. Or at least, I didn’t believe so… Until now.

I couldn’t deny my feelings anymore. I liked Nate. Hell, who was I kidding? That was a huge understatement. I was falling for him. I started falling for him that day in the rain when he spread his arms out and looked up to the sky. I was just too afraid to admit my feelings because I knew a relationship between us could never work. I hoped it could work, but I knew that was just wishful dreaming. And now those dreams are a reality… I was falling hard and there was no stopping me now.

I pushed myself away from the wall, surprising Nate, and crashed my lips on his with as much passion and desire as I could muster. Our mouths hungrily kissed as Nate pushed me back against the wall, sounding with a thump!,and picked me up slightly so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

I entangled my hands in his hair, and his were pinned to the wall on either side of head. Gradually, my hands moved down from his hair and under his shirt. I gripped the hem of the shirt and quickly pulled it over his head, and then tossed it to the floor. Nate was grinning, his face only inches from mine, as I quickly scanned his body.

Basically, he was ripped, but not disgustingly. He had the body of a soccer/rugby player that excised but didn’t lift as much weights as a football player. His tan skin glistened with a light covering a sweat I looked up from his to-die-for body and stared into his eyes. They were sparkling and so alive, but soft and caring at the same time.

I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck, and then put my lips on his. There was so much fire, so much chemistry. My head was spinning and if my legs weren’t wrapped around his waist, I probably would have fainted to the floor by now. My heart was beating uncontrollably and I bet I couldn’t even put a sentence together right now.

“Emma,” Nate said suddenly, breaking away from the kiss. He was smiling as he spoke. “We can’t do this…”

I immediately froze. “What?” Oh my god. I knew this would happen!

He chuckled. “Our parents are… somewhere. They could be in the next room for god sake.”

I smiled at my stupidity and leaned in to kiss him again, but he pulled back and set me down on the ground.

“I’m serious, Emma.”

I crossed my arms and pouted. “I don’t care.”

Nate rolled his eyes and bent down to pick up his shirt. “You would if they came in here and caught us.”

“Caught us?” I asked with raised eyebrows. “You say it like we were doing something bad.”

Nate slipped on his shirt and placed his hands firmly on my hips, causing me to squirm a little. “I never said we were doing anything bad…” His voice trailed off as he leaned down and placed his lips on mine, smiling into the kiss.

After we were “done”, Nate took my hand and we wandered about the house looking for our parents. In the kitchen? No. The living room? No. Dining room? Ha, definitely no cause we were in there. Finally, we found them outside in the backyard sitting in some chairs next to the pool.

The Sun was out and shining with all its might. It was hot out and there were birds singing in the trees. Serene.

“Hey,” my mom said smiling at me devilishly. “We were beginning to wonder what happened to you two…”

I blushed slightly and suddenly became highly aware of my hand entwined with Nate’s. We had been gone a really long time… What if they thought we did…you know. Nah, they would have come in and stopped us. Right? We had some pretty weird parents though…

“Soooo,” Mrs. Carter said. “I see that you two have become more acquainted?” Her eyebrows were raised and she gestured to our hands.

“Mom…” Nate said trailing off, telling her not to go there. “Oh! You have a pool?”

I couldn’t help but smile and laugh a little. “Uh, yeah. Did you just notice it? It’s usually the first thing a person notices when they come out here…” Nate looked at me with a huge smile on his face. Of course he had noticed it. He was just trying to switch the topic of conversation. Ha, I was such an idiot.

“You two kids should go for a swim,” Dad suggested. “Test out the water.”

“Yeah!” Nate said excitedly.

I shook my head slowly. I never liked swimming much. I didn’t really see the point in it. You just swam, and that was it. “I think I’ll pass.”

Nate’s face fell. “What?! No, you have to go swimming!”

I sighed and stared at the water, contemplating it. “You can go without me.”


I rolled my eyes.

“It’s getting really hot out here, isn’t it?” Mr. Carter suggested. “Perhaps we should go inside…” All the adults quickly agreed and hustled inside. My mom, however, lagged behind and gave me a quick wink. When they were gone, Nate looked at me with a mischievous grin.

I shook my head and held my hands up in defense. “Oh, no. Don’t even think about it.”

He took a step towards me, and then stopped, thinking about something. Quickly, he stripped off his shirt, jeans, socks, and shoes. Now he was only in his boxer/briefs. They were simply black. That’s it.

Before he noticed, I quickly took in his body. Every muscle was perfectly sculpted; he had an even tan, and god I almost fainted right then and there. But then he moved. He took a step towards me with a sly grin on his face.

“Nate!” I shrieked. “No!” I turned around and ran towards the house. I didn’t even get ten feet before strong arms wrapped around my waist. “Nate!” I groaned, but laughing.

He laughed behind me. “Come on, Emma! I’ve already tested the water. It’s, like, a million degrees warm!”

I laughed and struggled as he pulled me towards the pool. “Liar!” I accused. I had been watching him the whole time. He never tested the pool. It could be fifty degrees for all we knew!

Finally, Nate got me over to the edge of the pool and turned me around so I was facing him. I looked up into his eyes as he looked down into mine. His eyes were dancing and I knew mine were too. I couldn’t believe the feeling I was feeling. I hadn’t been this happy in such a long time…

Nate leaned down and crashed his lips on mine. My arms wrapped around his neck unconsciously and I pushed against him to make the kiss a little rougher. But, accidentally, of course, pushed a little too hard.

We pulled away from each other. Nate had his mouth open and was laughing, while I tried to unhook my arms from his neck and was also laughing. Alas, I didn’t get my around unwound in time. I screamed as Nate fell backwards and I on top of him as we fell into the pool.
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Yay! I really liked writting this chapter :D I was smiling practically the whole time.

Thanks to everyone who reads, comments, and subscribes! I really appreciate it!!!