My Undefined Romeo


I quickly glanced at the clock as I raced down the hallway towards my History class. This is what I got for taking a chance on going to the bathroom. I walked in there to wash my hands, and then all the girls in the entire school piled in. It was like a mosh pit or something, and I couldn’t get out!

Luckily I hadn’t seen Nate yet, and the day was half over. But still, he was in History with me. Maybe I should just skip… Wait, why would I skip? Why should I skip even? Nate wouldn’t talk to me. I was a Nobody. He couldn’t be seen with me. He would never risk his reputation by talking to someone like me.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed as I turned a corner sharply and ran into someone. I dropped my books and stumbled a few steps back, but, like the graceful person I was, tripped over my own feet and went crashing to the floor. I squeezed my eyes shut as I flew backwards and my backside slammed onto the hard ground. “Ow,” I mumbled, keeping my eyes shut and focusing on any pain.

“Emma!” the voice said. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you!”

I slowly opened my eyes. God damn it. “It’s okay,” I said through gritted teeth. I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. “I’m perfectly fine.”

He dropped to his knees in front of me and reached towards my head, but stopped when I cringed.

“I’m fine,” I repeated. Actually, my head was throbbing and I felt like I was going to puke. “Go to class, Nate, you’re going to be late.”

He reached around and gathered the things I dropped. “Emma, I’m so sorry… Here, let me take you to the nurse’s.”

I stopped rubbing my head and stared at him. His hair was all messed up and tussled around, while his eyes were frantic. I didn’t want to admit it, but there was concern and worry written all over his face. He was sincerely sorry. Unbelievable.

“Nate,” I said, waving my hand for him to back up. “I’m fine…” I pushed myself up off the floor and stood up. “See? I told-” Instantly I was hit with a wave of dizziness and would have crashed to the floor if he didn’t catch me.

“No buts about it,” he said firmly. “You’re going to the nurse’s.”

Before I could protest anymore, Nate slipped an arm tightly around my waist. I couldn’t help but notice the sudden increase of my heart beat. Slowly, we walked down the hallway towards the office. On the way, I was sure to keep my head down and try to put as much space between him and me as possible.

He’s just being nice, I told myself. There were too many witnesses around. What if one of them saw that he didn’t help me up and ended up giving me a concussion or something? What would that do to this amazing reputation?

“Excuse me, Veronica?” Nate asked as we approached the office desk. Veronica was a senior who was always found in the office. She was probably the smartest girl in school. “Emma needs to see the nurse.”

There was no mistake about it. Veronica glared at me through her round glasses. Her face was pinched up and she tossed her flat brown hair over a shoulder. “What happened?” her nasally voice asked.

“Nothing,” I replied before Nate could. I pushed his arm away from around my waist and shook my head. “I don’t need to see a nurse. I’m fine now. See?” And I was. Of course, my head still throbbed, but other than that I was fine.

“So you don’t need to see the nurse?” Veronica asked concerned, though her tone was obviously pleased.

“Emma,” Nate said scolding. “You are not fine. You just slammed your head against the ground. You probably have a concussion!”

I blinked. “So?”

He frowned and ran a hand through his hair. “You’re not leaving until you see the nurse.”

I rolled my eyes and started towards the door. Who did he think he was? My father? “Move,” I demanded as he stepped in front of the door, blocking my path.


“Why are you being so difficult?”

“I’m not!” he pointed out. “You are!”

“I don’t need your help! It’s just a bump, that’s all!”

Nate crossed his arms and planted his feet firmly. “I’m not moving. And you’re not leaving.”

This is what being Popular did to you. It makes it to where you think you can boss anyone around and they’ll do exactly as you tell them. I nearly laughed out loud at myself. Last night I thought there was something different about Nate. How stupid had I been? Of course he wasn’t different than the others!

“Excuse me?” a sweet voice asked. “Can I help someone?”

I turned around. Mrs. White, the nurse, was standing in her doorway examining us carefully. “No,” I stated. I turned back around and tried to push past Nate.

Nate grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, and then pushed me forward. “Yes, you can.Emma might have a concussion.”

Mrs. White immediately straightened up and motioned inside her office. “Oh, then quickly come in here! Tell me what happened.”

She shut the door behind us, and made me sit on one of those bed things that have thin white paper on it. Nate leaned against the wall.

“We accidently collided in the hallway,” he told her. “She fell and hit her head pretty hard on the ground.”

I rolled my eyes. “It wasn’t that hard.”

“Does it hurt?” Mrs. White asked.

I shrugged. “Yeah, some, but it’s not that bad! Can I please just go back to class?”

She ignored my question and walked over to me. She reached up with her hand and paused. “Tell me if this hurts.”

“OW!!!” I practically yelled and cringed away from her hand. Mrs. White quickly withdrew her hand and went back to her desk.

“Do you feel nauseous?”

“Not much.”



“Yes,” Nate corrected. “She practically passed out in the hall on the way here.”

I shot him a glare. He stuck out a tongue in return.

“Okay,” Mrs. White announced. “You do in fact have a concussion. I want you to take the rest of the day off. Is there someone you can call to come pick you up?”

I frowned. “Why can’t I drive?”

She laughed lightly. “Dear, you have a concussion. You could easily pass out while driving and have a wreck.”

“I won’t,” I said with a proud smile. “I’m a very good driver.”

“I’ll take her,” Nate said suddenly. “I don’t mind, really. After all, it was my fault.”

Mrs. White smiled at him. “Okay then, I’ll just go send a note to your teachers… I’ll be right back.”

Once she left, I stared at Nate unbelievably. “What’s your problem?!”

He made a face. “My problem? You have a concussion and wanted to go out drivingon your own!”

“So! It’s not like you care! You’re Nate Carter.”

He was silent for a moment. “What does that have to do with anything?”

I threw my hands up in the air. “Everything! You’re not supposed to be talking with someone like me! Tell me once and for all why you are!”

I waited patiently for my answer, but never received one. Damn you Nate.
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Geez I really hate this story! I just dont' feel that connection with Nate, but hey, maybe you guys do.

Anyways, thanks for reading, commenting, and subscribing! I really appreciate it!!!